pawn wife

Chapter 246 044: The Most Unbearable Beauty's Grace

Chapter 246 044: The Most Unbearable Beauty's Grace (Part [-])
How could it be her?
Han Yongzhu's hand holding the drawing paper tightened in an instant. At this moment, thousands of thoughts flooded her heart. She would never give up to the man she fell in love with at the banquet at the banquet that year. Chang Niangzi, who has a lot of affection, can't do it either.

After taking a deep breath, she resisted the urge to tear the painting into pieces, and slowly put the painting back to its original position, then walked to Luohan's bed and sat down on Luohan's bed as if nothing had happened, "Why don't you serve tea?"

The stunned Zhan Xin had actually already made up an excuse in his mind to deal with the questioning of the future mistress, but the future mistress didn't ask a single word. This abnormal appearance made him not only not relieved, but even more cautious. Serve her.

Han Yongzhu drank the tasteless tea, but looked out the window, her hands under the sleeves clenched into fists, she couldn't make her sweetheart hate her more, so she must not be hasty in dealing with this matter, yes, not in a hurry.

After she stabilized her emotions, she frowned slightly, and asked Zhan Xin about Yuan Hao's daily life, Zhan Xin answered carefully one by one, not daring to say anything, for fear that she would ask Mrs. Chang things.

"Don't be nervous, I believe Brother Yuan is not a fool."

It's just that Zhan Xin looked at the smile of the future mistress, why is it so pervasive?
Yuan Hao had no excuse to stay longer in the other courtyard, and quickly returned to the mansion in the city. As soon as he entered the door, he heard the housekeeper whisper that Han Yongzhu had come, his brows frowned, and he was even more disgusted with this so-called fiancée.

"Let her go back." He turned around and walked out again, really not wanting to meet her face to face.

"Brother Yuan." Han Yongzhu suddenly walked over from a corner of the corridor, seeing that he was about to leave again, he quickly called out to stop him.

When Yuan Hao turned his head to look at her, his expression was indifferent, "Why are you here?"

Han Yongzhu smiled very sweetly as if he couldn't see it, "I've been in Yiyang for a long time, and I want to see Big Brother Yuan, is that why Big Brother Yuan doesn't welcome me?" In the end, the circles of his eyes couldn't help turning red.

What Yuan Hao couldn't bear the most was women crying, and now he frowned even tighter, "You are not staying in the capital, what are you doing in Yiyang? What are you doing all this way?"

"Because I want to see Big Brother Yuan." Han Yongzhu said enthusiastically.

The most difficult thing to bear is the beauty's favor. Yuan Hao never agreed to this sentence for a moment, sighed and said, "You shouldn't come. How can a widower like me deserve to be chased by a noble girl like you?"

"It's worth it. In my heart, Brother Yuan is the best man in the world, bar none." Han Yongzhu said eagerly.

She wanted him to know that her feelings were sincere and unadulterated, and she didn't fall in love with him just because he was the son of the eldest princess, and she loved him.

Yuan Hao couldn't talk to Han Yongzhu as usual, and looked at the sky, "It's getting dark, I'll ask Zhan Xin to take you back to the inn, so you can go back to Beijing after two days of rest, just in time for the New Year..."

"Brother Yuan, since I'm here, I won't leave unless we're going back to Beijing to formally marry."

Looking at Han Yongzhu's stubborn face, Yuan Hao knew that he couldn't communicate with her, just like his dead ex-wife, they only wanted what they thought and not what he thought, this kind of relationship was the most suffocating, it's a pity they I don't understand.

"Zhan Xin, send Miss Han back."

He gave an order to the entourage beside him, and then walked into the mansion, not wanting to talk to her in this porch.

"Brother Yuan, I'll come see you tomorrow." Han Yongzhu endured the humiliation, even though his back was turned to her, she still smiled and blessed her, and then walked outside the mansion and sat in the sedan chair prepared by Chengxin.

Back at the Yuelai Inn, Mother Tao was really anxious like an ant in a hot pot. Seeing her being sent back by Zhanxin, she was relieved and wanted to scold her own girl severely. How could this be so? Shameless?

Since ancient times, the girls who have posted upside down have not come to a good end, so why doesn't she understand?
After thanking Zhan Xin, she helped Han Yongzhu into the house, "Why didn't the girl leave a message for the old slave, and went to Mr. Yuan's house privately..."

"Nurse, you are overstepping." Han Yongzhu shook off her hand and said with a cold face, "My mother just asked me to listen to your advice, not to ask you to make decisions for me. I know what I am doing."

After being attacked like this, Nanny Tao was speechless, and finally stepped forward and said, "I'm doing this for the sake of the girl..."

