pawn wife

Chapter 239 037: Who is this woman?

Chapter 239 037: Who is this woman? (one more)
"Father, mother, why don't I visit Third Sister and see what she's saying now?"

Chang Dadou and Li Shi exchanged a glance at the second daughter's suggestion, and they thought it was a solution, it was better than hiding all the time like now, this is not a long-term solution.

With the approval of her parents, Chang Er'e began to prepare to visit Chang Xi.

Her husband, Zhou Man, poured cold water on Chang Er'e, "My parents-in-law are confused, so are you? It's not like I haven't seen my sister-in-law before. How could she be that powerful lady Chang?"

"Whether it's true or not, you won't lose money if you go and have a look." Chang Er'e has her own reasons, "I heard that the tea brick workshop is still recruiting workers, so let's go and apply for a name, what if we are recruited? Boss It's better than taking care of this field at home..."

Zhou Man snorted lightly, feeling that his wife was whimsical, "What do we peasants eat if we don't farm? I don't go anywhere, I just farm at home."

Chang Er'e glared at her dull husband, so she had no choice but to consult with her elder sister first.

Seeing her sister coming, Chang Da'e hurriedly greeted her into the thatched cottage, "Why are you here? Are parents and younger brother okay? By the way, those officials are not here for parents, but to recruit some construction team. But who would believe it, maybe it’s to recruit strong men, the strong laborers in the village have all gone out to hide recently, you let your father and younger brother hide too, don’t be caught..."

What my elder sister said, Chang Er'e didn't care at all, but pulled Chang Da'e to talk about the fact that Mrs. Chang in the tea brick workshop suspected to be her younger sister, "Speaking of which, San'e has been married for so long, and we have not I went to visit her in the city, and this time, my sister and I are going to see how she is doing together?"

Chang Da'e took a breath, "Dad and mother are suffering from hypochondria, right? That person is really San'e from our family?"

"It's not a problem to go and have a look, what if it is." Chang Er'e said, "We are also sisters after all. She has developed, so shouldn't she win us over? You can't be so selfish."

Chang Da'e was noncommittal to what the second sister said, but there was no loss in going to have a look, so she nodded and agreed to go to the tea brick workshop with her.

When she was lying down at night, she still told her husband Luo Xiaoli all these things, "I don't know if this person is my younger sister. I heard from my parents that Xu Dalang died, and my younger sister didn't come back to say anything. I feel very uncomfortable." .”

Luo Xiaoli has always been a taciturn farmer, now seeing his wife worried, he said in a muffled voice, "Then you and your second sister-in-law go and have a look, and pick up some mountain goods and send them tomorrow."

Chang Da'e hurriedly responded, and she was so happy that her husband generously let her subsidize her natal family.

"It's winter now, and there's not much work in the fields. Tomorrow, you can send our sisters to find my little sister."

Luo Xiaoli heard the words and nodded his head in agreement.

The next day, Luo Xiaoli entrusted his parents to take care of his children, and escorted the Chang sisters to find Chang Xi.

In Xiejia Bieyuan, the new spinning machine attracted Lin Yuqi to watch it. Looking at this wooden machine, he showed an expression of interest, "If steam power is used, the spinning speed of this yarn can be accelerated."

"That's the truth, but you can't eat too much, and things have to be done step by step." Chang Xi saw the eagerness in Lin Yuqi's eyes, so he poured a little cold water on him.

In fact, she knows better than anyone else that the use of steam power in the spinning machine is the beginning of the industrial revolution, but, one is that the technical bottleneck is not so easy to break through, and the other is that the use of iron is not so easy in this fucking era Do whatever you want, the output of iron ore is very low now, Daewoo has a quota for using ironware in the country, and the tea brick workshop has almost used up the quota, so the spinning machine can only use wood now.

The objective reality lies here, and it cannot be changed by subjective initiative.

"Brother Lin, sister Chang is right, our research over there has not been successful yet." Xie Yuxin directly hooked Lin Yuqi's back collar and led him away to save him from being distracted.

Lin Yuqi was full of grievances, but he didn't show any resistance, and even said to Carpenter Yang, "I'll talk to you next time."

Craftsman Yang wiped his sweat. Of course he knew who this little lunatic was. After all, everyone was doing experiments in other courtyards. He had heard about him more or less. Said, "Then I'll wait for you."

Chang Xi is happy to see such an interactive atmosphere, and mutual promotion is a good thing.

Only now did Craftsman Yang have the opportunity to report to Chang Xi the progress of the establishment of the woodworking workshop, and then said: "Ms. Chang, it takes a lot of man-hours to build a spinning machine like this alone, and this time cannot be saved..."

"How about learning from the successful experience of the tea brick workshop, dismantling the spinning machine into several assembly lines, one person in charge of each link, and finally assembling them together?"

Craftsman Yang had never heard of such a division of labor, so he did not answer Chang Xi immediately, but rehearsed in his heart whether this method could speed up the working hours, not to mention, he thought it was a method worth learning, So he said, "I think it's possible."

