pawn wife

Chapter 238 036: Women Don't Let Their Eyebrows

Chapter 238 036: Women Don't Let Their Eyebrows

Mrs. Bo came to the tea brick workshop to observe and study, and the most unnatural behavior was Xieming. The couple saw each other sooner or later, and it was awkward to think about it.

It's a pity that Mrs. Bai didn't feel anything. She had studied housekeeping, but managing a workshop was much more complicated than housekeeping. She studied it very seriously. If she didn't understand, she would not only ask her husband to explain it, but also ask other people shamelessly. Even his violent temper has restrained a lot.

Gradually, it became clear that it was not so hard for his wife to come out to be his colleague, especially in the management workshop, his experience was better than Bai's, which made him overcome his wife's addiction, and he was able to speak confidently. Calling Bai Shi a pig's head doesn't even understand this, but Bai Shi just gave him a look, but he didn't output all his temper like in the past, which made him almost fly with excitement.

Of course, this is the interest of the couple. When others see it, they will think that these two are playing tricks, and they all think that it is immoral for these two to throw dog food when they are old.

Bai Shi complained in front of Chang Xi, she was not playing tricks with Xie Ming, it was obvious that he seized the opportunity to show off in front of her.

Chang Xi patted her on the shoulder lightly, "Okay, don't feel wronged, the matter between the two of you is to go back and settle the matter behind closed doors, he will definitely not be able to beat you."

Hearing this, Bai's face turned red, and he hurriedly ran away without saying "Ms. Chang, you have learned badly too", lest her face be so hot that she could fry eggs.

Chang Xi spread her hands innocently, then turned to ask Dong Li in the room, "Am I wrong?"

Dongli smiled, and stood on Chang Xi's side and said, "It's Madam Bashao who is wrong."

"I think it is." Chang Xi sat down again, clicked his tongue twice, what did Mrs. Bai think of.

At this moment, Shi Axiang brought the manager in, "Miss Chang, Brother Si is here."

Only then did Chang Xi stop her teasing, went forward to greet the manager, and then left Shi Axiang to entertain the guests.

"Ms. Chang, what's the reason why you asked Ah Xiang to come to me in such a hurry?"

Because James set sail to return to China, the translation work for him has also come to an end. He has been at sea recently, and he hastily went ashore after receiving a letter from Shi Axiang. He was quite anxious along the way. Knowing what Chang Xi wanted him for, and secondly, worrying about Shi Axiang and the others having an accident, that's why Chang Xi asked him to come and solve it.

In short, he was not happy with the past two years.

Fortunately, as soon as she saw Shi Axiang, she said that everyone is very good, the job in Yiyang City is very stable, the salary is not low, and some people even want to settle down in Yiyang City, life on land is always more stable than on the island many.

Only then did he put his heart back into his chest, and then he was in a hurry to see Chang Xi.

Seeing his dusty face, Chang Xi realized that he had misunderstood, and quickly apologized. Seeing Si Li waving his hand, she got to the point and asked about the rubber tree.

As soon as Si Li heard it, he knew what tree Chang Xi was looking for, "Is it the kind of tree with white thick sap? And it grows in a humid, hot and rainy climate."

"Yes, that's it." Chang Xi said with bright eyes, obviously the manager has seen this kind of tree before, and it can be seen that their fleet has been to Nanyang and other places.

Seeing Chang Xi's appearance, Si Li wanted to laugh a little, but finally held back, in fact, Chang Xi really looked like a young girl, not as mature and capable as usual, "Okay, I'll bring you some Plant a tree, but where are you going to plant it?"

"Dayu faces south, and the climate there is suitable for its growth." Chang Xi has already made plans, and even plans to send people to conduct field inspections and buy more than ten acres of land to plant this.

If rubber can be invented, then a lot of industrial equipment can be produced, and it will not be difficult to build a bicycle or a sewing machine by then.

When the manager knew about it, he agreed immediately, negotiated the price with Chang Xi, and also agreed on the delivery time, so that the matter was settled.

Chang Xi invited the manager to eat in a small box in the cafeteria of the Tea Brick Workshop. In order to avoid embarrassment, he left Shi Axiang behind and added Mingming and Bai's couple, so that the scene would look better.

Si Li was not a talkative person, but he and Xie Ming got along pretty well.

After the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, he said goodbye and left.

The building of the spinning workshop was officially put on the agenda. Since Wu Laosan and other strong men in the village were still building the expanded tea brick workshop, we had to find someone else to build the spinning workshop. Time and employment shortage began to appear.

