Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 909 Extra Chapter 909: Sunset Continent

Chapter 909 Chapter 909. Extra: Sunset Continent

Since getting the data core of the holographic cabin, Su You has often entered the game, acting like a game fan.

Being so addicted to games made Xiaoliu couldn't help but worry about her master's health. Fortunately, although Su You often played games recently, she didn't let games be the only thing in her life.

She enters the game not only to get along with them in the game, but also to fix some problems in the game.

Some problems she hadn't noticed before.

But all these problems were exposed after she experienced the real game.

In the process of fixing the problem, she discovered that her previous memory of 'traveling' into the game seemed to be wrong. After all, she in the game did not know that she had made the game herself.

In this regard, Li Huang's explanation is that when she entered the game, her memory was replaced. This was mainly to allow her to play the game normally.

Otherwise, as a game author, Su You might be able to clear the game in one day through bugs.


After entering the game again, Su You came to the Elf Clan and met the Elf Queen.

"Hello, God of Creation." The Elf Queen smiled at Su You, then stood up and saluted.

Su You quickly dodged away, not daring to accept this gift at all.

"You know?" Su You was a little surprised. This was the first time she came to see the Elf Queen after returning to the real world. But she didn't expect that she would receive such a big surprise after meeting her for the first time.

Of course, there are scares.

"Not just me, in fact many people know it." The Elf Queen said slowly, and with a wave of her hand, tables, chairs, snacks and tea appeared in front of her.

Su You was a little surprised to find that the snacks and tea in front of her were actually things that existed in the real world, but she did not import this part of the data into the game.

When making Sunset Continent, she used a lot of data from ancient times.

At that time, this was done because of Party A's request. Su You, who now knows everything, understood that the technological level and cultural level of the planet where the game was played were similar to those of the ancient interstellar era.

In order to allow them to adapt to the game faster, Party A requested to use data from ancient times.

"Although we are all just data, after integrating that world, we have countless us, and our thinking intelligence grows accordingly."

This sentence is a bit convoluted, but Su You understands its meaning.

This is a single-player game with billions of archives. The initial data of important NPCs are the same, but different players make different choices, and the subsequent data are also completely different.

In other words, there are billions of Elf Queens in the database at the end of the game, as well as billions of Mermaid Kings, Dragon Kings, and Orc Chiefs.

The initial data is very rigid. They can only follow the plot according to the data set by Su You, but because everyone's choices are different, they have different actions, emotions, and choices.

So when these billions of data are integrated, they become a new version of themselves, with more thinking.

Of course, their essence has not changed, they are still who they are.

In addition to important NPCs such as the Elf Queen, the intelligence of other NPCs has also been improved.

After all, Suyou used a lot of repeated data when making other random NPCs. Although this will not cause them to become repeated people now, they can also obtain the emotions of repeated data.

"So are you okay now?" After all, Su You created the characters himself, and Su You must have feelings for them. If she didn't have feelings, she wouldn't have spent so much energy fixing the game.

The reason for fixing the game is that if there is a problem with the game, some of them will disappear.

"We are all fine. We used to be able to move only when you entered the game, but since you opened up the passage of time, we can move freely and do what we want to do even if you are not here."

Su You felt relieved when she heard her say that.

There is actually one more thing she wants to ask for everyone's opinion on when she enters the game this time.

"I want to make this game an open-ended game. Are you willing to be an NPC in the game?"

"Oh?" The Elf Queen tilted her head in confusion, "What is an open game?"

Although she integrated a lot of data, it was limited to the information she could get from other players.

If other players have never mentioned some information that is not in the database to the NPC 'Elven Queen', then it is impossible for her to know what the information is.

"Well... to let other players enter this game, I will set up a protection mechanism to protect you as much as possible from players. Your core data will be saved by me, so that your replica (copied) data will be damaged. , I can also re-copy the core data."

The Elf Queen was silent, seeming to be thinking.

After a long time, she asked: "Why are you doing this?"

Su You was stunned for a moment, and then asked the same question.

"Do you want to become a human being? No, that should be said. Do you want to become your real, living self?"

"So you want to help us become our living selves, so you want to make this 'open game'?"

Su You shook his head slightly: "I can't say whether it helps or not. Within my ability, I want to give you a chance to choose. If you are willing, you can join a brand new game. After you have collected enough emotional data, It can be introduced into living organisms.”

The Elf Queen seemed to be thinking. After a while, she slowly said: "I am willing. After all, living here is a bit boring, but will my leaving affect the elves?"

Even though she knew that this was just a world of data and she was just a bunch of data, the Elf Queen was still sincerely thinking about other data.

"It won't affect you. I can create a copy and let another you manage the elves on your behalf. Of course, if you don't want this, I can also create a new Elf King."

The Elf Queen's eyes lit up: "Is it true? Can you create another Elf King?"

Suyou clearly saw the words 'relieved' on the Elf Queen's body.

"Yes, as long as you decide."

After Suyou asked the Elf Queen, she went to other people to ask for their opinions.

As expected, most people chose to play the new game, and only a few people with their families chose to refuse.

After Su You understood everyone's opinions, she left the game.

For a long time after that, Su You devoted himself almost wholeheartedly to game design.

In order to perfect the game, she also went to the library of the Time and Space Repair Bureau and found information that many people didn't know about, which she used to build the game.

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