pawn wife

Chapter 227 025: Are your eyes blind?

Chang Xi interrupted him with a smile, "Don't worry, am I that small-bellied person? You really don't like that scientific research department, I understand." So I don't force you.

This is the gap of the times. People without a certain forward-looking vision cannot see the potential of this department, so it is reasonable for Shopkeeper Guo not to support her.

When shopkeeper Guo heard the words, his face suddenly showed a bit of shame. Compared with Chang Xi's upright attitude, he is an old man who treats a gentleman with a villain's heart, "Ms. Chang, I am ashamed of myself."

Chang Xi in turn comforted him a few words before turning around and leaving. In business, no matter how good a relationship is, it can't stop the pursuit of profit. This is human nature.

Seeing that Chang Xi was gone, shopkeeper Ma immediately stepped forward and said to shopkeeper Guo, "You're just being too careful. Mrs. Chang is the prime minister who can support her, she's different from ordinary people like us."

Shopkeeper Guo glanced at Shopkeeper Ma, what he said didn't sound wrong, but he just didn't like to hear it, "There's still something to do in the old man's shop, let's go first." After finishing speaking, he left directly.

Shopkeeper Ma showed displeasure on his face. This old man Guo is really both upright and upright. He is obviously a villain, but he still wants to be a gentleman. It is quite shameless. He is more straightforward. The premise of doing business is to do business for more To make money, otherwise why waste this effort?

Shopkeeper Liu from Shengde Tea House and Shopkeeper Zhu from Mingfeng Tea House also came over, and shopkeeper Zhu said, "Old Ma has such an awkward temper, how uncomfortable he feels now, it's better for you to stab him in the heart , it's no wonder he can take care of you."

"That's right, he has always been on good terms with Mrs. Chang, but this time he chose to run counter to Mrs. Chang, and he must feel bad about it." Shopkeeper Liu also said.

Shopkeeper Ma saw the hypocrisy of these two people, and couldn't help but snorted coldly. Looking at the words, it seemed as if he was a bad guy and they were good guys. The hypocrite then clasped his fists at the two of them. It's over." After finishing speaking, he also left directly like shopkeeper Guo.

"Hey, let's talk about him, he is not happy." Shopkeeper Zhu is not happy now, and he is right.

Shopkeeper Liu patted Shopkeeper Zhu on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's go back too." Just after that, it's not comfortable to stay here, it's better to go back to your own place.

Shopkeeper Zhu didn't object either, and the two walked together.

Dongli reported all the subsequent quarrels between these people to Chang Xi, and finally said angrily, "Really, a group of white-eyed wolves."

Chang Xi laughed, "It's too much to say that people are white-eyed. At that time, everyone was taking advantage of each other. It was just a business behavior, which couldn't be more normal."

This is the biggest worry of doing business in partnership. Over time, the demands will be different, and then there will be conflicts and disputes between them, and eventually they will part ways.

Dongli didn't fight against injustices anymore. Thinking about it, it was exactly as Mrs. Chang said, not to mention partners who came together only because of interests, even relatives, if they made money, the partnership business would be dismantled as soon as they said it was due to human nature.

On the other side, the three members of the Chang family swaggered through the market in the workshop, and Chang Dadou even condescended to ask questions like an old man. It is a pity that many people saw the farce yesterday, and it was passed on from person to person. Everyone knows that Mrs. Chang's blood relatives are a bunch of unreasonable people, especially the family members of Mrs. Shui Sheng's family in the workshop were hyping up the family's superb deeds early in the morning, so not many people are willing to take care of their family now.

However, there are still a few speculators who want to please Chang Dadou, so he answered with a smile when he asked a question, which greatly satisfied Chang Dadou's vanity. Such topics were also asked.

Many people can't answer this question, because the process of making tea is separate, and no one has completed a complete process. In addition, the sales department is separated, which is even more impossible to know.

But in this world, there are always good people who will calculate the income of the workshop in private, and then feel that their wages are low, so they feel aggrieved, so they are very keen to answer Chang Dadou's question.

When Chang Dadou heard an unimaginable astronomical figure, his eyes immediately lit up, and even Li's breathing stopped for a while, "My dear, can this workshop really make so much money?"

"If you don't make so much money, can the workshop be so big? Most of the people in the five nearby villages work here."

Chang Dadou felt that what he said was reasonable, and then he wanted to find out how this tea brick was made?

Unexpectedly, when the iron plate was kicked, the person who was still talking so much shut up in an instant, turned around and said that he was busy with the work at hand, let's not talk about it, it's a joke, the confidentiality contract is still hanging above his head, on this issue Who dares to talk too much?You can't lose your job because of this.

Besides, people with sharp eyes have discovered that the clothes of the three members of the Chang family are still the patched outfits from yesterday. It can be seen that Mrs. Chang doesn't care about them, so it's useless to say more.

Chang Dadou was so bored, he blushed instantly with anger, thinking that this group of people were despising him, the head of the Chang family, which is really unreasonable!