Master Zhou, the parent officer of Yiyang City, came here to meet Chang Xi, which surprised Chang Xi, because she really didn't have much contact with him, but the visitor was a guest, so she greeted him warmly in person.

Master Zhou's face is quite easy-going this time, even the official authority has been reduced a lot, and he pays special attention to dealing with Chang Xi, with a very respectful look.

This made Chang Xi vigilant. It seemed that Master Zhou was asking a lot this week, so he paid more attention to it.

After some courtesies, Master Zhou finally expressed his intentions, "I heard that Mrs. Chang is going to build a spinning workshop, isn't that true?"

It turned out to be about this, Chang Xi said with a smile, "That's exactly what I meant, and I have already invited the officials to measure the land, and all preparations are almost complete, but the workers who built the house have not yet been recruited."

After Mr. Zhou heard the words, he admired Chang Xi more and more. This woman sounded like a practical person, so he didn't use bureaucratic accents, "Although Yiyang City is rich, there are always some villages that are very poor. They don't have Fa relies on the mountains to eat mountains, and depends on the sea to eat the sea. Chang Niangzi, can your spinning workshop be moved to these places? With this workshop, they can at least have a profitable business, just like this tea brick workshop has driven several people nearby. It is a good thing that this village has expanded its enrollment to the residents of Yiyang City, so that many people can be employed." After a pause, "I think this model can be used to drive some poorer areas, so that they can also Have a good meal to eat."

Chang Xi was not surprised that Master Zhou came here to help the poor. Even in the environment of the Daewoo Dynasty, the economy was not an important criterion for measuring political performance, but the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

After trying to understand this truth, she said apologetically, "Master Zhou, it's not that I don't want to, but that this matter is difficult to handle. Let's put it this way, the main reason is that I can't be split into two pieces. Two people who are separated from two places I can't take care of the workshop."

This is the truth. Unlike later generations, where the transportation is extremely convenient, she can deal with any emergency in time.

Seeing Master Zhou frowning, she didn't want to make Master Zhou's impression of her worse this week. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, and building a good relationship with the magistrate will help her career progress. "Another important aspect is the talent. Cultivation, there is no solution for this at the moment, there are only a few people I have to use, and they are worthy of use, and it is even more difficult to cultivate a talent who can handle it alone, Lord Zhou, please forgive me."

With such a heart-to-heart talk, what else can Mr. Zhou say?He can't force others, after all, there are very few large-scale workshops like Chang Xi, and there was none before her. Now some people see that her model can also be used in other industries, so some people plan to imitate it.

"That's the officer's abruptness."

Chang Xi saw that Master Zhou wanted to get up and leave, so he smiled and asked the other party to listen to her plan again, "Master Zhou is thinking about those poor villages, and it is true that there is a problem of difficult recruitment on my side. The tea brick workshop has to be divided into one There are a large number of people, and the spinning workshop needs female workers in the later stage, but male workers are required to do the early work, Mr. Zhou, why don't we cooperate?"

"How to cooperate?" Lord Zhou asked in doubt.

Chang Xi said, "Those impoverished villages have surplus labor, why not set up a huge construction team, which can recruit strong laborers from impoverished villages to build houses, of course their wives and daughters can also come, and then directly fill the spinning In this way, poor villages can also get opportunities to make money.”

Mr. Zhou was very moved by this suggestion. It is indeed possible to find a way to make money for them by doing this, but the question arises, "If this is the case, shouldn't the fields in those villages be lost? This is not possible."

If Yushitai knew that he was doing this, he would read his book, after all, Nongsang is the foundation of the country, and the others are side branches.

Chang Xi had thought about this problem a long time ago, "Master Zhou, in fact, there is a solution to this problem, that is, not all of the strong labor force in each village is spared, only about [-]% is spared, and the remaining [-]% continue to work in the village. It is possible to rent out the land of the laborers, and the two sides of the harvest will agree to divide it. In this way, there will be people plowing the fields, so that they will not be left empty, and the people who plow the fields will be able to increase their income relatively, Mr. Zhou What do you think?"

When Mr. Zhou heard this, he exclaimed in a wonderful voice. It is true that this can achieve a win-win situation, "Miss Chang, I often hear people praise you for being a heroine, and now I finally understand it."

"Mr. Zhou is too much, but it's just a small skill that can't be put on the table." Chang Xi said modestly, and then said, "Mr. Zhou, if the spinning workshop is really in operation, after everything like the tea brick workshop is on the right track, in the future There will be workshops elsewhere.”

