pawn wife

Chapter 233 031: Bad tricks

Xing Nanhou looked at his hysterical wife, stepped forward to hold her hand and said, "You are really going to ruin the relationship between you and Xie Jin by doing this."

The moment she was held by her husband, Princess Qianrong finally calmed down. Her husband came too timely, and she had to think deeply, so she quickly came to a conclusion, "Brother Jin will go too for you." Believe it."

Marquis Xingnan remained silent, but he sighed in his heart, he knows your temperament thoroughly.

The eldest princess understood now, no wonder Xie Jin would write such a blunt letter to herself, she had already made up her mind to use her husband to check and balance herself, maybe it was a mistake for me to treat him as a child all these years, he is no longer a child up.

Marquis Xingnan and the eldest princess have been husband and wife for so many years, and they have also suffered together. They have supported each other for so many years. Seeing her silent, he felt quite uncomfortable in his heart, "You don't have to think so much, he can write to me to come Stopping you shows that he still cares about the friendship between your aunts and nephews, which is a good thing." After a pause, "It also proves that we did not choose him wrongly, such a future monarch is better than a ruthless person .”

The wife's good popularity in the imperial city is faked, and how close her half-brothers are to her is it true?At least Xie Jin is better than them in this regard.

And what he didn't say was that keeping Chang's family was definitely the right move, which would be Xie Jin's weakness.

The eldest princess sighed, what her husband said was reasonable, so she waved her hand to make the guard retreat, and the guard disappeared in a flash.

Xingnanhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly let go of his wife's hand. For so many years, she did not fully trust him, which had to be said to be a setback.

The eldest princess held his hand instead, with a look of fragility in her eyes, "Don't blame me in your heart, since that incident back then, I have been afraid..."

She didn't dare to trust anyone wholeheartedly, even him who loved her, after all, wasn't the emperor father who stabbed the queen mother and younger brother cruel?
The queen mother was also the first wife of the emperor's father, but in the end she was forced to hang herself to death.

The closest relatives in the world are husband and wife.

Xingnanhou stretched out his arms to hug the eldest princess, and kissed her hair, "Don't be afraid, I will be by your side no matter what." Seeing his wife calm down, he said, "Your worries are not unreasonable, How about this, let's call Brother Hao back..."

"No, he came back not long after he took office, which is not good for his career," the eldest princess vetoed the proposal, "Brother Hao's daughter-in-law has been away for so many years, although there are people around her, but this time she takes office He didn't bring any with him, so it can be seen that he doesn't like it, I think it's better to book another marriage for him, what do you think?"

Xingnanhou knew that his wife seemed to be asking for his opinion, but in fact she had already made up her mind, anyway, he didn't want to make her unhappy on this matter, "Just as long as you like it."

Only then did the eldest princess smile, and she chose the candidate for the future daughter-in-law in her heart, and finally said, "Let's just take the girl from the Han family."

Xingnan Hou heard the words, but frowned. He was not very satisfied with this girl from Weiwuhou's mansion. Before, when his son was in the capital, he was impatient with her pursuit. He finally got rid of his foreign boss, but his wife fell in love with her. satisfied?

"What? Are you not satisfied?"

Marquis Xingnan just brushed her off before, if he brushes her off again at this time, then she will be hysterical again. Between his wife and his son, he chooses to sacrifice his son. You can take the girl you like as a side room, which does not hinder your son's happiness.

"How come? The one in your picture is naturally good."

Only then did the eldest princess have a smile on her face, "Then I will make an appointment with the Wei family tomorrow to settle the marriage, and then I will go ask my father to marry me."

With such a combination of punches, the son can't object if he wants to. With the restraint of his wife, he will naturally no longer be interested in women of that background.

Xingnanhou could only light a candle for his son in his heart, but he said, "Just as long as you are happy."

Only then did the eldest princess talk to him about the marriage with great interest. He was not interested in hearing it, but he still had to deal with it. In the end, she fell asleep in eager anticipation.

Yuan Hao, who was far away in Yiyang City, suffered from insomnia that night. Standing outdoors, he looked at the bright moon hanging high and lamented his thoughts, but he never expected that his parents would arbitrarily arrange a marriage for him that he didn't like.

The next day, after a night of cool wind, he contracted a cold, so he could only stay in this other hospital to recuperate.

After Chang Xi heard about it, she specially took the time to come over to visit the doctor. Seeing Yuan Hao's pale face and sick, looking quite pitiful, she suddenly felt a little bit of worthless sympathy, "It's just a new season, Mr. Yuan has to take care Your body is fine."

"It's okay, just take two doses of medicine and you'll be fine, ah chirp—"

Originally, Yuan Hao wanted to say a few relaxing words, but he couldn't stop sneezing, so he turned his head in embarrassingly, and quickly squeezed his nose with a handkerchief. Now he even wanted to die, really It's too embarrassing.

Chang Xi smiled, and said empathetically, "Your Majesty Yuan, don't be embarrassed, anyone who is infected with a cold will be like this, it's a physiological phenomenon."