"Then try this way and produce a batch of spinning machines as soon as possible."

After encouraging Craftsman Yang, Chang Xi wandered into Xie Jin's study. He didn't know what Xie Jin was busy with recently. In short, she came to the workshop during this period, and he didn't have much time to ask about these things. On the contrary, she finished her work. Then come and find him.

When Zhou Nan saw Chang Xi coming, he didn't stop him. As a qualified follower, he had to take care of his master's mood first.

Seeing the dark circles under Xie Jin's eyes, Chang Xi rarely felt distressed, what a waste of this handsome face, she wanted to grab the pen in his hand and yelled, "I'm coming, you go to rest."

Well, she just thought about it and didn't really shout it out.

Seeing the undisguised distress in her eyes, Xie Jin immediately put down the brush in his hand, "Is everything arranged?"

"It's about the same." Chang Xi said, "There is no news from Mr. Zhou's construction team. It will still be like this in the future, so I won't consider cooperating with him."

The prestige of the government in this era is really not good. After all, there are things like corvee service and lads, so the people in the village are quite afraid of the officials, and they probably won't cooperate with Mr. Zhou.

She gave the idea, but she didn't intend to teach Master Zhou how to do it to dispel people's concerns. This is also a test for an official like Master Zhou. Even this matter can't be solved, it can only prove his ability to govern. It's better not to be promoted again, so as not to harm the people.

Xie Jin frowned. The suggestion she made to Mr. Zhou was sorted out and put before his case that night. He is currently taking a wait-and-see attitude towards this matter.

"Give him some more time to see if he can change the status quo. It took a while for the villagers to accept your confidentiality contract."

Chang Xi shrugged her shoulders, as if she had agreed to his words, but she couldn't really wait indefinitely for news from Master Zhou, the second-hand preparations that should be done still had to be prepared.

Mr. Zhou was so anxious that a string of blisters grew in his mouth. Although he knew that this matter was difficult, he did not expect it to be so difficult.

Seeing her husband like this, Mrs. He, Mrs. Zhou, was dissatisfied and said, "It's fine if you can't do it. You only want to do what is good for others, and they don't appreciate it. What can you do? Just don't show the limelight and forget it. Anyway, please be safe." Yes, I am also satisfied."

"What do you know?" Lord Zhou growled at his wife.

Mrs. Zhou choked back immediately, "I don't understand? Huh, isn't that some lady Chang gave you an idea? I don't think it's very good. Why did you believe her evil? She can accomplish such a big thing , I don’t know how many men are behind her to support her, what are you doing in this muddy water? Don’t just fall in love with her?” In the end, he even acted like a tigress.

Recently, she heard too many rumors about Mrs. Chang when she went out to socialize, and she couldn't help feeling disgusted, but she couldn't speak up outside, for fear that people would spread the rumors and offend Mrs. Chang, and she might throw a stone at herself foot.

But she didn't know that her man heard her tricks in a blink of an eye, and she hated this man she had never met even more.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mr. Zhou jumped up and covered his wife's mouth to prevent her from spoiling his business with her nonsense.

Mrs. Zhou glared at her husband fiercely, and bit her husband's mouth when she opened her mouth. After being an official wife for so many years, she still hasn't forgotten her previous true colors, "Well, you heartbroken man, I got it right, so you became angry from embarrassment... ..."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Zhou swore impatiently, "If I fall in love with Mrs. Chang, I'll be struck by lightning, right?"

Mrs. Zhou burst into laughter when she heard the words, and cast a sideways glance at her husband, "You didn't see her, so what's bothering you?"

"Women have long hair but short knowledge." Master Zhou sat back on the reclining chair again, "Then there is someone behind Mrs. Chang, otherwise she would not be able to climb up to the eldest princess. If I cooperate with her, I will perform well in this position. People who pay attention to Chang's can naturally see my ability."

Everyone understands the next words. Mrs. Zhou didn't expect her husband to think so, but it makes sense to think about it, "Why don't I post a post to Mrs. Chang and ask her to come to the government office for a banquet and ask her for advice in secret."

When Mr. Zhou heard this, he thought it was a good idea at first, but when his wife was about to write a post, he stopped him and said, "It's not right, I can't show my ability in this way, which is contrary to my original intention." Going the other way."

Mrs. Zhou curled her lips when she heard this, she couldn't do this, she couldn't do that, she really didn't know what he wanted to do, so she sarcastically said: "You can do what Chang's did before."

Master Zhou's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately jumped up from the reclining chair, "That's right, why didn't I expect to find something to learn from her past behaviors." Then Sa Yazi ran out, "Madam, I'm going to do business first, you Don't wait for me to come back for dinner."

Seeing her husband like this, Mrs. Zhou couldn't help smiling, which made her want to find some time to meet that ordinary lady, and see who this woman is.
(End of this chapter)

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