pawn wife

Chapter 228 026: Frightened

When Chang Dadou heard this, his face was as white as paper. He really didn't expect that sissy to be from the Princess's Mansion. Could he offend an existence of this level? "What should I do now? San'e, I'm your father, you can't just ignore me, if I'm arrested and put in jail, you'll lose face, right?"

"That's right, San'e, you have to save your father, he is the pillar of our family, he can't go to jail." Mrs. Li was at a loss now, she knew that she would hold her husband no matter what to prevent him from intruding This is a catastrophe.

Oh my goodness, is the Princess's mansion something ordinary people like them can afford?Just thinking about it made her want to die.

No matter how hard Chang Kui was, he didn't dare to make a sound at the moment. Such a big thing happened at home, and he was also at a loss.

Chang Xi said angrily, "Do you think I can be stronger than the people from the Princess's mansion? You really think highly of me, and I'm just a mediocre commoner. What do I have to fight against?"

As soon as these words came out, Chang Dadou and Li Shi were speechless for a moment. They were incompetent, and it was impossible for their daughter to be honored. Just like what she said, how can she compare to the sissy from the princess's mansion?

Chang Xi tried to calm down his anger, and when he saw that the couple was speechless, he stood up unhappily, "I'll go over and see how long it takes, and if it's really ineffective, I'll report it to the government again. Find a way to save you from old age."

After speaking, she hurriedly left first.

There were only three members of the family left in the room. After looking at each other for a while, Mrs. Li said worriedly, "Father, what should we do? San'e doesn't seem to be stronger than others, so you won't be arrested by the government, right? "

Chang Dadou was actually very scared in his heart, but he still insisted on saying, "Are you so annoying? Our daughter has to take care of us, so don't make trouble here."

"Father, I'm also worried about you," Li's voice was now crying, "If San'e had a way, she wouldn't have been away for so long and not come back..."

Chang Dadou's heart is at a loss now, he won't really want to arrest him and go to the government, will he?

At this moment, someone passed by outside, and someone commented, "Have you heard that? Mrs. Chang's father beat Guanshi Du..."

"real or fake?"

"Is this still fake? Steward Du is still being treated in the infirmary, and the bruised and swollen face can't be seen anymore. Mrs. Chang kept apologizing there. Steward Du is not relentless and insists on arresting her." Mrs. Chang's father is going to sue the officials..."

"Oh my god, sue the officer? Doesn't Mrs. Chang's father have to shed a layer of skin if he doesn't die now? Then Steward Du is from the eldest princess's mansion."

"Isn't it? Mrs. Chang is also quite difficult to deal with now. I don't think she can handle Du Guanshi."

"I think so too."

The chat between the two passed away, and Chang Dadou and Li Shi were already trembling with fear. If their daughter couldn't bear it, wouldn't they really go to jail?
Then another group of people passed by who were gossiping. Chang Dadou and Li Shi overheard that they had gone to report to the officials.

After a while, Mrs. Li was the first to react, "Father, why don't we run away quickly, we can't stay here anymore."

Chang Dadou struggled with his thoughts for a long time, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, let's go now."

"Aren't you saying goodbye to Third Sister?" Chang Kui asked hurriedly.

Mrs. Li growled at her son, "Why are you saying goodbye? Didn't you hear? She's going to let the officials come and arrest your father. Let's go quietly without disturbing anyone."

Chang Dadou didn't scold his wife for having long hair and short-sightedness. He stuck the hookah in his waist and left as soon as he said it.

Fortunately, there were no guards outside, and there were not many people passing by. The couple took their son out secretly, and they would subconsciously hide when they encountered people.

At this time, Chang Xi was in the office. Through the window, he saw the family of three running towards the gate like thieves. They first hid in the shadows and waited until the gatekeeper went to the toilet. Then they seized the opportunity to rush out of the gate, and then He ran off into the distance without looking back.

"It's finally gone." Xiaotao patted her chest and said, it would be too troublesome if she didn't leave. She spent a lot of thought on setting up this situation, and then thought, "They won't come back in a short time, right?"

"How is it possible? This time they were scared out of their guts." Dong Li sneered coldly, "As long as Manager Du is here for a day, they won't dare to come here."

But Huniu looked at Chang Xi and sincerely admitted her mistake, "Ms. Chang, I still didn't arrange it properly. I really made Manager Du get beaten. I'm afraid it won't end well for him." Thinking of this, she was extremely annoyed, causing Du Guanshi went to meet Chang Dadou, just wanting Chang Dadou to offend Du Guanshi, but never thought of making them fight.