"I'm laughing." Yuan Hao managed to stop the sneeze, his nose was red and his voice was hoarse, his face was filled with self-loathing.

Chang Xi felt that this kind of Yuan Hao was a little more popular. Although he looked friendly in the past, he had a strong aura of being a son of an official family, but now he looks much more pleasing to the eye.

But she only came to visit the sick for a while, then got up and said goodbye.

Yuan Hao couldn't bear her to leave so fast, but he couldn't find a reason to stay with her, so he could only ask eagerly, "Will Mrs. Chang come again?"

Chang Xi could see the expectation in his eyes. Although he didn't intend to give him expectations, the person in front of him was a patient after all, and there were interests involved between the two of them, so he didn't take things seriously, but said, "I'm afraid I The next time you find time to come over, Mr. Yuan's illness will be cured, and it's not yet determined."

With such ambiguous words, Yuan Hao heard the subtext. He really didn't care about him, so he could only silently watch Chang Xi leave.

He didn't expect that he would have such a lack of ambition one day. He had never been so disappointed when his wife had dystocia.

When Xie Jin knew that Yuan Hao was ill, he just snorted, "Only he can use such a bad trick, it's useless."

Zhou Nan on the side didn't have the nerve to remind his master that not long ago when he was recuperating from his injuries, he deliberately spent several days in bed just to take care of Mrs. Chang. He only allowed the state officials to set fires and not allow the people to light lamps.

Chang Xi is so busy now that Xie Ming has the full authority to deal with the tea brick workshop, and she spends all her time on experiments with Lin Yuqi.

Although the principle is known and the drawings of the real thing have been seen, it is not easy to reproduce a steam engine suitable for detoxification gas used in coal mines.

Now she is as unkempt as Lin Yuqi, and the two started discussing the sketches. It was in this situation that their minds opened up little by little, and they gradually began to draw the second generation of sketches, and Xie Yuxin helped them both. , but also act as a mediator when they have disputes.

Xie Jin was very distressed when he saw the dark and dark research design, and whenever he had free time, he took food to feed Chang Xi himself, for fear that she would go hungry, because the other two were unreliable.

Lin Yuqi and Xie Yuxin were labeled as unreliable by him.

One day, Chang Xi, who solved an important device, walked out of the laboratory and saw Xie Jin waiting for him with a food box, so he hurried forward and said, "What's delicious?"

"Seafood porridge." Xie Jin pulled her to sit on the porch, opened the food box and handed her the porridge.

Only then did Chang Xi feel his stomach growling with hunger, thinking that the other two in the laboratory were still forgetting to eat and sleep, and they couldn't just eat by themselves, so he asked the boy beside him to go to the kitchen to bring some food to Lin Yuqi to reconcile Xie Yuxin.

After making the arrangement, she could eat the bowl of porridge in front of her with peace of mind.

Xie Jin looked at it and wanted to sigh, her heart is so soft sometimes.

"By the way, is Mr. Yuan cured?" Chang Xi remembered that Yuan Hao was still sick, but he couldn't spare time to visit him anymore, so he could only ask this question.

"How many days can a man be sick?" Xie Jin said indifferently.

When Chang Xi heard it, it was obvious that the disease was cured, "I will give him a gift later to celebrate his recovery..."

Xie Jin was impatient to hear other men being mentioned in her mouth, so he urged her to drink porridge quickly, otherwise it would be cold.

Chang Xi couldn't help laughing out loud at this narrow-minded look.

Yuan Hao watched the two people get along very harmoniously although they were not close, and felt disappointed for a while. He looked at the food box in his hand, turned around and left sadly, and then took the food in his hand. The food box he was carrying was conveniently handed over to a passing maid.

The maid blushed instantly. Everyone in the other courtyard knew what Yuan Hao's identity was. Does this mean that she fell into his eyes?Will there be a chance to fly to the branches in the future?

But she was only distracted for a moment, and Yuan Hao walked away, and she was instantly dumbfounded.

Chang Xi didn't even know that Yuan Hao had been here, so what if she knew, the feelings she hadn't considered were worthless to her.

After eating the porridge, she handed the empty box back to Xie Jin, wiped her lips, and said directly, "I'll go to work first, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, before Xie Jin could speak, he entered the laboratory again.

Xie Jin smiled wryly, anyway, since she has to be busy, she can't be the one who drags her back, so she should get busy too.

Chang Xi still needs to find time to inspect the tea brick workshop in his busy schedule, and he can't leave everything to Xie Ming to deal with.

Seeing her appearing in the workshop, everyone couldn't help but cheer up, and there were endless greetings along the way.

Even Dongli and Xiaotao looked happy, and hurriedly brought over the business to report to Chang Xi.

Just as Chang Xi looked at the recent reports, he heard Huniu come in, saying that it was that foreign devil James who asked to see her.

Sorry, I originally wanted to update it three times, but it should not be updated tonight. I will make it up tomorrow. Please forgive me.

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