pawn wife

Chapter 215 013: Holding a Chicken Feather as an Arrow

Chapter 215 013: Holding a Chicken Feather as an Arrow (Part [-])
After Xie Yuxin came back from her grandfather, she has been pacing around the house. Although her grandfather told her not to worry too much, she is still worried. This crime is not a small one. I am afraid that my grandfather may not be able to settle it. This is one of them. The second is that he is afraid that his grandfather will let go of something. After all, now that Chang Xi has left Xiefu, his grandfather may be better off with one thing more than one thing less.

When she was anxious and unbearable, Zhiying came in and reported that it was Dongli who had come.

She immediately lifted the curtain and went out, and sure enough, she saw Dongli standing in the porch with a smile on her face. Judging by her expression, she should be fine, but she hurried forward and said, "Sister Chang, are you okay?"

"Our lady is all right. She is waiting for the third girl in the teahouse outside the mansion." Dongli said quickly, she could see that Xie Yuxin was really worried about Mrs. Chang, so she didn't want to put a tantrum on others.

As soon as Xie Yuxin heard it, he lifted his foot and walked out, Zhiying hurriedly followed.

Mrs. Qian also received the news of Dongli's entry into the mansion, and knew that it must be for Mrs. Chang, so she hurried over, just in time to see her daughter walking out, so she stepped forward to stop her, "Sister Xin, are you going to go?" where?"

"I have something to go out of the house, mother, I'm not a child anymore, you don't have to keep an eye on me so closely."

"Are you going to see Mrs. Chang?"

Xie Yuxin saw her mother's serious disapproving face, and her face became serious, "Mother, I also have a part in the tea brick workshop. If sister Chang is convicted, do you think I can escape?"

When Qian heard this, she almost fainted, and immediately yelled at her daughter to get out quickly, and then thought of her son's explanation, no, she had to call her son back quickly, and she couldn't get involved with Chang's anymore, otherwise The whole family has to be implicated by her.

Xie Yuxin felt deeply disappointed with her mother, "Mom, I won't quit the shares, you don't need to persuade me, I've made up my mind."

After finishing speaking, she bypassed Qian and was about to go forward.

But Mrs. Qian grabbed her daughter's wrist and refused to let her go. "I can't watch you go down a crooked road, sister Xin. In the future, you will understand it as mother's painstaking efforts..."

Xie Yuxin struggled vigorously, but she couldn't get out of her mother's palm, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

At this time, the old lady Rong's side mother came, "Second madam, old lady, please go over."

Seeing the people around her mother-in-law coming to pass on the news, Qian reluctantly let go of her daughter's arm. The wicked girl of her own family ran like a jerk as soon as she was free, which made her clenched her silver teeth in anger.

Other people's daughter is a caring little cotton-padded jacket, and this wicked girl in my family is a debt collector. She does things that are not allowed to do better than anyone else.

Seeing the stern face of the person sent by her mother-in-law, she also put away the expression on her face and followed her to her mother-in-law's yard.

When she arrived, she saw that Mrs. Qin was also sitting, so she saluted and greeted her, and then sat down quickly. She didn't know what kind of medicine her mother-in-law was selling in the gourd, so she couldn't help guessing.

After seeing the two daughters-in-law arrived, Mrs. Rong said, "Ms. Chang has already left the house. You should not trouble her in the future, especially you." She focused on Mrs. Qian, "Sister Xin is willing to go with her." Don't stop her from coming and going, anyway, sister Xin is so big and has her own judgment, so we don't want to interfere."

Hearing the old man's entourage come back and talk about the scenery of the Chang family, she could hardly believe it at that time. It was only a short time since she left Jiefu, and she was able to climb up every step of the way. No matter how she thought about it, she felt extremely dreamy.

But the old man said, "The eldest princess is willing to endorse her. Whose face do you think is selling behind this? In short, she should be more courteous to Mrs. Chang than before. Maybe she can read a few words from us in the future."

She thought about it for the same reason. It is irrational for a man to meet a woman he likes. Even if Xie Jin was the one they saw growing up, to him, it might not be as important as a Chang family.

So she had to beat the two daughters-in-law, don't forbid the younger generation from associating with the Chang family, maybe there will be great benefits in the future, after all, friendship will be stronger when you know each other.

Qin didn't say a word, she was busy picking out her daughter-in-law, as for Chang, she was in the past tense, and she didn't bother to talk to her.

Mrs. Qian was puzzled, she didn't know what ecstasy medicine Mrs. Chang gave her mother-in-law to take, and she asked her mother-in-law to say these words specially for her. Looking at Mrs. Qin's expression on the side, her mother-in-law probably said these words to her mother-in-law. She listened.

Seeing her mother-in-law looking at her with displeasure, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and finally said, "Yes, my daughter-in-law knows."

Only then did Rong let the two daughters-in-law go. From now on, it seems that these two people are just like each other, and no one is better than the other.

As soon as Qin Shi left her mother-in-law's place, she went straight to the courtyard of the fourth room. Seeing this, Qian Shi secretly gave a "bah" and immediately left in the opposite direction. She did not hesitate to associate with this Qin Shi.

At the teahouse opposite Xiefu, Xie Yuxin arrived in a hurry, and she saw Chang Xi drinking tea waiting for her in the box, and she believed that she was really safe and sound.