Hmph, since he doesn't say anything, he won't look at it by himself. This business is all in charge of his daughter, so what if he looks at it as an old man?
Now, he took his wife and son to look over from workshop to workshop, and he couldn't believe that he couldn't understand the tricks inside, but he didn't know that the way forward was blocked by someone.

"I'm your old lady's old man, get out of the way, or I'll ask my daughter to fire you." He ordered the man in charge to make way with a straight face.

Unexpectedly, the man said, "No one who is not in the process can enter here. The rules and regulations in the workshop are written in this way. You should leave quickly."

When Chang Dadou heard this, his lungs were about to explode in an instant, "I don't care about the rules and regulations, I only know that I have a share in this workshop, and I want to go in and have a look. I don't think any of you dare to stop me?"

After finishing speaking, he desperately wanted to break in, and had a conflict with that man and his people. The two sides couldn't stand each other. Some people said that they would report to Mrs. Chang and let Mrs. Chang handle it.

"Go quickly, I don't believe that my daughter dares to turn against me." Chang Dadou was confident.

At this moment, Manager Du happened to pass by. Seeing the dispute here, he immediately came over, glanced at the three members of Chang's family, and did not hide the disdain in his eyes, and then shouted loudly, "What's the noise? Jin, no matter who it is, as long as they force their way in, they will be kicked out."

When Chang Dadou heard the words, he immediately turned his head to look at Guanshi Du, only to see that this man had a white face, a beardless face, how could he take him seriously? "Who are you? If you dare to block Laozi's way, Laozi will destroy you first."

Guanshi Du just confessed in front of Yuan Hao and Chang Xi, but he was arrogant in front of other people. When he saw that Chang Dadou dared to talk to him like this, he instantly became very angry, "Who are you? Call yourself Lao Tzu in front of Lao Tzu, do you want to kill yourself?"

"I'm talking about you, sissy." Chang Dadou turned around and was about to hit Guanshi Du.

Since Guanshi Du was castrated, he didn't deliberately speak in a high-pitched voice, but his voice was too thick, so what he hated the most was when others called him a sissy. Now that he heard Chang Dadou scolding him like this, Thinking back to when his parents lied to him that they were buying candy, but in the end they sold him to others and eunuched him. Since then, he never mentioned his family, and Chang Dadou now overlaps with the shadow of his father back then.

"You dare to scold me, I will kill you!" He rushed forward and slapped Chang Dadou on the face.

Chang Dadou was dumbfounded at first, and it took him a while to realize that this sissy dared to hit him, an old man, so he was even more annoyed, and directly fought back.

Du Guanshi has never done hard work, so how can he be the opponent of Chang Dadou, a farmer?He was directly pressed to the ground and hit his face with punches and punches, his face was instantly lost, and he could only shout, "You dare to hit me, I can't spare you—"

Let alone the workers, even Li Shi and Chang Kui were dumbfounded by this incident. There was a real fight. What should I do?
So the person who said he was going to find Mrs. Chang immediately rushed to look for her.

When Chang Xi received the news and rushed over, Guanshi Du was beaten into shock, and Chang Dadou was still punching people. Li Shi persuaded and persuaded, but Chang Dadou seemed to be venting. Generally, I can't take it back.


She shouted angrily, and then instructed Wu Laosan and the others to pull Chang Dadou away immediately.

Chang Dadou was actually venting his aggrieved emotions on Du Guanshi until he was forcibly pulled away, and then he regained his senses. Looking at the blood on his hands, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

Chang Xi immediately knelt down to check on Guanshi Du's injuries. Fortunately, she was still breathing. She pinched Guanshi Du's people hard, and then Guanshi Du woke up faintly. As soon as he woke up, he shouted, "Killer!" , killing—”

"Guard Du, it's all right."

Hearing Chang Xi's voice and seeing her person clearly, he regained his sanity, pointed at Chang Dadou who was being held aside and yelled at Chang Xi, "This man almost beat me to death. Immediately report to the government to arrest him and put him in prison—”

Chang Xi comforted Steward Du first, and then asked Mr. Wu to take him out to the doctor stationed in the workshop to see, at least apply medicine to the wound first, and talk about the rest later.

After Guanshi Du was carried away, she looked coldly at Chang Dadou, Li Shi, and Chang Kui who shrugged, "You guys follow me first."

Dong Li stayed to clean up the mess, and the three returned to the reception room with Chang Xi.

Chang Xi kept his face straight until there were no outsiders in the reception room, then he said to Chang Dadao, "Do you know who he is? You dare to hit him?"

"I've been beaten, I'm your father, you can't leave me alone." Chang Da bickered and said firmly.

Chang Xi sneered, "You are so capable, how can I control you? Didn't you hear that someone wants to report to the government to arrest you?" Seeing that Chang Dadou couldn't shake his prestige, she continued to say mercilessly, "He But the people in the Qianrong Princess’s mansion were sent by the princess to the workshop to supervise them, do you think they are the ones you can show off your prestige to? Are you blind?”

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