Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 907 907 Reality: 1 Game

Chapter 907 907. Reality: A Game

As soon as Su You saw this house, she felt that the things inside must be complicated, and what she saw after entering also proved her guess.

"This is what we use to check the game situation. To put it simply, it is real-time monitoring." Li Huang pointed at this entire side with thousands of split screens.

"This is just a part, there are other places." Li Huang pressed a button, and two chairs appeared out of thin air in the middle. She invited Su You to sit down, and then they checked the game together.

Originally this was a game she made, and she should be very familiar with it, but she lost her memory and all her memories of the game disappeared, so she only felt strange and familiar when faced with so many game scenes.

Strange because there is no memory, familiar because it is familiar from deep inside.

"What part of the game has it progressed to now? What is the goal of advancing the game?" Although she has lost her memory of this game, Su You is a professional game producer after all. She knows the game very well, even if it is a strange game. , you can understand the general process and gameplay after watching it for a while.

Although she can see the gameplay, the progress of the game is a long-term effort and cannot be seen in a short time.

Faced with her question, Li Huang explained thoughtfully: "As I said before, this is a competition. Both sides of the competition have a goal, and the goals of both sides conflict with each other." For example, one side's goal is to eat apples, and the other side's goal is to eat apples. One side is to protect Apple, but the goals of the two sides conflict. Only one side can complete the task.

"The background of this game is a continent that split into multiple pieces many years ago, and the people from that planet will be thrown into the 'Sunset Continent.'"

When Su You heard the name Sunset Continent, Su You immediately thought of the game in his holographic cabin, which was also named. Obviously, it was the same game.

Li Huang continued: "Although they were only released to the Sunset Continent, other continents also exist, and each continent has a symbolic meaning. The Sunset Continent represents their own planet, and the other continents represent foreign technology. "

Su You seemed to understand something, and she answered naturally: "So their conflict goal is to merge the mainland?"

Li Huang looked at her in surprise, but he didn't expect that she would guess it after just one explanation from him.

Su You couldn't help but smile when she looked at her: "It's nothing. Since you specifically said that the continent was once divided, and also mentioned the symbols of the fragments of the continent, isn't it normal to guess this?"

Although she said that, Li Huang was still surprised, but when she thought that the other party was responsible for the game, she had nothing to be surprised about.

"The current progress has come to an end. The winning and losing conditions originally set were that one party successfully prevents the merging of the continent, and the other party wants to merge the continent. The foreign parties have memories after entering the game, and they clearly know what their purpose is. , As for the people on that planet, they don’t know.”

Su You frowned. Obviously, this was unfair.

If one side has memory and knows its goals clearly, but the other side doesn't even know its own goals, then it is very likely that the enemy has completed the mission, and those people don't even know what they are going to do.

"Sounds unfair, right?" Li Huang smiled, "Of course, the game cannot be absolutely fair, but it cannot be so unfair, otherwise there would be no need for the game." "In fact, everyone on that planet Everyone has entered the game. This is a stand-alone game. Everyone has an independent save file. After entering the game, the main task of all players is to prevent the merger of continents, but they did not know it at the beginning, but there will be relevant clues later. "

"The outsiders have memories, so they will make a series of preparations for the merger of the continents from the beginning. But as long as there is one person on the entire planet who has a save file that fails to successfully merge the continents, then they will win."

Su You understood.

Although it is not clear how many people there are on that planet, taking her world as an example, a normal planet, as long as it is not so scarce in resources that it is difficult to survive, has a population ranging from tens of millions to tens of billions.

On average, a planet has a population of about ten to two billion people. Although they have no memory, among the more than ten to two billion people, is there not a single person who can successfully prevent the merger of continents?

But looking at it from another perspective, at first glance there are many of them, but they don’t know what they are going to do. In addition, everyone suddenly went from a normal living environment to a game. There must be many people who are not used to it, or for other reasons. , they cannot continue the game.

As a result, fewer people can play the game smoothly.

Overall, it's hard to say it's fair, but it's not unfair either.

"Actually, you almost became the benefactor of this planet." Li Huang saw that she understood. He glanced at the monitoring screen twice, and then suddenly laughed.

"What?" Su You had no memory, so naturally she didn't understand what it meant.

"Didn't I say it before? You accidentally entered the game as a player, so you naturally have the same qualifications and permissions as them. The only difference may be that if they accidentally die in the game, then unless they win , otherwise you will die in real life, but if you die in the game, you will only come back here early, but you may get seriously ill.”

After all, the game here is not a real game. Death is not real death, but it is not a fake death in the game either.

Whether you are injured or killed in the game, it will cause damage to yourself in reality.

"Your progress in this game is the fastest among all, even higher than the second place. For this reason, we paid special attention to your information, and then we discovered that you entered the game by mistake and wanted to There's a way to get you out."

Originally, they wanted to get people out directly, but the game has already started and it is impossible to stop. Stopping will not only affect all players, but also cause dissatisfaction from outside parties.

They may think that the 'referee' is unfair, because if Li Huang and the others had not interfered, they could have successfully occupied the planet, but they intervened. Although they did not dare to show obvious dissatisfaction, they obviously did not like them. .

"So that's it... But since you said that I progressed quickly and these people's game progress has reached the end, does that mean that I also came out at the end?
I 'almost' became their benefactor, that is, although I reached the last step in the game, for some reason, I failed to prevent the merger of the continents? "

Li Huang looked appreciative because she was right.

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