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Chapter 900 900 Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 900 900. Become a dragon

Since the books were gone, Su You could only place her hope on the Dragon King, hoping that he could recall more of the contents.

The Dragon King also hoped that he could remember more of the content, but unfortunately, he was young and naughty at that time and couldn't bear to read. He only read this book because the first half of the ritual was so magical, but In the section after the ceremony, another sentence was added to cover it up - this is a rumor and cannot be trusted.

If it was true, the Dragon King would have been very interested in it when he was a child. He would not only watch it himself, but also tell others. But after seeing that it was false, he instantly lost interest and put the book back.

"There is another way. Ask other dragons to see if any other dragons have read this book." Su You felt that since the Dragon King had read this book, he did not take it seriously after reading it. If this book is lost or hidden, others will definitely see it.

It couldn't be such a coincidence that the book was taken away just after the Dragon King finished reading it, right?

Even if it is such a coincidence, it is possible that Dragon had read this book before the Dragon King.

So, the Dragon King took them back, and then asked the whole clan, and found two dragons who had also read this book.

In addition, Vivian also took her precious potion to find the dragons, using the contents of this book to test those dragons.

Before she could get the result, Su You listened to the descriptions of the two dragons who had read the book.

The general description is the same as that of the Dragon King. This is a mysterious book, which describes the method of resurrecting the Dragon God and the materials needed to resurrect the Dragon God.

But when one of the dragons told how to perform this ceremony, his words were slightly different from those of the Dragon King and another dragon.

"I vaguely remember it said that if you want to resurrect the Dragon God, in addition to the materials, the place where the ceremony is held is also very important..." At this point, he frowned, looking like he couldn't remember. Everyone is anxious.

But I just can’t remember it. This happened hundreds of years ago. The Dragon King is seven or eight hundred years old. This is a book that existed when he was a child. In other words, this book existed in At least five or six hundred years ago, this time is indeed far enough away.

Just when the dragon was scratching its head and head anxiously because it couldn't remember, Vivian came with good news.

"Lord, come on, a dragon has spilled the beans. He said they did this to become dragons!"

Su You: "..." This is a damn similar plot!

One is a fish-man who wants to become a mermaid, and the other is a dragon who wants to become a dragon. No wonder the mermaid clan and the dragon clan are on good terms, they are inseparable from each other!

Suyou came to Jiaolong who had spilled the beans with complicated emotions.

This dragon seemed to think that he had done something wrong. He persisted in the idea that talking more would make more mistakes, and simply became a mute. Even if Vivian used more than a dozen bottles of potions on him, she remained silent.

Seeing his miserable look, Suyou felt inexplicably sympathetic, but she didn't sympathize with the dragon who was so miserable after being tortured by Vivian, but she sympathized with him, or in other words, with all the dragons, because they might have been deceived.

The dragon, like the fish-man, should be cooperating with the organization behind the scenes. They seem to be mutually beneficial, but in fact, both the fish-man and the dragon are being exploited.

"You said you cooperated with the dark creature because you wanted to become a dragon?" The cooperation between the dragon and the dark creature was initially a guess, because Meike and the others captured a dark creature, but later it was determined that the result was a dragon that could not bear the torture. He admitted it voluntarily, so this is the undoubted truth. Su You asked, but saw that he was motionless, silent, and didn't care. He continued as if talking to himself: "Cooperation is all about mutual benefit. If you cooperate with the dark creature, it will help you become a dragon, then What are they for?"

Jiaolong still didn't speak, and it seemed that he really wanted to pretend to be mute to the end.

Su You laughed and continued: "Let me tell you the truth, the last one to cooperate with dark creatures was the fishmen. They are just like you. They wanted to replace the mermaids, but they failed."

Jiaolong still didn't speak, but Su You saw his eyelids move. She told the fish-man what happened, and then revealed the truth about the fish-man being used.

"The fishmen think they can replace the mermaids. They need the mermaid's shark beads, but what they don't know is that the dark creatures also need the mermaid's shark beads. In other words, their interests conflict." Regarding this point, it is in After the fishmen were defeated, they were interrogated from the fishmen leader.

They wanted the mermaid's shark beads so that they could become mermaids, but they never expected that the dark creatures' target was also the shark beads, because the shark beads contain a lot of energy, and they need a lot of energy to merge the continents.

"You destroyed the statue, took away the Dragon God's heart, and stole the dragon's bones. Whether you did it to resurrect the Dragon God or to become a dragon, I can tell you clearly that it is impossible for you to achieve this goal."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiaolong, who was still like a dead person, suddenly rushed towards Su You like crazy.

Su You didn't move or blink, because between them, there was a cage made by the Dragon Clan themselves. No Dragon Clan could escape from this cage, let alone Jiao Long, who was very weak after being tortured for several days. .

"Impossible! Don't talk nonsense!"

"We will definitely become dragons! We are the real dragons! We are the overlords of the sky!"

"Hahahaha! What's the use of even saying this? Everything is in our hands, we will become real dragons soon, and you will all live under our rule by then!"

"You will all die! You will all die hahahaha!"


Su You's expression remained unchanged and she watched quietly, as if watching a good show.

In fact, half of what she just said was based on the case of the fish-man. However, the attitude of the dragon now showed everything. She had guessed everything right.

The calmer Suyou is, the more uneasy the crazy Jiaolong becomes.

In fact, he knew that when Su You told about the fish-men, he had already doubted those guys.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, even if Su You doesn't do anything, they will slowly take root and sprout. What's more, what Su You said is reasonable and well-founded. It's not so much that Jiaolong doesn't believe it, but rather that he doesn't want to bear the consequences of being deceived. , so I stubbornly believe that I am right.

Jiaolong slowly calmed down, and panic arose in his heart. Suyou looked at him like this and felt that the time was almost up. She was about to say something, but suddenly someone broke in. This person was Duoya, and she looked anxious and panicked.

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