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Chapter 899 Chapter 899 Heart and Bone of the Dragon God

Chapter 899 899. Dragon God’s Heart and Bone
Since Su You specifically mentioned the treasure, the Dragon King did not doubt that she was lying or had ulterior motives. Even though he had only seen the treasure not long ago and knew that the treasure was safe and sound, he still went there in person.

Half an hour later, the Dragon King did not come back, but he asked Ming Zheng to come back and take Suyou and the others to a place.

Su You understood that her guess was right, something had happened to the Dragon Clan's treasure!

This was the first time Ming Zheng had taken people to the sky, but this was the first time he had flown safely, without any dazzling skills or any bumps. During this period, Ming Zheng also roughly explained the situation.

"Brother didn't find anything strange when he got there. The treasure seemed to have disappeared out of thin air." Ming Zheng explained the cause and effect in one sentence, which made Su You confused.

After arriving at the destination, Su You found that the place where the treasure was hidden was actually a valley. She was a little speechless, but when she thought about the Dragon Clan, there were mountains everywhere, and the most indispensable ones were caves and valleys. It was not surprising.

Not only the treasures, but also the places where they lived, including the Dragon Palace, were built by transforming many caves and valleys.

"Brother, I've brought people here." Ming Zheng shouted inside. The next second, a golden dragon with shining scales appeared in front of them, but soon, the golden dragon disappeared. It was as if they were hallucinating, and the figure of the Dragon King appeared in front of them.

"You stay here and guard." This is what the Dragon King said to Ming Zheng.

"Follow me in." This is what he said to Su You and his party.

The Dragon King led them into the valley on foot. After walking in circles for more than ten minutes, they finally reached the end.

Seeing that there was a dead end ahead, the Dragon King raised his hand, and the scene in front of him instantly changed drastically. Like a slide, they actually came to an underground magma cave!
There was lava all around, and the stone walls were burned red by the magma. Sha Ling quickly put on many ice shields, because ice shields were the magic she used the most during this period, and she was now very proficient in using ice shield magic.

It used to be used once every ten seconds, but now it is used seven or eight times every few seconds.

"Sorry, this was my oversight." The Dragon King was so anxious about losing the treasure that he just forgot to remind Su You that the environment here was special.

Suyou didn't care and only asked about the situation of the Dragon King's treasure.

"That's where the treasure is stored." Following the direction indicated by the Dragon King, they only saw a flat rock suspended above the center of the magma, and there was nothing above the rock!
"What exactly is the Dragon Clan's treasure?"

When the Dragon King saw that the treasure was gone, he had no intention of hiding it anymore.

"The most precious treasure of the dragon clan is actually the heart bone of the Dragon God." The heart bone, simply understood, is the bone close to the heart.

When Su You heard this, she immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Dragon King, do you still remember what is missing from the statue?"

The Dragon King's face froze.

How could he not remember!
The statue of the Dragon God is missing a piece near the heart, and the elders of the clan said that it is rumored that the statue contains the heart of the Dragon God!

The heart of the Dragon God plus the Dragon God's heart, what do these dragons want to do? ! Su You didn't know what the Dragon King was thinking. Anyway, she had already guessed that the heart and bones were the two most important parts, and also the parts with the strongest energy. The people behind the scenes must be those who wanted to merge the continent. Organization, they must have snatched these two things to replenish the energy needed to merge the continents!

But now the Dragon God's heart is nowhere to be found, and his heart and soul are also missing. Does this mean that the other party has succeeded? !
Su You suddenly felt a little anxious.

But soon, she thought of something. She quickly opened her task list and saw that the progress of the main task related to the Dragon Clan had reached 85%, and the task time was less than nine days left!

"The progress is not full yet... Why is the progress not full yet?!" Apparently by now, Su You feels that the Dragon Clan has no secrets left with her.

She knew the truth about the God's descent. She also discovered the real and fake dragon eggs used by the civet cat to exchange for the prince, as well as the twin souls of the young dragon, the heart of the dragon god in the statue, and the dragon god's heart and bone, the most precious treasure of the dragon clan...

What clues does she have left that she hasn't found yet?
And where would she go to find this clue?
Suyou's own thinking was not enough, so she also asked the Dragon King to think about what else he had not told her. If he remembered it, tell him quickly!
The Dragon King was also very anxious, and even more anxious than Su You. After all, this was a matter for their dragon clan.

He re-watched the memories related to the secrets of the dragon clan over and over again in his mind, and finally stopped at a very long memory...

"I have read a rumor!" The Dragon King suddenly spoke out, ignoring the frightened people, and hurriedly said: "This rumor is what I saw in the pile of dragon history when I was a child. It recorded a very strange ritual. This If the ceremony is successfully carried out, the Dragon God can be resurrected!"

Su You's heart skipped a beat. Although what the Dragon King said was a little ridiculous, she felt that it might not be false.

The Dragon King continued: "If you want to resurrect the Dragon God, you must find the Dragon God's body. The two most important parts are the Dragon God's skull and the Dragon God's heart. In addition, you also need to find the Dragon God's heart..."

What the Dragon King said is quite complicated, but the Dragon God is incomparable to ordinary people. This is one of the real ancient gods.

"This is fake!" It is absolutely impossible for the Dragon God to be resurrected, Su You can be sure of this.

The Dragon King did not refute: "I don't think it's possible, but I think it's such a coincidence, because it also mentions the Dragon God's Heart Bone and Dragon God's Heart." Of course, there is also an additional Dragon God's skull.

However, since there are heart bones and hearts, it is not surprising to have a skull.

"Where is that book?" Su You eagerly wanted to see the book with her own eyes to see if there were any other clues in it.

"Logically speaking, it should be piled among the history books of the Dragon Clan. Didn't you see it?" The Dragon King knew that Su You and the others had read those books.

Su You looked back at everyone, and they all shook their heads.

"I haven't seen it. If there is such content, we will definitely bring it up as soon as possible." Duoya said firmly.

She believed that she would definitely discover and tell the Lord about such an obviously wrong content, and she also believed that others would definitely do the same.

"That means the book is missing, either really missing or taken away." Obviously, everyone thinks the latter is more likely.

You cannot eat or drink these history books. Although the recorded contents are very meaningful, they are actually garbage. No one will touch them, and they cannot be lost inexplicably.

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