Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 908 908 Reality: Time and Space Repair Bureau

Chapter 908 908. Reality: Time and Space Repair Bureau
"It's like this. If you were from that planet, then you should have entered the last secret realm with your followers to prevent the ceremony of merging the continents. According to your game data at the time, your probability of success was as high as 90%."

The probability is 90%, which is really high. No wonder she almost became the benefactor of that planet.

"But because you are not from that planet, and this matter has been known by outside parties, they strongly requested that you leave the game and revoke your game results, so we modified the data and added the last secret realm you entered In exchange for a passage back to this world.”

In fact, Su You also entered many secret realms in the previous game. The data of those secret realms can be modified. However, due to various reasons, the referee team on Li Huang's side actually preferred the people from that planet, so they knew that Su You Yuzu's identity has not been made public. He just pretends not to know and treats her like an ordinary player.

If Su You can win, it will be regarded as saving the person on that planet. If she loses, it doesn't matter. It will be treated as playing a real game. She will not be in danger. Even if there is some damage, Li Hong will not be hurt. I will take the initiative to find her and compensate her.

In the final analysis, Su You's failure to check in when entering the game was their responsibility, and Su You's failure to leave the game in time was also due to their selfishness. These are what they should do.

"You seem to hate outsiders?" Su You noticed Li Huang's partiality. After all, she made no secret of it.

Li Huang also nodded happily: "Of course, because they did go too far. We have obviously discussed it, but they also made many unreasonable demands before the game started. Although we rejected them all, there was no People like to go back on their word.” Not only did he go back on his word before the game, but he also tried to interfere in the game, but they found out.

It's not that Li Huang and the others don't have the ability to directly decide the outcome of both parties, such as directly driving away the outsider, or directly dividing the planet among the outsider.

But they can't do this. Once they do this, other planets or worlds with similar situations will not think about solving the problem peacefully, but will only find them to solve the problem directly.

How troublesome is this?

Things in this world are not black and white, and there is not necessarily a right or wrong that they can use as a basis for making decisions.

Su You stayed here for almost a day, and Li Huang chatted with her for almost a whole day. Although he left several times during this period, he came back soon.

In a blink of an eye, Su You has been discharged from the hospital for a month. Not only has she completely resumed her normal life, but she has also begun to plan a new game.

The new game is different from all previous games because this game is the second game besides Sunset Continent to be developed using the new technological game production equipment provided by Li Huang and the others.

Li Huang and the others offered a lot of compensation to Su You, but the one that concerned her the most was having a game engine that surpassed the market technology.

Of course, in order to avoid attracting attention too early, Su You also specifically asked Li Huang about this matter. Li Huang said that the patent for this kind of super-tech equipment belongs to the company of their Space-Time Repair Bureau in this world. In other words, all the equipment is This company developed it, and Su You was just a user, and of course, the only user.

Hearing what Li Huang said, Su You felt relieved, so she once again entered into the same feverish working state as before.

During the development of the game, she also maintained communication with Li Huang and learned about the progress of the game in real time.

Although Li Huang said a month ago that the progress of the game had come to an end, there was a time difference between that planet and this world, and the time passing speed in the game was one-third that of Su You's.

In other words, Su You has been here for a month, but in fact less than ten days have passed there.

According to Li Huang's prediction, it will take about a month to officially end the game. One month there is also three months in Su You's world.

So Su You waited for another three months.

Three months later, the development progress of her new game reached 27%.

Li Huang informed her that she would go to her old place tomorrow. The game was over. The next step was to help her recover her memory. After she recovered her memory, Li Huang had one more important thing to tell her.

When Su You got there, Li Huang patted the holographic cabin and motioned for her to lie down in it.

Su You did as she was told. She lay down in the holographic cabin. She didn't have to choose. The holographic cabin was directly connected to the game. When she returned to the game again, all the memories came flooding back...


"Lord, we are back in the territory."

Su You looked at the familiar surroundings and felt a little moved for a moment.

She looked at Duoya who was speaking and smiled: "Are you all tired? Let's all go and rest."

After saying that, everyone else went back to their homes.

Su You walked in the territory, and her mind was different from the chaos before. Now it was clear, because she not only had nearly a year of game memory in the game, but also had real memory.

