Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 905 905 Reality: 6th Floor, No. 6 Center Street

Chapter 905 905. Reality: 6th Floor, No. 6 Center Street

This holographic cabin was the one that had the accident. Logically speaking, this thing should be recycled, but the recycling also needs Su You's consent. After all, Su You is the victim. She bought the things with money, and the company will compensate her. , but compensation is compensation, recycling is recycling, these are two different things.

Su You remained unconscious, and Hongxin Company could not get permission, so they had to take the holographic cabin back for inspection under the supervision of relevant departments.

They found that there was indeed a problem with the holographic cabin, and then sent the holographic cabin back, and also gave a brand new holographic cabin free of charge, which was guaranteed to have no problems.

Xiao Liu saw Su You playing with the old holographic cabin and couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Master, what are you going to do?"

It was afraid that Su You would become unconscious again because of this holographic cabin.

Su You smiled at Xiao Liu and explained, "Don't worry, I just wanted to see what I did before I passed out."

Xiaoliu suddenly realized, and then said: "Master, this holographic cabin is broken. I have transferred the data information inside to the new holographic cabin for you. If you need, you can use the new holographic cabin to view it."

Su You didn't expect this result, so she thanked Xiao Liu and immediately moved her position.

After boarding the holographic cabin, Su You immediately checked her last browsing history three years ago.

Fortunately, the record retention period of the holographic cabin is five years, so she successfully found her last record. The record showed that she was playing a game at the time, and the name of the game was "Sunset Continent".

Looking at the name, Su You felt it was very familiar, but she couldn't remember anything. In desperation, she could only go to the Star Network to search for information about this game.

But what was shocking was that she could not find any information about this game on the entire Star Network.

Of course, it wasn't that there weren't games with the same name, but she had clicked in and looked at them all, knowing that they were obviously not what she needed to find.

Since she couldn't find the game information, Su You thought about entering the game. Of course, this behavior was a bit risky, so she did not choose to enter the game in a simulated holographic state, but chose to enter the game from a third perspective.

The so-called third perspective is actually the keyboard and mouse game mode used thousands of years ago. However, this mode has long been eliminated due to troublesome operation and insufficient experience.

The simulated holographic state controls the game through human brain waves, which allows for better operability and a more realistic game world.

Just because it is related to the human brain, it is naturally dangerous.

Of course, the danger here is relative to the previous game mode.

Given the current widespread use of holographic cabins, very few people actually suffer brain damage due to holographic cabins, accounting for less than 0.01% of the total use.

In the eyes of outsiders, Su You is the unlucky 0.01%.

Su You thought so before, but after these two days of recollection, she seriously doubted that her coma had nothing to do with the holographic cabin, but something to do with what she did in the holographic cabin.

[Would you like to play in nostalgia mode? 】

Su You decisively selected [Yes] and then waited for the game to load.

[Loading game...10%]

[Loading game...50%]

[Loading game...99%]

[Loading the game... 99%] Su You saw that the progress bar was stuck at 99%. She was even more confused and at the same time more certain that there was something wrong with the game.

After waiting for five minutes and no response, she chose to exit and re-enter. The result was still the same. After repeating it three times, she gave up.

Just when she was hesitating whether to risk playing in simulated holographic mode, Xiao Liu suddenly prompted her to receive a message.

Su You left the holographic cabin and checked the message. Before she could read the content, she felt that the name that sent the message looked very familiar.

She opened the invitation message she received four years ago and compared it. Well, it was not her imagination. These two messages were sent by the same user!

After confirming that the source was from the same party, Su You opened a new message. The message was very short, with only one sentence——

"Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, on the sixth floor of No. 6 Central Street, Miss Su is welcome."

Suyou thought for a while and decided to go there.

Firstly, she really wanted to know what this mysterious game company was doing. Secondly, this location was the most luxurious and central location on the planet, and the possibility of danger was basically zero. Thirdly, the other party knew a lot of information about her, so if they really wanted to harm her, there would be no need to go through so much trouble.

Since there is no danger and it can solve the mystery, why doesn't she go?
Now that she was ready to go out, Su You took a day off today, dealt with all the things she had accumulated over the past three years, and then rested and waited for the next day.


Nine o'clock in the morning, 6th floor, No. 6 Zhongxin Street.

When Su You arrived at the sixth floor and got out of the suspended elevator, she discovered that the entire floor seemed to be owned by the same company. Because the space was large, there were no walls or other dividing facilities.

Before she could think about it, a small robot came to her.

"Scan successful, identity verified."

"Hello Miss Su, please come with me, someone is waiting for you."

Su You followed the robot and came to a place similar to a reception room. When she opened the door, she saw a woman of similar age sitting inside.

"Please sit down." The woman stood up with a smile and invited Su You to sit down. The table in front of her was already filled with fragrant tea and exquisite snacks.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Li Huang, one of the managers of this company. I invited you to make a game four years ago."

"Hello, I'm Su You, you should know me." Although she knew that the other party must know her information, and might even know more than she, an amnesiac, did, out of politeness, Su You gave a brief introduction. One sentence.

"Yes, I do know you. After all, you are the most talented game producer selected by our company based on all the data." Li Huang smiled slightly, and his words were full of praise, but it did not make people feel hypocritical. , but sincerely.

"What do you want from me?" Su You didn't want to talk about anything else, so she went straight to the topic.

"I'm here to answer your questions." Li Huang took out a piece of paper information and handed it to Su You.

In today's technologically advanced world, paper-based information is very rare, but that's why Su You felt that things were indeed not simple.

Su You was not polite and directly took the information and read it carefully.

There is a lot of information and data in the document, but in summary, this is a game production plan. There are usually two game production plans. The one she has is from Party A, which is the conditional party. It says that this game needs to meet requirements.

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