Chang Xi glanced at Hu Niu, she was careless but delicate, she was a malleable talent, but because she was too young, she didn't know how to handle things well, it was understandable, but she still said, "This time Forget it, you should reflect on it carefully, and don’t use excessive force in doing things, but this is up to you to measure and grasp it yourself.”

When Huniu heard this, she felt relieved, "Yes, Mrs. Chang, I will definitely reflect on myself."

Chang Xi didn't say anything more, but turned around and walked out, going to see Guan Shi Du, this also had to be appeased so that he wouldn't make trouble.

At this time, Guanshi Du had already been drugged on his face and body. Seeing Chang Xi's arrival, he couldn't help but snort coldly. I feel very uncomfortable.

"Is Guan Du okay?"

"I can't die, you don't need to cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful."

"Steward Du's words are unfair, isn't it? I had to do this, and you, Steward Du, have this status to scare them. I don't need to change it to someone else."

Hearing this, the corners of Du Guanshi's mouth couldn't help but rise, but our identities are different from others, and we came from the Princess's Mansion anyway, but soon realized that he should be angry, so he pointed to his face and The wound on the body, "Look, is my injury wronged? I have suffered from flesh and blood."

Chang Xi expressed deep sympathy, "Guard Du has worked hard, I will remember your kindness, how about this, how about holding a welcome banquet for you in the workshop in two days? I have been wanting to do it before, just in time I will take this opportunity to apologize to you."

"Welcome banquet?"

"That's right, you are someone sent by the eldest princess' mansion, so it's not too much to hold a welcome banquet?"

"of course."

Manager Du will not let go of such an opportunity to show his identity. Moreover, his status in the workshop will be significantly improved in this way, and he will not have to be a man with his tail between his legs. Thinking about it, he accepted it. Chang Xi's plan to make amends.

Chang Xi knew that Guanshi Du had the best face, and he would definitely choose the latter if he took office quietly or with great fanfare.

After doing so, she comforted Steward Du and stopped clamoring to report to the officials. She also managed to drive the three of the Chang family back. She was quite satisfied with the result.

She handed over to Dong Li the responsibility for the welcome dinner.

Dongli was a little dumbfounded when he received this task. There are so many people in the workshop, what should we do?How much will it cost? "Miss Chang, this is not very cost-effective."

"There is nothing cost-effective or not, only if it is suitable or not, add more dishes for everyone to eat, design some prize-winning games, the prizes do not need to be expensive, as long as they are useful in life, the workshop will be closed for half a day, everyone Be happy, increase the cohesion of the workshop."

In later generations, this activity is called team building.

Dongli listened, and seemed to understand a little bit. After thinking about it, she nodded and said, "Okay, I know what's in my mind, Mrs. Chang, don't worry, I will definitely handle it well."

Chang Xi naturally has confidence in Dong Li's ability to handle affairs. This girl has made rapid progress, and she gradually has the shadow of a secretary and assistant in her body, and she is less like the maid who used to only serve people in the backyard.

Xie Jin quickly got wind of Chang Xi's affairs. He was really surprised that she would let Guanshi Du and Chang Dadou confront each other, and borrowed Guanshi Du to scare Chang Dadou's family away. After a series of cuts and beatings, she actually dealt with the two of them. I'm afraid they haven't realized this yet. It's hard for him not to appreciate this method and mind.

"My lord, I understand now that Mrs. Chang can't judge it with common sense. I originally thought that Chang Dadou's family would have to stay in the workshop for a while, but they were so dispirited in just two days. He ran away and didn't catch anything." Zhou Nan thought at this moment, he must not offend Chang Xi in the future, otherwise he will be unable to eat.

That steward Du is an example. He dared to provoke Chang Xi and kicked the scientific research department out of the workshop.

"Chang Dadou and his wife don't want to be human, so I don't blame her for doing so."

How could Xie Jin sympathize with Chang Dadou's family, he only wished that he could really use this family to take the knife. After all, he had to worry about their status as Chang Xi's blood relatives, but if they wanted to gain his respect, they would never even think about it in this life.

Zhou Nan glanced at his master, you are biased, so Mrs. Chang is fine with everything, so naturally her parents are not fine with anything.

At this moment, the servant came in to announce that Chang Xi had come.

Hearing this, Xie Jin immediately got up to meet her, but stopped after taking two steps, first tidied up his clothes, then straightened his tiara, and finally went outside in a hurry when he felt it was all right.

Zhou Nan followed behind, couldn't help but slander, his master is no different from the peacock with its tail open now.

Chang Xi smiled when he saw Xie Jin who hurried to meet her.

Xie Jin's footsteps stopped, his eyes could not be separated from her beautiful face, especially that confident smile, which he thought he would remember forever.

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