pawn wife

Chapter 214 012: Killing and punishing the heart

Chapter 214 012: Killing and punishing the heart (three more)

Ever since Shi Bichi escaped from birth with the help of He Xiao, he has been hiding in He's house, and has been careful not to show his face. All things are done through He Xiao, and he is so careful. In terms of suspicion, she was puzzled.

"Why on earth, you just won't let me go?" She looked at Chang Xi with a full face of accusation, "If it wasn't for you, I would definitely not have exposed it, you are the nemesis of my life, do I owe you something in my previous life?" ?”

Originally, she hid it well, and no one around her discovered her other side, but since Chang Xi appeared, nothing went well for her. She once reviewed the whole thing and thought about it for a long, long time. Only then did he think of Chang Xi.

Chang Xi is no stranger to people like Shi Bichi who beat him up. This kind of people never finds reasons for their failures, and only blames others for their failures.

"Shi Bichi, if you hide well and don't use He Xiao's hand to make trouble, who is interested in talking to you? Why do you really think I have nothing to do? But you don't want to, you want to instigate He Xiao to intervene in the tea business with me It's a pity that you didn't pay attention when you were making tea bricks. You only knew how to make tea bricks. You couldn't reproduce tea bricks, so you wanted He Xiao to sue me for making illegal products and want to kill me. You said you did so many things, I How could there be no counterattack?"

Speaking of this, she smiled coldly, "You read that travel note at Miss Xie San's place, so you took it as evidence, it's ridiculous, think about it, you showed so many flaws, I won't take you If I catch it, I will despise myself."

At this moment, she didn't give Shi Bichi any face at all, and commented sharply: "Actually, you are a smart person, but it's a pity that you want too much. People, it's a good thing to have less desire."

"I don't need you to teach me how to be a man!" Shi Bichi yelled angrily, "I am not wrong, I have never been wrong, you all failed me."

She glanced at everyone present, and she hated everyone.

Seeing Shi Bichi's crazy appearance, Mrs. Cai immediately shouted, "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you shoot this bitch quickly—"

This bitch must die, last time she was allowed to take advantage of the loophole to escape, today she must watch her die with her own eyes before she is reconciled.

"No, my daughter is still in her hands, I have to save my daughter..." Mother He yelled loudly, she couldn't care less about fearing the Shi family at the moment, she couldn't let her daughter die tragically in the Shi Bichi's hand.

Cai's eyes were red and she looked at He's mother fiercely, as if she was about to eat her.

He's mother doesn't back down, she is a strong mother, and she will never allow anyone to hurt her daughter, last time she failed to make the Shi family responsible for compensation, this time she will not back down even half a step.

Chang Xi only watched the two women compete from the sidelines, without any intention of persuading peace, and Shi Bichi had no possibility of escape in her eyes.

He Xiling, who was kidnapped by Shi Bichi, froze when she heard Shi Bichi's voice. She didn't look back, and it took a long time to come back to her senses. At this moment, she didn't care about other people, and just asked in a trembling voice, " Aren't you dead?"

Shi Bichi glanced at the people around, and finally fell on He's mother, Shan Shi. He Xiling was so stupid, but her mother was still defending her, and even though she was extremely smart, no one defended her to the end, not even He Xiling. Xiao Xiao also betrayed himself at the last moment to save his life.

With the sadness in her heart, she smiled coldly in He Xiling's ear, and said with a murderous heart: "You die, I'm not dead yet, in fact, it's okay to tell you, that day, your good brother went to Shi's house to beg for you on the surface. To be fair, but in fact he came to give me a fake death pill, if it wasn't for him, I might have been buried in the loess long ago."

He Xiling never thought that He Xiao would collude with Shi Bichi, and she was so shocked that she couldn't care about the danger at this moment, "When did you hook up?"

"Earlier than you think." Shi Bichi answered every question right now, she just wanted to disgust that idiot He Xiling to death, "The person who abducted you and eloped was chosen by your good brother himself, and you have suffered all these years Bitterness, your good brother can see it, oh, yes, he also used it to share with me your sufferings, difficulties, and history." Then he said vividly, "For example, how did that man beat you, and how did he beat you? How did he spoil you, oh, yes, he even asked people to go back and bully you together, tell me, how did you feel when you had two more men all of a sudden, you must have enjoyed it, hee hee ..."

He Xiling knew for a long time that He Xiao was responsible for her elopement, but she did not expect that the details of her humiliation would be taken as a joke. This is something she has deliberately forgotten since she returned home. She does not want to Remember that dirty self.

How grateful she was to her brother He Xiao for saving her at that time, how disgusted she was at that scene now, thinking that she had been played by them all the time, with anger in her chest, the string called reason broke instantly.

Regardless of the dagger lying on her neck, she suddenly turned to look at Shi Bichi. At this time, the dagger scratched her skin, and blood spurted out, spraying Shi Bichi's face, and she was also confused by the incident.

He Xiling took the opportunity to snatch the dagger from Shi Bichi's hand. At this moment, her face was distorted by hatred. She clenched the dagger tightly and stabbed fiercely into Shi Bichi's chest. She pulled it out and stabbed again. She didn't know how many times she repeated it. Blood stained each other's clothes.

