pawn wife

Chapter 234 032: I Didn't Dare To Face It Up

Chapter 234 032: I Didn't Dare To Face It Up (Part [-])
Chang Xi put down the various reports in his hand, turned the brush in his hand playfully, and said after a while, "Please come in."

This is not the first time James has come to the Tea Brick Workshop, but compared with the last time he came, the Tea Brick Workshop has undergone great changes, and all the facilities are better than before. Even Chang Xi's office has undergone great changes. The changes, the layout is more elegant, and even the green plants have increased, making this place look very green.

"James, long time no see. You are very welcome. Take a seat." Chang Xi got up to welcome him to the side and sat down, and then asked people to serve tea.

James took a serious look at Chang Xi's expression, her smile was still sincere, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Chang, you are a household name in Yiyang City recently, it is not easy to meet you. "

"How come? No matter how well-known you are, I will never forget that it was you, James, who started the business with our tea brick workshop, otherwise the workshop would not have developed into what it is today, and our friendship will last forever."

Everyone loves to hear good words, James is no exception, and now the smile on his face is even bigger, "Chang, you are really a friend, you will always be my friend, I am here to pick up the last batch of goods, Then I will be ready to set sail and go back, see you next time at the end of next year or early next year, Chang, I will miss you."

It sounded very touching, and Chang Xi also acted moved, "Leaving so soon?"

"The winter wind is blowing, so it's time to go back. I hope that Tea Brick's performance won't disappoint us." He planned to make a lot of money when he went back this time, after all, he invested a lot of money on it.

"Then I'll replace the wine with tea, and wish you a smooth voyage!"

James accepted all of Chang Xi's blessings, and drank the tea after thanking him.

The tea brewed from this tea brick is still sweet and sweet, but the tea brick made from the so-called tea brick secret book that John stole back is extremely bitter. Angelica, he, Fan Luoxi and others bought a large amount of tea for experimentation, but none of them succeeded. Later, they found out that they had been fooled, and the so-called cheats for making tea bricks were simply a lie.

After losing a lot of money, they could only vent their anger on John, this useless guy who deceived them all. No matter how many times John said that he was also deceived, no one believed him except him. , and some even demanded that he be executed.

Finally, John turned to him for help. For the sake of friendship for many years, he secretly helped John leave the Daewoo Dynasty and go to the sea countries around Daewoo to seek refuge.

So when Chang Xi mentioned John casually, he smiled wryly, "Chang, you should know what happened to him, isn't this the result you want?"

Chang Xi pretended to be innocent and opened his eyes wide and said, "James, you are really insulting me. John himself has a bad character. I can't blame him for his misfortune."

She will never admit it.

James came here this time to maintain the relationship with Chang Xi. The advantages of tea bricks have become more and more superior as time goes by, so he needs to order more tea bricks next time. He is full of confidence in this new thing, so he is in At this juncture, he will not offend Chang Xi.

Therefore, he laughed loudly, "It's all a joke, Chang, don't be angry."

"How could it be? I'm not a small-minded person." Chang Xi also smiled kindly.

However, when James proposed to place an early order for tea bricks for next year or the year after, Chang Xi first expressed his welcome, but then tactfully expressed that he wanted to increase the price.

"Chang, we are old friends, how long will you be raising the price?" James felt hurt.

Chang Xi hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, James, this is not a price increase. You have also seen that our workshop is currently working on three shifts, but the market is still in short supply. If you can consider placing an order in advance, we are very welcome , so the best price for you, if you order again next year, believe me, my friend, it won’t be at this price then.”

Seeing that James was still hesitating, she directly gave a heavy hammer, "James, you should know that the whole Daewoo, no, it should be the whole world, only we are making tea bricks, and our workshop has not had time to expand. , the production capacity is limited. By next year, tea bricks will really open up the domestic market. Can you imagine how big the demand will be? By then, the price will double from this year’s level. This is still my conservative estimate. .”

"It is precisely because we are friends that I will inform you in advance. As for your other colleagues, I have no obligation to remind them. Their fleet will come to Daewoo Dynasty next year, and that is not as good as the price you have ordered in advance. .”

Chang Xi smiled very innocently, but James felt a toothache. This was a gamble, and if he lost, he might lose his fortune, but the temptation of profit made him unable to give up.

At this moment, Guanshi Du opened the curtain and walked in. He listened outside, and when he heard Chang Xi say that the price of tea bricks would double again next year, his heart became very hot, so he said, "Chang Xi Ma'am, our order has already been scheduled until the middle of next year, there is really no need to add more orders, and please invite this foreigner to come and place an order next year."

Since you can make more money, why bother to give the profit to this foreign devil.

