pawn wife

Chapter 226 024: Watching them step on minefields with cold eyes

After eating, Mrs. Li wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and finally regained the energy to complain while crying, "San'e, don't you know what that bitch from that family gave us? Is that for people? For pigs She doesn't even eat pigs. She doesn't care about you. I heard that everyone in her family works in the workshop except her. Hurry up and fire everyone in her family. Our family will never let such a person Take advantage and go..."

Chang Dadou saw that his son was so hungry that he didn't even let go of the vegetable juice, he grabbed the plate and licked it, then put down his chopsticks immediately, resolutely not to compete with his son for food.

Seeing that his wife's complaint was almost finished, he said at the right time, "San'e, parents will not harm you. People like this can't stay in the workshop. Sooner or later they will hold you back. Listen to your parents." That's right." An ugly face thinking about Chang Xi.

Chang Xi hated it in his heart, but felt embarrassed on his face, "The workshop has its own rules and regulations, and there are rules for employing workers. You can't do whatever you want. Besides, they are all from the same village, and the management must agree to fire them. Vote to agree, it’s not for me to say it alone, otherwise it will cause riots, you better not worry about these things,” and then whispered as if reminding, “They are so angry, you really annoyed them, I I can't keep you, you are also from the village, and you know that everyone in the village protects their shortcomings."

Having said that, Chang Dadou and Li Shi looked at each other in dismay. Because they were born in the countryside, they knew too well where the rural people's bad roots are. Chang Xi's words were not alarmist, but true knowledge and good words.

"Let's listen to my third sister. I don't seem to be able to take a beating with my small body." Chang Kui said with a frightened look.

Chang Xi directly gave Chang Kui an appreciative look, and Chang Kui became more and more proud when he saw this.

Mrs. Li has always loved this son the most, so he hurriedly said, "Father, listen to your son. If you offend the people in their village, what should we do with our son? If there is something wrong with my son, I will die... ..." Saying this, he immediately burst into tears.

Chang Dadou was very upset, he felt that he was extremely useless, his daughter had finally achieved success, and was about to flaunt her prestige, but before she could shake her prestige, she was told to behave with her tail between her legs, it was really aggrieved.

Seeing his mother-in-law crying annoyingly, he yelled, "Don't cry, it's not embarrassing."

Mrs. Li had always been afraid of her husband, so she stopped crying immediately, and began to have another idea in her heart, "Can't we change our residence?"

Chang Xi sighed, "That's because the conditions in the nearby villages are relatively good. We can't arrange for you to live in the homes of the village chief and Li Zheng, right? If you really live in their homes, you will feel uncomfortable. Others People's family conditions are even worse, if you really want to change, I'll let Aunt Osmanthus arrange it."

Li Zheng and the village head are both of some authority. Don't look at Chang Dadou's appearance of pulling two to five to eighty thousand in front of his family. .

Chang Xi had seen this man through.

Chang Dadou and Li Shi really gave up their hearts at this moment. In the end, they could only choose to live in Mrs. Shui Sheng's home. As for the food, they had requirements. A meal must have one meat and two vegetables. That's fine, Chang Xi agreed directly. down.

Seeing that Chang Xi readily agreed, both husband and wife were very happy, and when they saw someone coming to find Chang Xi, they wisely did not take up Chang Xi's time, saying that they wanted to visit the workshop.

Chang Xi knew that it couldn't be stopped. The unscrupulous couple didn't want to see it. They clearly wanted to estimate how much the workshop was worth, and then tried to get money from her. It was a really good idea, so she said, " You can see it if you want, but some parts of the workshop involve technical secrecy, which cannot be displayed publicly, so don't step on the border."

Chang Dadou and Li Shi agreed very well, but they didn't take it seriously in their hearts. Even if Chang Xi wasn't the one who can make the decision of this workshop, she at least has some power. They are her parents, how can they not see it?

Chang Xi didn't arrange a guide for them, but watched them stepping on the minefield with cold eyes.

When the family of three went out to pretend to be her name, she raised her hand for Hu Niu to whisper a few words to her. Hu Niu's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she nodded immediately, "Don't worry, Mrs. Chang, I It will be done."

It was only then that Chang Xi stopped giving attention to the three members of the Chang family, and instead concentrated on handling official duties. The expansion of the workshop is imperative, and now the surrounding land has been circled, and the government has completed the formalities, so Expansion is also on the agenda, so naturally another group of people must be recruited.

Because of the tea brick workshop, there are already many people in a large area outside the workshop to do small food business. After all, the workers in the workshop can make money, so they naturally consume.

Chang Xi went to check this area, because it was spontaneous, so the management is quite messy, which is actually not conducive to the management of the workshop. She plans to include this large area in the scope of reconstruction, and directly establish market regulation management here. As long as the tea brick workshop is here, this market will continue to make money.

