Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 902 902 Complete the main mission

Chapter 902 902. Complete the main mission (end of text)

"Very good! Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!" Tu Bu endured the resentment in his heart and reason came online. He did not immediately go to those guys to settle the score, but first found a place to rest.

Now that he doesn't understand the situation, if he acts rashly, he will only lose himself. By then, the Dragon Clan will really be hopeless!

Tubu came to a secret place, a temporary foothold known only to him, where he hid many things, including items that could allow him to recover.

He took out the available items, spent a day recovering them, then brought other supplies, transformed them into prototypes, and flew quickly in one direction.

Not long after Tu Bu left, a dragon came to this place with several people.

Su You looked at the mountains of things inside and pocketed them all without hesitation.

The butcher was walking in a hurry, and he only brought with him a few things that were needed. The more things took up space, so the rest were naturally at an advantage to Su You.

Although there was another dragon present, he decisively chose not to see anything.

Suyou has helped so much, let alone these things. After the matter is resolved, the Dragon Clan will give another big gift.

【Incomplete Map 1】【Incomplete Map 4】

When looking at the items, Su You suddenly saw these two familiar and unfamiliar things, so he immediately took out the other three fragments in his hand.

After putting it together, Su You can basically determine it through the missing parts. The map does have seven parts, because there are already five of them, and the two missing parts are at the corners, so Su You can basically determine You can see what this map looks like clearly above.

But after looking at it for a while, she didn't see any signs, and she didn't have time to study the map at this time, so she simply put it away and planned to look at it when she had time.

While rummaging through the map, Su You found another book in her backpack, a book with no cover and no name.

She took it out and flipped through it, and immediately found that the content in the book was very familiar... Isn't this the book that the Dragon King mentioned before that could resurrect the Dragon God? !

Su You read the book carefully again, and she found that the Dragon King and other dragons who had read the book had missed the following content because they did not read the entire book.

On the next page that said 'This is a rumor and cannot be trusted', Su You saw a line of text - the true god summoned by this method can be used by the summoner.

No wonder they are resurrected…

No, they don't want to be resurrected, they want to summon the Dragon God and let the Dragon God do things for them!

Thinking of this, Su You desperately wanted to know where the summoning ceremony was, but she looked over and over and couldn't find it. Instead, she found a page of the book that seemed to have been torn.

She suddenly became alert, and then took out the map she had put back in her backpack.

"Sure enough, this map was torn from this book." Su You murmured.

[Congratulations on completing the 'Main Mission: Journey of the Dragon Clan'. 】

After receiving the system prompt, Su You was stunned for a moment, but soon she discovered that this task had no reward and no follow-up. It was just like an excuse to trick her into coming to the Dragon Clan.

She didn't care anymore. She still wanted to know where this place was, but again, she didn't have time to explore, so she could only put the map in the book and put it away.

"Are you following Tu Bu over there?" The side Su You mentioned was the other team responsible for following Tu Bu.

Su You didn't ask them to take them with him when he was following them. After all, they were human beings. In the struggle between the dragon clan and the dragon clan, their force value could provide very little effect.

Since we still haven't figured out what Tu Bu is going to do, bringing them along is undoubtedly a burden.

The dragon following Su You now was the first dragon who tried hallucinogenic leaves at that time.

When Brother Long heard Su You's inquiry, he immediately contacted Long who was following Tu Bu. After getting the news, he quickly relayed: "Following them, they said the destination should be quite far away. Tu Bu flew for a long time but didn't arrive."

It is now less than ten minutes before Tu Bu leaves, but Tu Bu is a dragon and he moves by flying. Humans can only walk about one thousand meters in ten minutes, but dragons like them can fly at the fastest speed in ten seconds. If you don't reach it, you can run away for several kilometers.

"Okay, let's follow." Although they can't be too close to each other, they can't be too far apart. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, Su You won't be able to arrive at the scene in time.

The group of people got on Little Brother Long's back again. Little Brother Long's flying skills were obviously much more reliable than those of Ming Zheng. They flew in the air for more than half an hour, and there was almost no discomfort except for the chilly feeling at high altitudes. .

"Yeah! I received news that they said Tubu went to a crater near the deep sea!"

A... crater near the deep sea? !
Are there volcanoes near the deep sea?
What kind of weird position is this?

Before Su You could think about it, Brother Long accelerated the wind and roared. After a while, he stopped, and then motioned for everyone to look down.

"That's the mountain." Brother Long pointed them to a black spot in the distance. That black spot was a volcano.

"It's really weird that this volcano is actually in the sea." Little Brother Long couldn't help but say.

The more Su You looked, the more she felt that the scene below looked very familiar.

She suddenly thought of something, and immediately opened the system map and the map she had put together with five fragments before, and found that they actually matched!
In other words, the fragment she obtained more than two hundred days ago actually pointed to the final direction!

"Can you go down? What's going on now?" Su You asked Little Brother Long while putting away the map.

Brother Long's dragon whiskers moved, and then he replied: "Tu Bu has entered the volcano, and there is no reaction inside for the time being. We don't know the situation. Everyone is guarding outside the volcano. Do I need to send you down?"

"Is it safe outside?"

Brother Long nodded: "Safe, absolutely safe, they have checked it."

Su You looked at the size of the volcano, and then decided to let Brother Long send them down.

When they landed, the dragons who were guarding outside discovered their whereabouts. When they saw that it was Su You and his party, they focused on the situation of the volcano again.