She stabbed and said angrily, "Shi Bichi, you bitch, damn it, you damn it—"

Shi Bichi opened his eyes and watched He Xiling stabbing his heart with a dagger again and again. This time, he was really going to die. All love and hatred would disappear. No one in this world loved her, and she would eventually die with hatred .

It turned out that the taste of death is like this.

When her daughter fiercely stabbed Shi Bichi to death, the unbearable mother He screamed and suddenly fainted to the ground.

Father He hurried over to hug his wife, he was also numb at the moment, even he was afraid of his daughter's crazy appearance, and he didn't dare to step forward to stop her, he could only watch Shi Bichi's body being pierced by her with a big hole.

"Dog bites dog, hair on the mouth." Cai commented coldly, not interested in reading any more, anyway, Shi Bichi was dying this time, and even Da Luo Jinxian could not save her, so she turned around and wanted to get into the carriage, but He still glanced at Chang Xi next to him.

Last time she didn't even look at this pawn wife. This kind of lowly woman is not even worthy of carrying her shoes, but she didn't expect that she would be so successful after leaving Xie's house.

"Three days after farewell, you really impress me."

Hearing Cai's cold words, Chang Xi did not show any weakness, "Thank you Mrs. Shi Liu for your compliment, I will work harder."

"Hmph, don't think that you can really become a high-class person just by making some money, let me tell you, you are still far away," Cai lashed out, "As for my son-in-law, don't miss him, you are not worthy. "

"Whether you deserve it or not is up to you, it's up to me." Chang Xi doesn't give Cai any face, the more face this kind of person gives her, she thinks you are afraid of her.

Besides, the Shi family is just like that, and a family with a bleak future is even less qualified to judge others.

Cai Shi was beaten back by Chang Xi one after another, and her face was distorted with anger. Talking to this lowly woman would lower her style, so she snorted heavily and was helped into the carriage.

Master Shi Liu took a second look at Chang Xi. Compared with the prejudiced wife, he saw Chang Xi's potential, and this time the imperial decree showed the clues, so he said, "Mrs. Chang, don't mind my old wife. The behavior of her daughter, the death of her daughter has stimulated her, that's why she said nothing..."

Chang Xi could tell that Master Shi Liu wanted to smooth things over and prevent the relationship from getting worse, but it was a pity that she hated this kind of man the most in her life. Seeing him was like seeing the playful and irresponsible old man in her previous life. So, she He interrupted his self-righteous words with a loud voice, "I think Master Shi Liu should find the reason from himself."

"Huh?" Master Shi Liu didn't expect Chang Xi to respond to him like this.

These words also made Cai, who was about to yell at her husband in the carriage, paused. She couldn't help but lift the curtain of the carriage and look at Chang Xi with complicated eyes.

I saw that Chang Xi was still in that posture, but the words he said were extremely sharp, "Master Shi Liu, the root of all tragedies lies with you. The death of your prostitute, including Shi Bichi's death today, all have to come back to the root." For your 'fraternity'."

Without three wives and four concubines, naturally there would be no concubines, and then there would be no such human tragedy. Whose fault is this?
It's your fault, Master Shi Liu.

Master Shi Liu wanted to understand the meaning of Chang Xi's words, and immediately blushed with anger, and said angrily, "Mr. Chang, don't think that you can get on the stage now that you have been promoted? Let me tell you, you are still far away." What about." He directly used what the old wife said earlier.

Instead of being angry, Chang Xi smiled, "My future has infinite possibilities, but your future is already doomed."

The decaying family will eventually be abandoned by the times.

Master Shi Liu couldn't beat Chang Xi, so he could only get on the carriage angrily, and ordered the coachman to set off quickly, and if he looked at this arrogant woman again, he wanted to poke his eyes blind.

On the contrary, Mrs. Cai looked at Chang Xi fixedly, and when the carriage set off, she suddenly said, "You are fine."

Chang Xi was slightly taken aback, Cai's words were complimenting her, right?Even if it wasn't, she would take it as yes.

In the carriage, Mrs. Cai was silent, but Mr. Shi Liu found fault and said, "What do you mean by what you said to Mrs. Chang at the end?"

After a while, Mrs. Cai said, "literally."

"You!" Master Shi Liu said angrily, "You're boosting other people's ambitions and destroying your own prestige. It's just unreasonable!"

"Is what she said wrong?" Cai snorted coldly, looking at her husband coldly.

She married him when she was a girl, and she was full of longing, but the good times didn't last long, and the man's bad nature ran out, and the women around her were carried into the mansion one by one. She cried and made trouble, but it was useless. The natal family cried and complained, and the natal family came to support them, but it only took three or two days to heal, and soon they reverted to their old ways.

Later, Shi's family had an accident, and she went back to her natal family to ask for help, and tried her best to save him from being born. She almost killed the fetus in her womb, but how could he repay her?Go back to your hometown and bring up two concubines.

How can this make my own dedication?
But she has no way to go back to her girlhood, so she can only pervert in silence, if she doesn't torture those people, she will be the one who is crazy.

Well, let others go crazy.

Master Shi Liu saw his wife's piercingly cold gaze, and for the first time, he turned his head a little guilty to avoid her gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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