Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 903 903 Reality: Lost Memory

Chapter 903 903. Reality: Lost Memory
"Wake up! The patient is awake! Go and call the doctor..."

An excited female voice came to my ears, as well as the sound of hurried footsteps.

Su You looked dizzy at the white ceiling in front of her, her eyes full of doubts.

But before she could think about it, the doctor had already arrived.

"The patient has regained consciousness. I will send you the precautions later. Please take good care of him."


Are you talking about her?
Su You wanted to get up, but it was difficult for her to even open her mouth, let alone sit up.

The nurse who was seeing the doctor away saw her frowning and quickly brought some water over.

"Drink some water first, and then rest for a while. You have been lying down for three years. Your body is stiff and you have not regained your ability to move. It is normal to be unable to move. Don't be afraid. We will send you to the treatment cabin for rehabilitation when the time comes... …”

Suyou couldn't move and could only fall asleep again after drinking water...

three days later.

Thanks to the ultra-high medical technology of Interstellar, it only took Su You one day to regain her mobility. As for the remaining two days, it was just that Interstellar Hospital did not trust her as a special patient, so it forced her to stay for two more days. day.

Of course, it's one thing to be worried, but another reason is that the hospital is also very curious about this rare case.

With interstellar medical standards, even if you are disabled by energy bombardment, as long as you are still alive, you can be restored to your human form.

But Su You was a very strange patient. After the hospital received a request for help from her housekeeper robot three years ago, they immediately rushed to the scene and found the unconscious person in the holographic cabin.

At first, they thought Su You was playing a deep game and died suddenly. Such cases were not uncommon in the interstellar world, but Su You was obviously still alive.

So they thought that Su You was too obsessed with playing games that she was overtired and fell into a coma.

But soon, this possibility was also ruled out. Not to mention the current advanced technology, any holographic cabin has its own body detection function. Once the owner's physical condition falls below the warning line, the connection will be immediately disconnected and the hospital will be contacted. The possibility of accidents is basically zero.

But when they arrived, the holographic cabin was still connected, and the message was not conveyed by the holographic cabin, but by the robot.

There is another question. Even if there is really a problem with the holographic cabin and the owner's body was not protected in time, who is too tired and slept for three years? !
Rather than being overtired, I’m more like Sleeping Beauty with her hand pricked by a spindle!
For the past three years, Su You's coma has become an unsolved mystery. Until Su You woke up, there was no answer.

"Ms. Su, you can be discharged from the hospital today. Your robot has already completed the procedures for you. You only need to confirm the information and agree to the scan." The nurse presented the holographic screen to confirm the information, and Su You looked at it carefully. Her eyelids jumped when she saw the eight-digit treatment cost.

The nurse seemed to have noticed something was wrong with her, and immediately explained: "Please don't worry, Hongxin Group has paid all the treatment costs for you."

Hongxin Group is the company that produced the holographic cabin used by Su You.

Su You can be considered a minor celebrity. Due to the level of science and technology, few people in Interstellar are hospitalized due to illness, especially Su You who has been here for three years.

After the news spread, many news media came to visit. Unfortunately, Su You had no relatives. She was in a coma, and the hospital could not disclose the information. So Su You became famous, but not completely famous.

The outside world only knows that one person fell into a long-term coma due to the use of the holographic capsule, but no specific information about this person is known.

But someone dug up the brand of the holographic cabin used by Su You, and Hongxin Group was in trouble. Whether it was due to legal liability or reputation considerations, they lost a large sum of money and also undertook all of Su You's treatment expenses.

"The information has been confirmed." Su You returned the things, then packed her own things and left the hospital.

When she was discharged from the hospital, she met her housekeeper robot, Xiaoliu.

"Hello Master, I have reserved a hover car for you to go home. Please come with me."

With the help of the butler robot, even Su You, who had been isolated from the world for three years after waking up and seemed like a loser, got home safely and quickly.

After arriving home, Su You rubbed his head.

"Master, the bed has been made. You can go and rest at any time." Xiao Liu thought she was tired and spoke quickly.

Suyou wanted to rest, but she wanted to know what happened.

At present, she feels that her mind is blank, and all the memories about herself are those provided by the hospital.

"Xiao Liu, I seem to have lost my memory. Can you tell me about the past?"

Xiaoliu was stunned, and then a crying expression appeared on its screen.

"Okay, master, we are mobilizing past information..." Although Xiaoliu was sad that his master had lost his memory, he still carried out Suyou's order perfectly.

Xiao Liu is the robot that has been with Su You since he was a child, so he naturally knows Su You very well.

Although Su You doesn't like to record, Xiaoliu's housekeeper system also comes with a program for recording basic information. Su You didn't deliberately turn off this function, but now it's more convenient for her.

"The information has been sorted out."

Suyou leaned on the massage chair and browsed past information about herself.

Perhaps because of amnesia, Su You looked at these contents not as if he was reminiscing, but as if he was looking at another person's life through this text.

She is an orphan whose parents both died. When she was three years old, her parents went out on business and died accidentally. Su You received compensation and became rich overnight. She also became an orphan because of the loss of her parents.

Fortunately, she still has Xiaoliu by her side.

Xiao Liu was originally a robot bought by Su's father and mother to take care of her, so after the owner's parents passed away, it brought up Su You.

Because of the compensation and the official subsistence allowance, Suyou has never had any financial difficulties since she was a child.

When she was seventeen years old, Su You was admitted to one of the top 100 universities in the world. Interstellar University lasted for three years. She had already studied all the content in the second year. In the remaining year, she passed the introduction of her tutor. , entered an internship at a top game company.

After graduation, Su You also left that game company. Even though the game company offered a sky-high price to stay, she did not stay.

After resigning, Su You successfully lived a life like a salted fish.

She has a strong ability to innovate. Although the games are relatively small because she is alone without a team, the games she makes are more popular than the last. Now she has been able to make one game for three years.

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