Mr. Zhou is now at the time when he appreciates Chang Xi quite a lot. Hearing her words, he knows what her appeal is, "I can assure you that all matters related to the government in the spinning workshop will be handled by me." Special channels can be given.” In other words, you won’t be stuck in this link.

Chang Xi really thanked Master Zhou for the opportunity he gave her, so he asked Master Zhou to have a meal even more enthusiastically.

"I heard that the food in the cafeteria of your Tea Brick Workshop is good. I just took this opportunity to bother you."

This time it was Chang Xi's turn to be surprised, who said that?
Master Zhou quickly sold out this big-mouthed person, "The last time I heard him say something when I was drinking tea and playing chess with Master Yuan, I really wanted to come and see him."

"That's Mr. Yuan's admiration."

The cooks in the cafeteria of the Tea Brick Workshop are used to Chang Xi entertaining people to make small stir-fries, but when they heard that it was the parents and officials from Yiyang City who came today, they were all excited, and they all said they would cook special dishes Entertain the parent officer.

Master Zhou was even more moved when he found out about it. After all, he wanted to be a good official for the country and the people after studying for an official position. This is the long-cherished wish of every scholar.

Even Du Guanshi, who was accompanying him, couldn't say anything, so he could only poke at the villain secretly, thinking that Chang Xi was too damn good at being a human being, and he was able to gain people's hearts without even giving small favors. Not to mention her treachery.

Xie Ming dismissed Guan Shi Du, who was sore in his eyes, and would be jealous of others if he had no skills. This person is really boring.

After Mr. Zhou got the advice from Chang Xi, he went back and immediately held a meeting to formulate policies and set up a construction team. There were still many people scrambling to do it, because there was money to be made in it.

Mr. Zhou can see the thoughts of these people, this time he decided to use those who are usually honest and not sycophant to do this job, and put an end to the link of making money from it.

Many people noticed these sudden changes in the government office, and some immediately agreed, while others felt that Mr. Zhou was confused. If he offended people like this, he might not be able to hold this position for long. Thinking of the previous earthquake in the southeast officialdom, he began to Alienate Master Zhou.

Mr. Zhou has seen many people's hearts clearly through this incident, and while feeling chilled, he has also drawn a clear line with those who follow the wind.

The wind of setting up the construction team naturally blew to Huaihua Village. Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li, who had been worried since they sneaked home, saw people from the government office coming to the village. They were so scared that they dragged their sons and hid in their eldest daughter's house. go.

The eldest daughter hadn't stayed at the house for two days, and when she saw people from the government office coming here, she immediately ran to the farthest second daughter's house.

The continuous running made the couple physically and mentally exhausted.

"Father, mother, what are you hiding?" Chang Er'e, who looked the most like Li Shi, asked.

"Don't ask." Chang Dadou scolded his second daughter, he didn't want to reveal the fact that he injured the people in the princess's mansion in the tea brick workshop. The daughter is reliable, but the son-in-law is not.

The second son-in-law Zhou Man at the side glanced at the father-in-law, hehe laughed twice, he was suspicious and eccentric, he didn't see that Chang Kui was robbing his children's food, so he looked at the brother-in-law with rather strange eyes bad.

Chang Er'e pushed her husband to let him go out. She couldn't get her parents to talk about him here.

Zhou Man took the child out and took the food away. Chang Kui was eating vigorously, but suddenly he had nothing to eat and made a lot of noise.

Mrs. Li hurriedly asked the second son-in-law to bring back the food. Chang Dadou looked coldly at the second son-in-law, who was not on the table, and was filled with disgust.

Chang Er'e saw her younger brother crying, so she hurried out and brought back the food her husband had taken away, causing Zhou Man to look at her rather displeased, but he, who had never been stronger than his wife, could only take the child out of sight. For the net.

"Father, mother, ignore that coward." Chang Er'e hurriedly asked her brother to eat again, and Chang Kui stopped crying.

Still the second daughter, the couple looked at each other, and Mrs. Li began to cry about what happened in the tea brick workshop.

When Chang Er'e first heard that the legendary Mrs. Chang was her third younger sister, she didn't believe it at all. It wasn't until her parents swore to the sky that she finally believed it with difficulty.

Thinking of her sister owning a large workshop, she couldn't help getting excited, and the light in her eyes flickered again and again.

 I’ve been away for a day today, I’m really tired, I owe everyone another chapter today, I’m so sorry!

  There are a lot of things going on recently, which squeezed the time for coding, and I tried my best to make up for it, please forgive me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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