Before Chang Xi could speak, James immediately said, "Chang, aren't you in charge of the tea brick workshop? What does this Mr.... mean?"

Steward Du glanced at James, contemptuous in his heart, naturally a bit arrogant on his face.

James also didn't like this white-faced sissy. Compared with Chang Xi's gentleness, this girl was really hard to compliment, so he didn't give Guanshi Du a good look.

Chang Xi introduced Guanshi Du with a smile, "This is a partner who has recently settled in our workshop. We will refer to his opinion. As for whether to adopt it or not, we will have a meeting to confirm." After a while, "As for the Everything you say is valid."

Guanshi Du wanted to say something more, but Chang Xi looked at him with a smile on his face, "Is Guanshi Du still doing something?"

Seeing the warning look in Chang Xi's eyes, Steward Du finally didn't dare to confront her head-on. He said a few words with a sneer before retreating tactfully, but as soon as he went out, his face darkened.

James didn't like Guanshi Du. Seeing him go out, he took the opportunity to apply eye drops in front of Chang Xi, "Chang, I'm really not worth it for you. This man seems to be here to pick peaches. Your temper is too good. .”

Chang Xi wouldn't fall into his trap. The eldest princess standing behind Steward Du couldn't afford to provoke such a powerful opponent for herself, so she said, "Introducing new blood is the only way for the workshop to develop. A partner is fair and just."

James was not upset if he failed to provoke. He had seen the ability of this Daewoo woman a long time ago. He was not surprised at the sober mind of the other party. However, with the episode of Du Guanshi, he soon decided to place an order in advance and do business. Getting a head start is important.

With the beginning of James, many foreign businessmen came to place orders in advance, and even Fan Luoxi, who had always shown arrogance, came to talk to Chang Xi in person.

It was not easy for others to entertain this person, so Chang Xi had to come forward in person.

Although there were differences throughout the negotiation process, a cooperation intention was finally reached.

After this wave of operations, the Tea Brick Workshop has made a fortune again, and the cash flow is more abundant. Let alone the four shopkeepers, even the capital city is quite satisfied after receiving the news. Chang Xi's ability to make money With a more intuitive feeling.

In the capital, Han Yongzhu, the daughter of the mighty Marquis Mansion, was married to Yuan Hao, the son of the eldest princess. Everyone in the Han family was discussing the marriage, but only Han Yongzhu's mother, Wei Shi, was worried.

Seeing that her mother had been unhappy after receiving the order, Han Yongzhu took her mother's hand and shook it, "Mother, I really like him, so don't be unhappy. The eldest princess came to ask for this marriage in person. I will marry him in the future." I will be happy in the past..."

Seeing his daughter's innocent look, Wei could only sigh, "He is so many years older than you, Sister Zhu, you have to face the sons and daughters left by his deceased wife as soon as you pass through the door, you have thought about all this." Already?"

Han Yongzhu said, "As the saying goes, only old men love their wives. I will be happy if I marry him. As for the children left by his deceased wife, I just treat them kindly. Who will say that I am not good at that time?"

She is very confident in herself, and she will definitely be able to be a good stepmother.

The daughter has really loved Yuan Hao miserably these years, and she has become an older unmarried girl because of this. Wei Shi is helpless but understands. After all, she is also a person who has experienced it. She knows what it feels like to love someone miserable, but the reality will not be like this. The daughter thought so well, and she would sincerely hate him when she saw his blood relationship with other people. She was deeply touched by this.

But seeing her daughter's expectant expression, she couldn't say anything.

Originally, she disagreed with the eldest princess's proposal and asked her daughter to go to Yiyang, but now she doesn't think so. Now that the marriage has been completed, the future son-in-law's heart must be tied.

Stretching out her hand to brush her daughter's hair behind her ears, she said, "I'll let Nanny Tao go to Yiyang City with you. You have to listen to Nanny Tao's persuasion. You should be more reserved before marriage. This is the bottom line of my daughter's family." ..."

When Han Yongzhu heard that her mother agreed to her going to Yiyang, her face was full of joy. She didn't really pay much attention to her mother's advice, but she still pretended to obey her seriously.

When she came out from her mother, she still had a look of excitement on her face, and immediately went back to pack her luggage. She wanted to see her sweetheart sooner.

When Nanny Tao came over, she saw the little girl pointing at the maid to clean up this one and that one, and said with a smile, "Girl, are you going to empty out the whole yard?"

Hearing the sound, Han Yongzhu hurriedly turned around to look at her mother's wet nurse Tao Nanny, "Mammy is here, come and give me advice, which of these clothes looks better?"

(End of this chapter)

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