pawn wife

Chapter 240 038: She Doesn't Want to Send Her to People's Doors for Revenge

Chapter 240 038: She Don't Want To Send People To Revenge (Second Update)
With his wife's casual "reminder", Master Zhou immediately sent someone to sort out Chang Xi's past deeds and hand them over to him.

After going through these materials several times, he decided to learn from Chang Xi's method of handling the signing of the confidentiality contract to deal with the recruitment of the construction team this time.

After communicating with the master about my thoughts, I immediately asked the officials in the office to gather together, temporarily put down the work at hand, and gave these people heavy instructions on what to do next, to see if they really know how to do it. Let the master personally lead the team to lobby in each village, and in order to show sincerity, each person can send an advance payment of two hundred cash.

Chang Xi waited for the arrival of the Chang sisters before the construction team pulled up by Mr. Zhou arrived.

"The old ones are gone, and the young ones are here." Xiaotao was so angry that she was about to jump, asking if the Chang family could live in peace, "Miss Chang, I'll drive them away."

Seeing that Chang Xi didn't make a sound, Dong Li quickly pulled Xiao Tao, "Don't worry, let's see what Madam Chang has planned?"

Hu Niu immediately said, "How about I drive them away?"

"It's useless, they won't leave." Chang Xi waved his hand and said, "Invite them to the reception room, I'll meet them later."

The others also understood when they heard it. If they adopt the method of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for rabbits, they will not leave. Sooner or later they will run into Chang Xi, who is coming in and out. They still have to see each other sooner or later, and it is better to see them now.

Chang Xi's perception of the Chang sisters is a bit complicated. Chang Er'e is better. The relationship between this second sister and her original body, Chang San'e, is neither good nor bad. The original owner didn't want to care too much about the damage caused.

It is Chang Da'e who really keeps the original owner in his heart. It can be said that Chang Da'e took care of her when the original owner was young. Although this elder sister is not very kind, she has a good heart. good one.

Sure enough, when she went to the reception room and saw Chang Da'e who was sitting uneasy, she felt nostalgic in her heart. This was not her emotion, it should be the emotion left in her body.

Chang Xi's will is very firm, and she will not easily let these remaining feelings affect her judgment. For herself, the Chang sisters are nothing special.

"San'e, it's really you." Chang Er'e was the first to jump up and rushed forward to pull Chang Xi and shouted happily, "When my parents told me, I still didn't believe it, San'e, you are so developed!" Yeah."

She didn't dare to recognize it just now, and after wiping her eyes several times, she was convinced that the person in front of her was her third sister.

"Sit." Chang Xi withdrew her hand without a trace, signaling Chang Er'e and Chang Da'e and his wife who were a little embarrassed to sit down.

"It's just a meal." She said lightly.

"It's such a big workshop, and you still have to eat? San'e, I don't want to lie to your second sister like this. When you were young, your second sister would let you eat all the delicious food. You won't miss this kind of friendship." Forget it? You can’t forget your roots as a human being.” Chang Er’e immediately said, she’s doing well on her own, so what if she doesn’t bring her sisters along?She can not rely on.

"Er'e, what are you talking about?" Chang Da'e scolded the second sister, and then immediately looked at Chang Xi, "San'e, I heard that the third sister-in-law has left, but is it true?"

Chang Xi nodded, "It's been a while since I died."

"Why don't you come back and say that we have never been aware of such a big matter. If we knew about it earlier, we would definitely come to help you. As the saying goes, there are many gossips in front of widows. It must be even more difficult for you to run such a big workshop. , I still have to quickly find a good master and remarry..."

For Chang Da'e's worrying words, Chang Xi was very upset, but she still had a calm expression on her face, "Sister, we will talk about this later, it has not been a year since Dalang died, I am going to talk about marriage now If the marriage is not suitable, it will be criticized by others."

It was only then that Chang Da'e realized that she was worrying too much, and hurriedly made amends, "It's the eldest sister who was thinking about it, San'e, seeing that you are all right, my heart is relieved..."

Seeing her elder sister's futile look, Chang Er'e couldn't help but interrupted, "San'e, what kind of manager did my parents offend, is it over?"

Chang Xi had already prepared that they would ask this question, so he said, "This matter is really difficult to handle. That person was sent by the eldest princess. How could I dare to offend him with such a status? I just tried to persuade him temporarily. Now, people have also spoken, saying that parents can't appear in front of him, otherwise he will pursue it again, so it's not that I don't let parents come to enjoy the blessing, but there is no way, who told them to be too impulsive?"

The last sigh made the Chang sisters sigh too, and Chang Er'e even felt in her heart that her parents did not have a happy life.

"Then it's better for parents to stay in the village. Don't come here. It won't be worthwhile if they are pursued and sent to prison." Chang Da'e, as the eldest sister, immediately set the tone.

