Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 906 906 Reality: Are you human?

Chapter 906 906. Reality: Are you human?
There is also a plan from Party B, also provided by her. It is like an answer sheet. Party A provides the questions and she provides the answers.

The game requested by Party A is to make a multi-character survival game. Su You believes that this should be the 'unnamed' game that he has completed.

"We need a game that you have the ability to produce, so we found you and invited you. You did not live up to our expectations. It only took less than a year to successfully produce a game that we are satisfied with." Results.”

Su You didn't think she was lying, because she thought so too, but: "What does this have to do with my coma and amnesia?"

Li Huang was a little surprised: "Have you lost your memory?"

Su You didn't expect that she didn't know about it, but since she had told it, she wouldn't deny it temporarily.


After Li Huang thought for a moment, he smiled apologetically: "This should be an accident, and we will provide compensation for this."

Su You shook her head. She was not very interested in compensation. She was not short of money anyway. She was still interested in her coma, the game and the secrets behind the company.

Li Huang saw what she meant, thought for a moment and said, "Actually, it's not impossible to tell you. After all, you are also a participant, but before that, Miss Su needs to sign a contract."

With that said, Li Huang conjured up a contract, which was also on paper.

Su You looked at it, and saw that the so-called contract only had a piece of paper, and there was only one sentence on it, 'I am XX, and I promise not to tell anyone else about all the information I learned today.'

There is only one sentence on the A4 size paper, and she only needs to fill in her name in the marked position.

Suyou picked up the pen and wrote.

After finishing writing, Li Huang put the paper away without reading it, and then opened his mouth and said: "Our company is a department of the Time and Space Repair Bureau. There is a planet in a time and space that was accidentally attacked by high-latitude technology. The planet sent us a signal for help. After investigation, we found that someone on the planet used high-latitude technology without authorization, which led to this outcome, so we cannot interfere too much in this matter.”

"But high-latitude attacks to occupy other planets are not allowed, so under our mediation, the two parties made a contract. Both parties entered the game at the same time, and the outcome was determined by winning or losing the game. This game is the one you made, Miss Su. game."

Su You: "..." Why does she know every word when broken down, but she can't understand it when it's put into a sentence?
Li Huang saw Su You's confusion, she couldn't help but smile, and then said: "You can ask any questions you have. The contract has been signed, so there is nothing to hide from you."

Su You thought for a while and asked a question that silenced Li Huang: "So are you humans?"

Li Huang: "..."

Li Huang: "Sorry, this matter is not within the scope of my answer."

"Okay." Su You sighed with regret, and this real regret made Li Huang's mouth twitch slightly.

"So why am I unconscious?"

Li Huang seemed to be afraid that Su You would ask some weird questions again, so he immediately replied: "Because you were in the game state when you completed the game and sent it to us, so when we imported the game to that planet, you also entered it. in that game.”

No wonder her last recording before coma was that she was playing a game. It seemed like she was really playing a game!

And he accidentally transported himself to another planet!
"Is this what you said, the reason why I am also a participant?" "Yes, if it were not for this, this matter should not be told to you." But now that things have happened, they have assumed that Su You owns the game memory.

In order to prevent Su You from telling this matter and causing trouble, they could only find someone, sign a contract, and explain it clearly.

But who would have thought that Su You had lost her memory?
"Then do you know the reason for my amnesia?"

"Amnesia is not actually a loss of memory, but memory confusion, or memory hiding. In other words, you should have memory confusion due to certain stimuli during the game, or other reasons that cause this part of the memory to be hidden. Woke up."

"Then can I restore my memory?" This was the first time Su You heard an alternative interpretation of amnesia, but since the other person was such a special being, what he said should be true.

If she was curious about why she was in a coma and lost her memory before, then what she is most curious about now is her memory of the game in the past three years.

Most people who like to make games like games, especially since this is such a special game. Su You definitely wants to own this part of the memory.

"Yes, but you need to return to the game again so that we can help you restore your memory."

"Can I still go back to the game?" Su You was surprised. She thought she couldn't go back.

After all, it's another planet.

"The situation is special, of course, but we can't let you remain in a state of amnesia." Li Huang felt that this matter should be taken for granted. This was their responsibility, and it was their negligence that led to Su You being accidentally introduced into the game. Otherwise, she wouldn't have wasted the three years in a coma.

"Is that okay now? I'm quite interested in this game."

Li Huang shook his head: "No, the game is not over yet, you can't go in now."

Hearing this, Su You suddenly felt a little weird.

It was an accident that she entered the game, and Li Huang didn't seem to want her to enter, so why didn't they get her out in time?

Su You thought so, so she naturally asked.

"Because the game is in progress, we cannot interfere with the game, otherwise it will affect the fairness of the game." Li Huang's reason is very good.

"Then since the game isn't over yet, how did I come back?" Su You's question was also very reasonable.

"To be precise, for the people on that planet, the game is not over, but for you, the game is over."

Su You seemed to understand, but she didn't.

According to her understanding, this is like a character in a movie and drama. The protagonist can live from the first episode to the last episode, and the supporting character may get his lunch after only one episode. And she is a supporting character, so her plot ends early, and Came back early.

"Okay, I'll take you to see it." Li Hanren was quite nice, gentle and easy to talk to. Seeing Su You's interest, he took her directly to another place.

This place is a semi-enclosed space with no windows and no lighting, but it will not be completely dark. There is only one entrance and exit to the house. If this entrance is sealed, you will be trapped and die inside.

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