Because she suddenly left the game, everything in this archive was frozen. After she entered the game, the timeline automatically jumped to the time when they had solved the matter of the Dragon Clan and the crisis of merging the continents, and all of them returned. Territory, this is what happened just now.

After walking around the territory for two times, although she was still a little reluctant to leave, considering that Li Huang was still waiting for her, she left the game.

"How is it? Has the memory been restored?" Li Huang asked with concern as he watched the holographic cabin open.

"Yes, recovered." Su You nodded, then touched the holographic cabin and asked, "Can I keep this game?"

After all, it was the first game that she had played from the most realistic perspective, and she was definitely not willing to let it go. She had many unforgettable memories and unforgettable people in this game. Although she also has this game in the hologram cabin at home, the game is damaged and cannot be played, and there is definitely no save file.

"Of course. We have no use for this game anymore. You can take away all the data in it." Li Huang understood what she wanted to keep, so he asked the robot to disassemble the data core of the holographic cabin on the spot and handed it to Su You.

The data core of the holographic cabin is equivalent to a memory card, which stores all the data in the holographic cabin. It is not removable under normal circumstances because it contains a lot of personal privacy. Once it is removed, it will be directly destroyed, and the data inside will also be taken with it. destroy.

But Li Huang is using a special holographic cabin, which is not produced in this world, so he naturally doesn't have this concern.

"Just go home and install it externally."

Su You thanked her and repaired it carefully.

"I remember you said you had something very important to ask me for."

"Yes, that's right, come with me and I'll show you something."

Su You followed Li Huang, and then she saw a thick brick book that looked like a dictionary from a distant era.

Suyou: "?"

Although she was used to the Space-Time Repair Bureau, a magical department that likes to use paper to transmit, store, and record information, she still couldn't help but have a headache when she suddenly saw such a brick book, especially since Li Huang gave the brick book to By myself.

"Leave this, take a look at this first." Li Huang felt that he seemed to have messed up the order, and quickly threw Brick's book aside, then took out two pages and handed them to Su You.

Su You just glanced at it and was startled by the words 'Special Employee Recruitment' on the cover.

She had already guessed something in her heart. She turned to the second page and saw, sure enough, it was a job application.

The name on the employment application is 'Su You', and all the information such as gender, age, education, etc. are also hers. Only the 'Confirmation Signature' section in the lower right corner of the entire paper is blank.

Su You: "...Which company do you want me to join?" Is this a shell company?

Or the Time and Space Repair Bureau?

To be honest, Su You felt that both possibilities were unlikely, but with the facts before her, she couldn't help but doubt it. If she had to choose one, it would definitely be the latter.

What kind of employees does a shell company need?
"Don't doubt it, it's just what you think." Li Huang coughed dryly, obviously he was very inexperienced in this kind of... persuading employees to join the company.

"It's like this. In the past, there were often conflicts in many planetary worlds. We thought of many ways to solve them, but no one was very satisfied. This time's 'digital game world' is actually an experiment. The experimental results are good. Miss Su, your Game production talents are very high, and we need talents like you.”

Su You: "..." Although what Li Huang said seemed to make sense, Su You still felt that it was not very reliable.

The main thing is that things like the 'Time and Space Restoration Bureau' sound very mysterious, not real, and like a scam.

If Su You hadn't known that Li Huang and the others could indeed come up with many special things, plus her personal experience, she really wouldn't believe it.

"You can think about it and get back to me in three days."

"No need." Su You didn't need three days. She spent three minutes reading the few job requirements on the employment application, and then extended her hand.

Li Huang didn't understand: "Huh?"

Su You smiled: "Pen."

Li Huang suddenly realized and decisively took out the pen from his pocket - she didn't expect Su You to think of it so quickly, so she just forgot about it.

Su You took the pen and signed her name in the lower right corner.

"Congratulations on joining the company, we will be colleagues from now on!" Li Huang was very happy. The past few months of getting along with her had allowed her to get to know Su You a little, and she still liked this new colleague very much.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. By the way, remember to read the brick book I just gave you. It is the rules and regulations of our Space-Time Restoration Bureau. There is not much content, only 378,632 articles. Just take a look at it when you have time.”

Su You: "..." Is it too late for her to regret it now?
No wonder there is no words on the cover of that book, the emotion is for fear of scaring people away!

Of course, complaints are complaints, Su You will not resign just because of an employee handbook, although this manual is really outrageous.

She is now looking forward to everything in the future.

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