"Sister Chang, it's great to see that you're safe and sound."

"Third sister, it's my fault that I made you worry. Come on, I'll serve you a bowl of tea instead of wine."

After drinking a bowl of tea, the two looked at each other and smiled.

It was only then that Xie Yuxin asked about the ins and outs of the incident, and told the whole story about He Xiling pretending to be her to come to Jiefu.

Chang Xi was actually taken aback. He Xiling's operation of pretending to be her to enter the Jiefu was not within her expectations. It can only be said that she is not stupid to the end, but it is a pity that character determines fate, and she did not escape the shackles of character after all.

But she didn't hide it, and told the other party her previous plan, and finally she briefly talked about Shi Bichi's death, and finally sighed, "If it weren't for the flaws revealed by the brothers and sisters of the He family, I really didn't go to this place." On the one hand, who can believe that Shi Bichi will escape from his shell?"

Xie Yuxin had known Shi Bichi much longer than Chang Xi, and now that she heard that she had died like this, she hadn't recovered for a long time, and finally sighed, "You must have committed your own crimes." Then she looked at Chang with a guilty expression. Xi, "I really didn't expect Shi Bichi to come up with such a poisonous scheme in a book of travel notes back then. It's all my fault that I didn't put it away for her to read, otherwise it wouldn't have caused such a big disturbance..."

"Third sister, how can I blame you for this? She calculated with her heart but not with her heart." Chang Xi comforted, she didn't want Xie Yuxin to blame herself because of this, Shi Bichi is a deep-hearted person, without this, she would have given birth to other things After all, this woman has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, but fortunately, the lamp is now off.

Xie Yu's heart was relieved so much that she was not in a depressed mood, "The Shi family will not collect her body, I will ask Zhiying to collect her body, at least it will be safe in the ground, I hope she can learn to be a good person in the next life. "

Chang Xi didn't stop Xie Yuxin from expressing this kindness. People can live as they please.

After meeting Xie Yuxin, she hurried back to the tea brick workshop, where there was still a lot of things waiting for her.

I also met Father He on the way, but this time she didn't pay any attention to it. Father He didn't send him to her as agreed, so it didn't count as reaching an agreement with her, and she wouldn't be much more concerned about He Xiao's life and death. Tube.

Father He chased Chang Xi's carriage for a long distance, and in the end he could only watch the cruel woman go away, but he lowered his head helplessly.

In the end, He Xiao made a false accusation against others and was sentenced to three thousand miles of exile, while He Xiling killed Shi Bichi. Since she was kidnapped at the time, the capital crime was exempt and she was also sentenced to three thousand miles of exile.

The two brothers and sisters who look at each other and hate each other are on the way to exile, and they have to attack each other in an attempt to kill each other.

He's mother couldn't get sick after being hit by this, but she passed away within half a year. After a few days of mourning, He's father brought two concubines into the house, and after a year, he married his step-wife and had children. That's another story.

It is said that Chang Xi rushed back to the tea brick workshop, and before entering the gate of the workshop, she felt that the atmosphere inside was a little frozen. Aunt Osmanthus, Wu Laosan and the others were anxiously waiting for her outside the workshop.

As soon as she saw her, Aunt Osmanthus immediately came up and said, "Miss Chang, a white-faced and beardless person suddenly came to the workshop, and said he was here to take over the workshop, and then kicked us out. Just took over the workshop, and now everyone doesn't know what to do..."

"That's right, Mrs. Chang, those people are very domineering and unreasonable, and they also said that the subsequent projects will be stopped, and they will comprehensively plan to build additional factories..."

Then other people also came forward and chattered. In short, people are panicking now, because they are afraid that the tea brick workshop will not be able to continue. Of course, in the past half a day, the content of the imperial decree has not been spread to the countryside.

Chang Xi raised her hand to signal everyone to be calm and calm down. After calming down everyone's emotions, she realized that she hadn't seen Xiao Tao, and asked quickly, "Where is Xiao Tao?"

"Miss Xiaoyao locked herself in the counting room. The white-faced and beardless man asked Miss Xiaotao to hand over the account book, but Miss Tao refused, saying that no one could touch the account book without your order, Madam Chang. That's what the rules of the workshop were written in the past. Yes, she can't violate it, but those people didn't listen, and went to grab it, Miss Xiaotao was in a hurry, so she locked herself and the account book in the account room..." an insider hurriedly said.

When Chang Xi heard this, her expression changed immediately, and she immediately walked into the workshop. She wanted to see what this troublesome kid looked like?
A King of Hades like Si Gonggong is very easy to get along with because he is afraid of Princess Qianrong.

Because suddenly a group of people broke in and clamored to take over, so the workshop was rarely shut down, and the production scene was no longer in full swing, but quiet enough to make people feel irritated.

When the workers in the workshop saw Chang Xi's arrival, they felt the return of the backbone, and then secretly cheered that Mrs. Chang was back, and they finally didn't have to be confused.

Chang Xi went to the accounting room very quickly. Before the person arrived, he heard a sharp voice threatening, "I advise you all to hand over the account books obediently, don't toast or eat fine wine, and then don't be punished." Blame me for being rude, and I will give you a first meal..."

(End of this chapter)

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