Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 910 Extra Chapter 910: Card Drawing Game

Chapter 910 Chapter 910. Extra: Card Drawing Game

During the production of the new game, Su You took the time to create a game for the Time and Space Repair Bureau - a card-drawing survival game.
Perhaps because she already had experience in making "Sunset Continent", she went very smoothly when making the card-drawing game. In addition, the framework of the card-drawing game is not as complicated as an open-ended exploration game, so it only took her half a year. Time is enough to complete this game.

After the game test, she modified the game into two copies, one was released to StarCraft, and the other was handed over to the Space-Time Repair Bureau.

The game released to Interstellar contains a lot of knowledge data from ancient times, which Su You found from the library of the Time and Space Restoration Bureau.

The arrival of this game is simply a treasure for StarCraft, which has a serious lack of history.

For a time, almost everyone in the galaxy was playing this card-drawing game. The popularity made people ignore that this was just a small card-drawing survival game. At the same time, it also shocked people that a game with such a broad knowledge range could be played by just one person. Independently produced!
Countless ancient scholars were rushing to find her, but Suyou couldn't bear the disturbance and moved directly into the leather case company of the Time and Space Restoration Bureau.

Well, she is an employee anyway, and employees regard the company as their home, which is reasonable.

After hiding in the company for two years, the turmoil over the card game has been reduced a lot.

However, although the storm has subsided, Suyou herself has really become famous. The most obvious point is the number of fans on her game studio account.

Before releasing the card game, her number of fans was more than 10 million.

After the card drawing game was released, the number of fans exceeded 100 million within a week, and a month later, the number of fans exceeded 1 billion.

The peak period of fan growth was when StarCraft officially listed this card drawing game as one of the "Top 100 Historical Achievements of StarCraft".

As soon as this news came out, the number of fans increased exponentially, from one billion to ten billion in less than half a year.

Now, the number of fans of Su You's game studio has reached more than 40 billion. If it weren't for Su You's recent busy making games to accommodate NPCs in Sunset Continent and not running his own studio account, the number of fans would have only increased. many.

... In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. Su You completed the last step of game testing and then sent the game to the relevant departments for review.

The game review speed is very fast, because the card drawing game developed by Su You has greatly promoted the progress of the interstellar exploration of the ancient era, so Su You is already a character on the official white list.

After learning that Su You had developed a brand new game, and that this game was also related to ancient times, people in the historical research department were excited.

This is the longest and largest game in Suyou's history.

But it is the game with the shortest review time and the fastest review process.

The review application was sent in the morning, and the news of approval was received in the evening.

In addition to the news that Su You had passed the review, she also received inquiries about when she would release the game.

Su You was a little confused by this 'official reminder', but she soon said that the game would be released in a week, and she also announced the news using her studio account.

Once the news was sent out, it instantly caused a sensation across the entire galaxy.

Many people who love card-drawing games are looking forward to the game. Even those who don't like games that much have started to look forward to it after the official forwarded Su You's "new game trailer".

She needs to use this week to set up the NPC protection mechanism, and also needs to import all the NPC data into the game. Fortunately, she has already made preparations, otherwise she may not be able to complete this even if it takes a month, let alone a week. item of work.

As the last NPC data was imported successfully, Su You breathed a sigh of relief and then quietly waited for the game's public beta date.

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