pawn wife

Chapter 241 039:1 Once and for all

Chang Er'e suddenly felt hot on her face. She was afraid that the elder sister would get angry since she was a child. After all, the elder sister was in charge of them since she was a child, so she shrank her head subconsciously.

Chang Da'e wanted to take this opportunity to teach the second sister a lesson, but thinking of this occasion, she swallowed the words in her stomach.

Chang Xi comforted everyone to sit down again, "Sister, don't be upset, this money is lent to you, and you need to make a written statement. You take it first, and it will not be too late to pay me back when you earn the money..."

"No, this is against the rules." Chang Da'e refused.

"There's nothing against the rules, just take it with you, and remember to return it to me in the future." Chang Xi motioned Dongli to bring the drafted papers. Concerned that the sisters of the Chang family were illiterate, she read to him word by word. They listen and explain.

Chang Er'e pressed her fingerprints without thinking, took the ten taels of silver on the table and put it in her pocket, as for paying back the money, that was a matter of the future, the money was right in front of her eyes, she would be a fool not to take it.

Chang Da'e was still hesitating, while Chang Xi said from the side, "I remember that my eldest brother-in-law has a skill in making tofu. If you use this money to buy some beans to grind tofu and sell it in Yiyang City, you may also make money."

This is tantamount to showing the way for the couple.

Luo Xiaoli's heart suddenly became hot, and he immediately looked at his wife. He listened to his wife on this matter.

Seeing the expectation in her husband's eyes, Chang Da'e gritted her teeth and pressed her fingerprint on the IOU, picked up the ten taels of silver, and said seriously: "San'e, eldest sister will definitely pay it back in the future."

"Okay, I'll wait." Chang Xi nodded.

The Chang sisters who received the money did not stay long. Originally, Chang Er'e wanted to take the opportunity to visit the tea brick workshop, but Chang Da'e refused to give her this opportunity. She was afraid that their sudden arrival would delay Chang Xi's affairs, so she forced her to visit the tea brick workshop. Chang Er'e was dragged away.

Chang Xi personally sent the two of them outside the door, just as Xiao Tao came to find them, she asked Hu Niu to send them off on her behalf.

When the pair of sisters walked away, Xiao Tao said, "Miss Chang, I don't think they will pay back the money in the future."

20 taels of silver is a huge amount of money for ordinary people, so I gave it to the Chang sisters. I always feel a little bit unwilling, but if I get rich, I will be criticized if I don’t bring my natal family. In short, what should I do? Neither can make people feel comfortable.

"The money was never expected to be paid back by them."

In Chang Xi's heart, the characters of the Chang sisters are very clear. Chang Da'e is ashamed and does not want to take advantage of her. Chang Er'e must get the benefits. If she doesn't get the benefits, she will repeatedly Come to ask for it, use Du Guanshi to scare her, it will work once or twice, and it will definitely be exposed after a long time.

Instead of doing this, it's better to settle it once and for all. As long as Chang Er'e still doesn't pay the ten taels of silver, she won't be embarrassed to ask her for money again. not drop.

So it was worth it in her opinion to solve a problem with this small sum of money.

As for Chang Da'e, this money is to repay her kindness for taking care of Yuanshen when she was a child, and of course she also intends to give her a hand. As for whether she can get close in the future, it depends on how tied she is to the Chang family.

Xiao Tao, who was aggrieved by Chang Xi, opened her mouth so wide that she could stuff an egg into it when she heard this, obviously she didn't understand the meaning of Chang Xi's words.

Dongli's eyes blinked, her comprehension was much better than Xiaotao's, but she didn't say anything, this kind of housework is the most annoying thing to be discussed by others, and she doesn't want to leave the image of a gossip in front of Chang Xi .

As soon as Chang Er'e left the tea brick workshop, she said to Chang Da'e, "Sister, don't tell your parents about the money we got from San'e..."

Chang Da'e looked at her puzzled, how could she act like this without telling her parents?
Seeing that the eldest sister is stubborn, Chang Er'e immediately became anxious, "If our parents know, this money will not fall into our hands, and our parents will definitely steal the money to give the younger brother a good drink." If it’s hot, then we’ll lose our reputation for borrowing money.”

Chang Da'e still wants to protest a few words, she is the eldest sister, and she has always taken on the role of sharing the worries of her parents, so it is quite difficult at this moment.

"Sister, you also have to think about your brother-in-law and children. Is it easy for them? Besides, with this money, we have the capital to do some small business. I heard people say that collecting money from the countryside and selling it in the city can make a lot of money." Money, I'm trying to do this to make some money to build a house..."

Chang Da'e subconsciously glanced at her husband who was silent at the side, thinking of the light in his eyes before, she couldn't bear it for a while, and suddenly felt terribly miserable.

Listening to the second sister's imagination about the future life, she couldn't bear to break it, because it was true what the second sister said, if the parents knew that they had this money, they would definitely take it away.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "I know, I won't tell my parents."

Only then did Chang Er'e laugh out in relief, she knew that she would definitely not return empty-handed this trip, and as for what she would say to fool her parents after she returned, she had already thought about it, to ensure that her parents would not get suspicious.

Sure enough, as soon as she returned home, she cried out before entering the house, causing Chang Dadou and Li Shi to rush out to meet her.

