Chapter 901 901. Butchery
"Lord, when the Dragon Clan was searching various places in the Dragon Clan, they found many hidden caves, large and small, and one of them was filled with bones..."

"What?!" Su You was startled, and then asked quickly: "Whose skeleton is it? Could it be a dragon..."

"No! It's not!" Duo Ya subconsciously denied it, then realized she had made a mistake and glanced at Jiao Long indicatively. Su You understood and left with her.

Seeing Suyou leaving, Jiaolong was not only not happy, but also very anxious inside.

If he wasn't afraid of exposing his flaws, he would have really wanted to call those two humans to stop him and ask him clearly!
"Skeletons...why are there skeletons? And there seem to be a lot of skeletons..."

"Whose bones are these? Is it the Dragon Clan? They have already attacked the Dragon Clan!"

Jiaolong was pacing back and forth nervously and fearfully in the cell that was empty except for him.

"No, that human said it wasn't a dragon. It doesn't seem like she was lying. So if it's not a dragon's bones, whose bones are they?"

Jiaolong thought about it, and the words Su You just said appeared in his mind.

The fish-man's fate played over and over in his mind, and he already had a bad premonition in his heart...


Not far outside the door, Su You and others sat on chairs and waited quietly.

Seeing her calm and composed look, Ming Zheng gradually felt relieved, but he still couldn't help but ask, "Miss Su, is this Tu Bu really going to be fooled?" Tu Bu was the name of the dragon just now.

Su You calmly took a sip of tea: "No, it doesn't matter. Are the skeletons I asked you to prepare ready? If you don't believe it, just throw them in when the time comes."

Ming Zheng felt a chill behind him, and thought to himself that each of these humans was more ruthless than the last.

That's right, Duo Ya and Su You were just acting out a show. The caves and bones were all fake.

Under normal circumstances, Jiaolong might not believe it, but Suyou told him about the fish-men first, which already planted a seed. In addition, Jiaolong has been tortured during this period, especially hallucinogenic drugs or psychotropic drugs. , use it too much, and even those who are not crazy will become crazy.

Although creatures of the dragon's level will not have such serious consequences, it will slightly affect thinking.

Seeing that after waiting for half an hour, there was no movement inside, Mingzheng took out several huge skeletons according to Su You's arrangement.

Su You didn't say anything. After drinking the strength potion, she dragged the skeleton into the cage.

When Jiaolong saw that she had really dragged the skeleton in, his eyes immediately focused on the skeleton. When he saw that it was Jiaolong's skeleton, his eyes were about to burst and he screamed a few times like crazy. Suyou turned a deaf ear and she pushed the skeleton to his Throw it in front of you, then turn around and leave.


Late at night, a sneaky figure quietly came to the place where the dragon was kept.

"Who is it?" Tu Bu stood up warily, but after hearing the movement outside, the wariness in his eyes disappeared and instantly turned into joy and excitement.

"It's me, Tubu, are you okay? I'll save you right away!" Outside the door, a dragon ran out of nowhere and racked his brains to find a way to open the door: "Damn it! Not only is there a formation on this door, And the door lock is actually enchanted!”

Who in the right mind would enchant a door lock? !
Tu Bu was still a little skeptical at first, but after hearing these words, his doubts dissipated a lot.

"Are you a pig? The door is enchanted and you won't come in through the window?!" Tu Bu angrily yelled.

The atmosphere became a little awkward for a while.

However, the dragon outside the door reacted quickly and immediately gave up fighting the door and broke through the window. There is no enchantment on the window, but there is still a formation.

"No, I still can't open it. The level of this formation is too high. Although I can forcefully destroy the formation, I will definitely be discovered!"

Tu Bu was furious, but he had no choice because he knew what the dragon outside said was true.

After a few minutes, Tubu seemed to have made up his mind and immediately stopped the action outside.

"Okay, don't worry about it. You go alone and ask them to act quickly. As long as you succeed, are you still worried that I can't get out?"

The dragon outside the door hesitated: "No, I must rescue you. You are the strongest among us. If you don't come out, how will we save the people?"

Tu Bu felt something was wrong and immediately asked: "What's wrong with the tribe?"

There was a moment of silence outside, which made Butu so anxious that his head was filled with smoke. He asked a few more questions before the other party spoke.

"The clan members...were captured."

"They were caught by the Dragon Clan? How is this possible! The Dragon Clan has no control over that place!"

"No, not by the Dragon Clan...but by those dishonest guys!"


Tu Bu's eyesight went dark, and he felt like the sky was falling.
During the day, he still didn't believe what the human said, but as a result, part of him had turned into white bones. He thought it was the dragon clan's deception, but he didn't expect that the rest of his clan would also be harmed!

"I can come in!" Before Tu Bu could think more, a joyous sound came from outside.

Before Tu Bu could react, a familiar member of his clan had already rushed to the cage where he was imprisoned.

Watching him open the cage three times, Tu Bu's eyes turned cold.

"How do you know how to open this cage?" Is this a trap?
"I was taught by a fellow human being who rescued me. He said he was going to save others, so let me save you first."

Hearing that the other dragons had run out, Tu Bu was startled, and his suspicion gradually dissipated.

He was about to say something when a dragon roar suddenly sounded outside. Tu Bu's expression suddenly changed. He dragged the dragon and ran out. However, he had suffered many injuries and had never had a good rest. How could he run without energy? A prosperous dragon clan?

So he was eventually caught up.

Seeing that he was about to be caught, the dragon that saved him before immediately pounced on him: "Go away quickly!"

Tubu's eyes were bloodshot, and he wished he could fight the dragons, but he knew that he couldn't defeat them, and there were so many of them that he would never be able to escape even in his heyday.

So he didn't hesitate, turned around and ran away.

Before he was far away, he heard a huge roar behind him.

He knew that the dragon chose to self-destruct in order to hold back the dragon clan.

The hatred in Tu Bu's eyes grew stronger and stronger, but only two points of the hatred were directed at the Dragon Clan, and the remaining eight points were directed at those guys from the abyss!
Because he knew in his heart that they were the ones who provoked the Dragon Clan in the first place. It was normal for the Dragon Clan to resist and target them, but that group of guys was different. They took the initiative to come to cooperate with them, and it turned out that they were plotting against the Dragon Clan from the very beginning!

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