"Mike, can you feel what's going on inside the volcano?" Su You turned around and asked.

The volcano must be a place where the fire element is abundant. Here, it is simply Meck's world. He has already figured out the energy flow inside just by closing and opening his eyes.

His face was very ugly, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It didn't look like he was just checking the situation inside, but more like a fight.

"The energy inside is very powerful. I have a very strong feeling that if the energy in the volcano explodes, the entire continent will perish..." Meck's words sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Even though Su You had already guessed it, she couldn't help but shudder. If she guessed correctly, either a ritual to summon the Dragon God was going on in the volcano, or the other party was preparing to make a desperate move, summoning the Dragon God first, and then directly merging the continents!

Of the two possibilities, Su You felt that the latter was the most likely. The reason was naturally the map.

This is most likely a map that points directly to the end point. The opponent's end point is to merge the continents!
Although the map was torn from the book on the ritual of summoning the Dragon God, no one said that the location of the summoning ceremony and the location of the merged continent cannot be the same!

"We must stop them. They are preparing to summon the Dragon God! If they really succeed in summoning the Dragon God, the Dragon God will become their puppet!" At this point, Su You didn't have time to explain any more. She dropped a bombshell. , and then immediately took out several things.

There is Enita's voice order, and there is Luya's Same Blood Bead.

In fact, Su You had already contacted the Elf Tribe and the Mermaid Tribe privately after realizing that things were not simple with the Dragon Clan. At first, it was just as a precaution, but she did not expect that things would develop to this point. She actually It’s like jumping straight to the last step.

The situation is not right now. This already involves creatures at the level of the Dragon God thousands of years ago. This is obviously not something that the Dragon Clan can solve... Can they still deal with their ancestors?

After Anita and Luya learned about the incident, they both said they would rush to the scene immediately.

Among them, Anita also said that she would also bring the orcs with her.

For such an important matter, none of the four major races can be missing!
The first ones to come here are obviously the mermaid tribe, because the volcano is in the center of the ocean, and it is a good place with easy access to all directions for the mermaid tribe.

As long as there is water, they will arrive at the scene in minutes.

As for the elves, they can fly. Although they are definitely not as fast as the dragons, they are not slow either. It is just because they have to notify the orcs that they are a little late.

By the time the four major races gathered together, it was already early in the morning.

"There has been no movement inside. Get ready. We will go directly in to check the situation during the day."

This is the result reached after everyone discussed it.

Otherwise, there would be no reaction inside, and it wouldn't be a big deal for them to wait here.

There were still four hours until dawn, and everyone used this time to rest.

Su You stared at the system time, watching it change minute by minute, and finally stopped suddenly when it was about to reach five o'clock in the morning.

"Dark creatures are attacking!" Someone shouted, and everyone immediately went on alert. They looked around and saw many dark creatures appearing out of thin air around them.

It is not appropriate to say that they appeared out of thin air, because they found that those dark creatures seemed to crawl out of the ground. Although they were not very powerful in combat, the dragons could fly thousands of them with a slap, but they kept winning.

Fortunately, the four major races still have some tacit understanding, each occupying a position and cooperating with each other to deal with the enemy.

"Time has stopped..." Su You looked at the system time and saw that it was stuck at 4h59m59s. As she became increasingly uneasy, her head subconsciously looked in the direction of the volcano.

"Why are there so many dark creatures!"

"They seem unable to die completely..."

Listening to the voices coming from all directions, Su You and the others who were protected in the middle couldn't help but frown.

They wanted to help, but in this level of battle, there were only a few of them, so it was difficult for them to help. If they forced their way into the battlefield, they would be easily injured.

"Let's go inside the volcano!" Su You made a decisive decision and immediately gave orders to several people around him.

This was not an impulsive decision of hers, but a decision made out of necessity.

Because it was obvious to her that the four major races had no way to interfere in this matter!
Didn't you see that they have all been detained?

Although the strength of these dark creatures is not very high, and there are many of the four major races, none of them can escape!
All this is because they can't change everything. The only ones who can really enter the inside of the volcano are her and the people she brings.

"Chanyue, Yi Mingjun, you two cooperate and send us up."

The two of them responded, and one cooperated to bless everyone's flying state. Yi Mingjun used his magic to continuously establish various footholds on the rock walls of the volcano.

Ten minutes later, Suyou and the others successfully reached the top of the volcano.

Although it was a volcano, they actually couldn't feel any temperature when they got close to it. It was not even as high as the temperature in the Dragon Clan's room. Only after Suyou and the others climbed up did they realize that this was actually a 'fake volcano'!
Because there is no flame or magma inside the volcano, the interior is dark, like an abyss with no bottom.

At the same time, a brand new secret information appeared in front of Su You——

【? ? ? 】

Difficulty: unknown

Number of people: 1
Number of times that can be detached: none

Introduction: This is a mysterious place.


Only one person can enter? !
And there are actually no escapes, not even once!

Su You was shocked.

But she quickly figured out that even if only one person could enter, that person would definitely be herself and not someone else.

Secondly, since she is the only one who can enter and there are no escape times, according to the rationality of the game, there will definitely not be too many places to fight, or even none at all, otherwise it will be a dead end.

Since it would be a dead end if she didn't go in, and it might be a dead end if she went in, of course she had to go in!
[Are you sure you have entered the secret realm? 】



【End of text】

The main text is over, and there are some plots behind it.

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