"Have you seen San'e?" Mrs. Li hurriedly asked.

Chang Er'e cried, "As soon as I saw Third Sister, some manager jumped out and said that he wanted to arrest parents and take them to the government office. Third Sister was so frightened that she immediately sent our sisters out without even getting lunch..."

"You came back just like this?" Chang Dadou said with hatred.

Chang Er'e nodded, and then said aggrievedly, "How dare I stay longer? What if someone forces me to stay and bring someone back to arrest my parents? How dare I be so unfilial?"

Now Chang Dadou and Li Shi were speechless, they were afraid that something like this would happen, now that they heard what their second daughter said, they dared not go to the Tea Brick Workshop to find Chang Xi.

Chang Dadou scolded "useless things", and went back to the house smoking a hookah.

Seeing the wronged and uncomfortable appearance of the second daughter, Mrs. Li thought that it is not appropriate to make the relationship stiff because she is temporarily staying with the second daughter, so she said, "Your father is really upset..."

"I understand." Chang Er'e looked obedient and sensible, but she had a lot of opinions on her father in her heart. It seemed that it was not appropriate to keep them here any longer, and she had to find a way to let her parents go.

At night, she secretly showed her husband Zhou Man the ten taels of silver.

Zhou Man asked in surprise, "Where did it come from?"

Leaning on her husband's shoulder, she whispered the origin of the money and her plan to him, and then proudly said, "I don't think San'e is short of money, so I don't need to pay her back the money in the future."

Zhou Man didn't care about the unrepayment of the money at all. In short, the money was similar to the money that fell from the sky. As for the business proposed by his wife, he thought it was feasible. He used to have no funds, but now he has the capital. It can be a big deal.

The couple discussed together all night and did not fall asleep until almost dawn.

Chang Xi didn't pay attention to the development of the Chang sisters. She was all focused on business affairs, but annoying trivial matters piled up one after another. Her research with Lin Yuqi in another courtyard had entered a critical moment, and she was so busy that she didn't know the sun and the moon. Manager Jin from the other hospital came over and said that Master Xie Shi was in a hurry to see her.

She frowned, glanced at the experimental data, and said impatiently: "Just tell him that I'm not free now, if he can wait, he will wait first, if he can't wait, then we can talk about it later."

Hearing what she said, Manager Jin thought that she was the one who dared to treat Xie's men like this. Others would have flattered him a long time ago, but now he doesn't dare to offend Chang Xi, so he can only accept his fate and tell Xie Asahi said.

Xie Xu sat in the flower hall and looked out, but the person he expected to see did not appear. He couldn't help getting up and pacing around the room in annoyance, thinking about what to say next.

Hearing hurried footsteps behind him, he turned to look at the passerby with surprise on his face, "Miss Chang, you're here...why is it you, Manager Jin?" The last words were full of disappointment, and even looked at Manager Jin Looking behind him, there was no one, and the disappointment on his face was even stronger.

Guanshi Jin said with a shy smile, "Master Shi, Mrs. Chang is busy and can't get away for a while. If Mr. Shi is in a hurry, then Mrs. Chang will be free. I will send someone to inform Mrs. Shi, okay? "These words are very euphemistic.

Xie Xu said, "Is she really not free?"

Jin Guanshi shook his head, "This old slave really isn't lying."

Xie Xu stopped asking, but went to rest in the courtyard arranged for him with a look of disappointment.

The next day, Chang Xi came out of the laboratory exhausted, and when he saw Xie Xu who was waiting in the corridor, he immediately rubbed his face in pain. What was he doing so persistently to see her?
As soon as Xie Xu saw Chang Xi, he ran up to Chang Xi with a look of surprise, "Ms. Chang, I finally see you."

"Why did Mr. Xie Shi want me?" Chang Xi cut to the point and asked with a polite smile.

Seeing the dark circles under her eyes, Xie Xu couldn't utter a word, "It's okay, I just went to another hospital and wanted to see you. If you are tired, go back and rest, and wait for you to rest. Let’s talk again.”

Hearing such considerate words, Chang Xi's complexion improved a little, "Then I'll go catch up on sleep first, and then I'll chat with Xie Shiye later."

Xie Xu endured the anxiety in his heart and nodded, watching her leave first.

However, when Chang Xi woke up after a good night's sleep and was stretching, she heard the maid sent by Manager Jin to serve her while she was grooming and gossiping.

Only now did she know that Mrs. Qin had arrived in the other courtyard, and she couldn't help being a little curious. Mrs. Qin would not leave Xie Mansion for no serious matter. Besides, after Xie Jin's background was revealed, Mrs. Qin didn't care about this "son" , Basically, they will not pay attention to the situation in other hospitals.

Now that she is here, there is only one answer, and that is Xie Xu who came suddenly.

Just thinking about it, Qin Shi sent someone to look for her, she frowned, and finally went to the Flower Hall to meet Qin Shi.

This was the first time she saw Qin's family after she left Jiefu. Compared with before, Qin's has not changed much, but that strong style is still the same, no, it is even worse.

As soon as they met, before they had time to salute, Qin asked angrily, "Chang, I think I have always treated you kindly, why did you provoke my son?"

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