For this proposal, the four shopkeepers unanimously approved it. Who would object to making more money?
The expansion of the Tea Brick Workshop and the establishment of the market, the old emperor who accounted for [-]% of the profits, will not allocate a penny. Fortunately, the business of the Tea Brick Workshop is expanding rapidly, and the funds are returning much faster than expected. bear the cost of this part.

Du Guanshi was sent by Princess Qianrong. He couldn't find anything wrong with the plan of the tea brick workshop and the expenditure of money after reading it, so he could only vote for it. He's very opinionated.

"Chang Niangzi, is this a bit too much expenditure? Besides, what the hell is this scientific research? What benefits can it produce? I think this expenditure can be saved for the expansion of the workshop or the establishment of the market."

In fact, regarding this issue, the four shopkeepers all have varying degrees of criticism, but it was Chang Xi's words in the past, and they knew that it was useless to oppose them. Now that Manager Du is the leader, they are silent to show their support. After all, this Although the proportion of expenditure is not much, the actual amount is very scary.

Xie Ming supported Chang Xi, "This part of the profits reserved for scientific research has been established before the establishment of the workshop. Moreover, with the improvement of productivity, our workshop will produce more tea bricks and earn more money."

"Who knows when it will produce benefits?" the shopkeeper Ma of Qingxiang Tea House questioned, "Besides, the tea brick business is now the only one of our family, so what's the point of studying this?"

This question was agreed by most people, including the shopkeeper Guo of Taiming Tea House who always supported Chang Xi's decision-making.

When Guanshi Du saw that his proposal was supported by so many people, he immediately puffed up his chest. It turned out that Chang Xi was not a straight talker. This discovery made him secretly a little excited.

Chang Xi, who was sitting in the chief position, had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions. As the decision-maker of the workshop, she was not angry when someone raised objections. After all, this is normal. If there is no objection, That's terrible, and it often means that someone is going to make trouble behind the scenes.

"Since most of you are against it, then this scientific research department will be independent in the future, funded and established by Miss Xie San and me, and will no longer be linked to the Tea Brick Workshop." After a pause, she saw that other people were secretly pleasantly surprised So he said again, "But I'm ugly to say first, what achievements will be made by the scientific research department in the future, and the tea brick workshop will have to pay the usage fee if it wants to use it. As for the price, we will discuss it at that time."

She seems to be giving in now, but in fact, it is in her favor to separate the scientific research department. Now the composition of the tea brick workshop is too complicated, and it is necessary to balance the interests of all parties, which is actually not conducive to the progress of scientific research.

Moreover, this department will not only study steam power in the future, but will cover all aspects of life, such as medicine, agriculture, etc. will be put on the agenda, so it is imminent to search for such talents everywhere. This can only be resolved with Xie Jin. .

But everyone looked at each other in blank dismay when they heard the word to pay the usage fee. They have always been concerned about the progress of the workshop in all aspects, but they have never paid attention to the progress of the scientific research department, so they don't know what achievements this department has so far?
The horse shopkeeper of Qingxiang Tea House immediately asked this question, but Chang Xi smiled and said that there is no result so far, and there is no rush for this matter.

As soon as everyone hears that there is no result, why don't they hurry up and abandon this department that only spends money but does not make money?
So when Chang Xi proposed a show of hands to vote, except for Xie Ming and her, everyone raised their hands and agreed to kick this department out of the tea brick workshop.

Chang Xi saw it, and immediately smiled and said, "Very well, everyone's wishes are very consistent, Dong Li, write this down immediately, and then have someone draw up a contract, sign the contract, and forget about it."

Dong Li, who was recording the meeting, immediately wrote this down in the notebook. Although she was very upset at this time, she still followed Chang Xi's instructions.

It was the first time Guanshi Du suppressed Chang Xi at a meeting, and he was so excited. He couldn't help showing off to Chang Xi, "Ms. Chang, I'm sorry, everyone supports me more this time."

"It doesn't matter, everyone is allowed to speak freely at the meeting, and I'm not that dictator." Chang Xi smiled, "Guard Du, if you continue to work hard in the future, it will be just around the corner to take my position."

As soon as these words came out, Guanshi Du's upturned tail dropped instantly. He wanted to chase Chang Xi off stage when he came to offend Yuan Hao. He still remembered the magic spell that Yuan Hao put on him, and the joy on his face now In an instant, nothing remained.

"Ms. Chang was joking, how can I have this ability?"

Hearing what seemed like a joke but actually lowered his head, Chang Xi just smiled and walked out of the meeting first, this person didn't even knock him, he didn't even know his last name.

The shopkeeper Guo of Taiming Tea House quickly caught up with Chang Xi and explained, "Miss Chang, don't be angry, the reason why I agreed with that decision is because..."

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