Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 904 904 Reality: Unnamed Game

Chapter 904 904. Reality: The Unnamed Game

Su You carefully understood her past. The more she understood, the more her memories began to overlap.

When she saw the information from four years ago, she was stunned.

"Xiao Liu, why is the information from four years ago blank?" She is twenty-seven years old this year. When she was in coma three years ago, she was twenty-four, but Xiao Liu's records stopped at the age of twenty-three. .

"Master, Xiao Liu doesn't know that you told Xiao Liu on your twenty-third birthday that you had a good inspiration, and then you turned off my recording function."

Su You: "..." What is the causal relationship between this sentence and this behavior?
What the hell was she doing when she was twenty-three?

"Master, I have detected that you are very tired. Please go to bed and rest." Although Xiaoliu wanted to continue chatting with his master. After all, he had not seen his master alive for three years, but he still kept his master's body in mind. .

Su You did feel very tired, so she took a rest under Xiao Liu's guidance.

After resting for a day, Su You began to check all the electronic devices on his body, trying to find out what he had done in the missing year's records.

As an excellent game designer, she had all kinds of equipment. Su You spent most of the day just sorting out and turning on these equipment.

Looking at the dozens of large and small equipment in front of me, I felt a familiar feeling in my heart.

She checked them one by one, but there was only some game information once designed in these devices, and there was no other special content.

Seeing that the day was about to be wasted again, she thought about taking a rest after reading the database that stored all the game design concepts. Unexpectedly, she discovered a strange thing.

There are three categories in this database: inspiration, scrap, and completion.

These three categories respectively correspond to inspiration records that have not yet been designed for games; scrapped inspiration; and the other is inspiration that has been made into a game.

There are more than thirty items in the first category, and the inspiration for each item is definitely a good idea that will be snapped up by game companies.

There is a lot of content in the second category, with more than 300 items, which is ten times that of the first category. When each piece of inspiration is discarded, she will mark the reason. The reasons are varied, but they are all reasonable.

The third category has the least content. After all, she graduated at the age of twenty and fell into coma at the age of twenty-four. Game production is a big project, and she is only one person, so in four years, she has only produced seven games in total.

She looked at the first six games with no problem, but when she saw the seventh game, she was stunned.

Since the seventh game has no name, the marked information is also in the initial 'unnamed' state.

If this item was placed in either of the first two categories, Su You wouldn't find it strange, but it happened to be placed in the 'Complete' category.

With the new discovery, Su You instantly became energetic. She drank the nutritional supplements sent by Xiao Liu, and then continued to search for information from other devices.

Perhaps because she had found the thread of the clue, she followed the thread and finally found information about this 'unnamed' but already completed game.

This game is very special. It is different from the previous six games. The previous six games were made by Su You independently. Of course, this one is also made, but the seventh game was commissioned by someone to make her.

Suyou found such a message in the encrypted content of her communication device - "Hello, Miss Su, our company invites you to make a game. As a reward, the company will give you a brand new, cross-era game." game planning equipment.”

The message was received four years ago, a week before her birthday.

Su You didn't know what her reaction was when she saw this information. Anyway, her first reaction when she saw this information now was that she was a liar.

Facts have proved that although she has lost her memory, she is still the same person she was four years ago. Su You found a deletion record on this information, which means that she did delete this information, but it was restored later.

Suyou guessed that she should have deleted the message at that time, but the other party must have done something to make her believe it and accept the invitation. Then she said those words to Xiaoliu on her birthday, and then stopped Xiaoliu. record of.

"Xiao Liu, help retrieve all the information before and after this time." Su You called Xiao Liu and showed it the time of the invitation information.

Soon, Xiao Liu found a few results.

Because Suyou is a homebody, has no relatives or friends, has little external communication, and the time period for retrieving information is also short, so there is not much information, which is convenient for her to check.

There are three pieces of information in total, one is business cooperation, one is official information about game review, and one is transportation services.

The business cooperation was that one of Su You's previous games cooperated with a toy company to sell peripherals. She looked at it and found nothing strange.

There is not much official information about the game review. The general content is that one of her games has passed the review and can be put on the shelves.

As for the third transportation service, it seemed that someone mailed something to her, and Interstellar Transportation Company sent her a message.

Thinking of the invitation letter, Su You immediately thought that the thing mailed here was probably the 'brand new, cross-generational game planning equipment' sent by the mysterious company.

"It's really scary." Su You tutted.

She said it was scary because she found out that this game company seemed to know all her information.

Logically speaking, she had already deleted the message at that time, so she would not have any communication with the other party, let alone disclose her personal information. However, the other party mailed a package the day after she deleted the message, which shows that the other party Know your address and other information about yourself.

In an era where technology is advanced and personal information is strictly confidential, what a terrible thing it is!
But since she later agreed to the cooperation invitation, it must mean that the contents of the package sent by the other party are genuine and not a lie.

Because she tried out those devices and confirmed that they were indeed different from those on the market, as a game-making enthusiast, she agreed to the cooperation invitation.

Once you figure that out, it becomes obvious what happened during her vacant year—she was making games.

It's just making games according to other people's requirements.

Su You reasonably suspected that this game was related to her coma.

But it was too late now, so Su You had to go to rest again, and waited until the next day to find the holographic cabin that was piled in ashes in the utility room.

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