"That's what I mean too." Chang Xi said, but in order to prevent Chang Dadou and Li Shi from looking for him again without fear of death, she said again, "Let's see later, when the eldest princess transfers this person back to the capital, Then you don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

That's the way it is said, but who knows what day it will be?
The Chang sisters don't speak for their parents anymore, they just need to keep the status quo.

Chang Er'e immediately approached Chang Xi, "San'e, you see that there must be a shortage of manpower in a workshop as big as yours, how about second sister, let me come over and help you?"

What she was fighting for was the chance to enter the workshop. With her status as Chang Xi's biological sister, wouldn't she be able to walk sideways in this workshop in the future?At that time, there will be more people fawning on her, not to mention those who are popular and spicy.

"Second Sister, what do you know? Don't make trouble for San'e here." Chang Da'e immediately put on the demeanor of an elder sister and yelled at her. She came here first to know about Chang Xi's recent situation, and secondly, for her parents. She didn't come here to ask for favors from Chang Xi.

"Sister, my request is not difficult for San'e, besides, I have hands and feet and can't do anything." Chang Er'e choked with her sister unbearably, what happened when she asked Sanmei for a job?
Chang Xi, on the other hand, looked at Chang Da'e one more time. Putting aside some feudal dross in her mind, this person is probably the one with the most upright views in the Chang family, which made her feel a little bit fond of him. She glanced at the silent man beside her. This was Chang Da'e's husband, and he didn't look like a normal person. If they were not Chang's family members, then it would be fine for her to keep them as a couple.

It's a pity that she won't bring the Chang family around, which will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles in the future. Having managed a large family business, she knows this truth very well. Those intertwined relatives will only end up getting worse. After a long time, it will be more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, this possibility can only be cut off from the very beginning.

Seeing that the Chang sisters were about to quarrel, she hurriedly intervened, "Second sister, it's not that I don't want you to work in the workshop, but that the steward sent by the eldest princess is still there. I'm afraid that he will trouble you, Second Sister, I might be able to block it for you once or twice, but I can't block it for you for a long time. After all, I sometimes walk away when I have too many things. What will you do then? "

Chang Er'e was dumbfounded when she heard that, why didn't even she let her go? "San'e, is it true or not? Don't you say it deliberately to deceive your second sister?"

Chang Xi deliberately pulled Chang Er'e up to leave, "If you don't believe me, I'll take you to meet the manager..."

"I'm not going." Chang Er'e immediately shook off Chang Xi's hand vigorously, she didn't want to send her home for revenge, what if people remembered her?
At that time, don't talk about earning a little money, maybe even your own man and children will be hurt, so what should I do?

Chang Da'e took the opportunity to say, "Er'e, San'e is right, stop jumping around, let's go back obediently."

Chang Er'e was still not reconciled, and she was reluctant to leave if she didn't get something this trip, "San'e, do you have the heart to see your sisters suffer from poverty? You see that you are living a good life now, worrying about clothing and food, but What kind of life are we living? Look at my hands, they are too rough to read." At the end, he choked up.

Chang Da'e was also somewhat dejected, but she was the eldest sister, so she couldn't directly ask her younger sister what she wanted, so she pulled Chang Er'e up and said, "Er'e, get up, let's go back."

Chang Er'e refused to leave, no matter what this sister tried to do, she would not move her butt.

Chang Xi saw the dispositions of the two sisters in her eyes. She didn't feel sorry for Chang Er'e, but she was still a little touched by the experience of Chang Da'e leading the original owner.

"How about this, I will lend ten taels of silver to each of the two sisters, and you can use it to start a small business, so that life can be maintained..."

Chang Er'e's eyes lit up when she heard the ten taels of silver. You are not authentic, you are so rich and you only lend ten taels of silver to each of us, are you guilty?"

Chang Da'e quickly waved her hands and said, "No need, you keep this money San'e by your side..."

Chang Er'e was so angry that she turned around and grabbed her eldest sister. If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of it, you bastard, you can't block my fortune.

"What can I be guilty of? My money didn't come from the wind. Besides, it's my favor to help you, not my duty. I don't have this obligation."

In her previous life, Chang Xi was merciless towards the so-called blood relatives of the Chang family, not to mention that they were just cheap relatives. If it wasn't for the friendship between Chang Da'e and the original owner, she would not even want to take out the ten taels of silver .

Seeing Chang Xi's face turn cold, Chang Er'e couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. It wasn't until this moment that she realized that her little sister was no longer someone to be manipulated by her.

Chang Da'e felt extremely ashamed, and without looking at Chang Er'e, she called her husband directly, "Leader, let's go."

Luo Xiaoli got up and left with his wife.

Chang Er'e hurriedly went to pull the eldest sister back, "Don't be angry, elder sister, San'e speaks a bit more straightforwardly, but we are sisters with big stomachs..."

"Do you still remember that I am your sister?" Chang Da'e satirized Chang Er'e angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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