Han Yongzhu suddenly picked up the tea on the table and poured it on Nanny Tao's face, "I think Nanny really forgot who she is, I'm the daughter of the mighty Marquis Mansion, it's not your turn to do me good. "

Nanny Tao is Wei's dowry mother, she has always been respected in the mighty Marquis's mansion, even Wei's has never shown her face, who would have thought that she would be poured a bowl of tea in front of her face by this little master, humiliating and embarrassing Feelings filled my heart, and finally faded one by one.

"Girl calm down, this old slave will improve next time."

"Better so."

Han Yongzhu actually regretted it when she poured that bowl of tea. This is the old man next to her mother. She has to show face, but she has already spilled it all. No matter how regretful she is, it will not help.

Besides, no matter how decent Tao Nanny is, she is still a servant. As the master, she has no need to feel guilty, so the regret at that point disappeared.

Only Nanny Tao waited for Han Yongzhu to fall asleep and saw her sleeping soundly, but she walked outside the house with a bitter face to taste the cup of bitter wine.

She brewed this glass of bitter wine, so she can only knock out her teeth and swallow her own blood, there is nothing to be upset about and regret.

When she turned around and entered the room again, her expression was already calm, and she looked like a respectable old nanny in the Hou Mansion again.

The next day, after Han Yongzhu beat Nanny Tao for a while, she finally didn't have to listen to her thoughts, but dressed up beautifully and went to Yuan Hao's mansion again, this time she brought Nanny Tao with her.

It's just that she was in vain, Yuan Hao left the house early in the morning, her face immediately sank.

This time she didn't wait for Yuan Hao in the mansion, but asked Nanny Tao to prepare the carriage. She was going to the tea brick workshop in the suburbs.

Tao Nanny was stunned for a moment, "Young lady is a person of high status, what are you going to do in that waiting place?"

She didn't want her girl to have a lot of contact with that Chang family. It's better for the two of them to get along as strangers, so that the world can be peaceful.

"Mammy forgot her identity again?" Han Yongzhu refused to accept her persuasion, but he didn't tell her too much.

Mother Tao's repeated objections were useless, and finally she could only follow Han Yongzhu to prepare the carriage, and the master and servant rushed to the tea brick workshop.

The two of them didn't speak any more along the way, apparently each had their own concerns.

The tea brick workshop is still very lively, but before entering the workshop, the concierge asked them to register, and then let them go, and then someone rushed to report to Chang Xi.

When Chang Xi received the news, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. She didn't expect that the master and servant would take the initiative to come to see her, especially that Nanny Tao. After all, no one is born with hostility.

In fact, she sent someone to follow them into Yiyang City that day, and she already knew the identities of these two people very well, and she would check this just to verify an idea in her heart, as for other unnecessary actions, she didn't intend to do it.

It is best that the well water does not violate the river water.

"Chang Niu, do you want to meet?" Hu Niu asked.

Chang Xi pondered for a moment, "You first serve tea and snacks, and I will meet you later."

Look at what kind of medicine these two people are selling in their gourds. If she notices that they are going to make small moves, then don't blame her for being rude.

Han Yongzhu was very calm, she came so suddenly that she didn't even send the greeting card, it's normal for others to come to see her after they are busy with business, but Nanny Tao had an angry expression on her face.

"Is this how your lady Chang treats guests?"

Hu Niu glanced at the irritable old woman, and said with a straight face, "Our lady Chang is in a meeting. This is the itinerary that has been scheduled long ago. I can only feel sorry for the two of you waiting here. Of course, if you have something urgent, you can leave first." Go, I will tell Mrs. Chang that you have been here..."

"We're not in a hurry anyway, so waiting won't hinder the time." Han Yongzhu said before Tao Nanny said something ugly, and then turned to look at Tao Nanny, "Mommy, it's your fault, hurry up Apologize to this sister."

"Girl." Mother Tao yelled a little unbearably, asking her to apologize to such a little girl, what's the face of her?

"Apologize." Han Yongzhu put pressure on Nanny Tao, she couldn't let Nanny Tao ruin her business.

Nanny Tao turned her face away, she did not accept such humiliation.

Han Yongzhu's face darkened, she blamed her mother for spoiling Nanny Tao so much that she spoiled a servant to the point where she dared to challenge her master. Although she has always been easy-going, it doesn't mean she is willing to be slapped in public by a servant .


Nanny Tao didn't take any action against her daughter's request again, she was more than enough to be her elder at her age, she refused to accept this order desperately.

Huniu watched the master and servant singing the double reed, and she felt contemptuous in her heart. Before the master and servant could compete, she took the lead and went out with the tray, too lazy to sing with the two.

Han Yongzhu had never been so angry for a moment like this moment. It was a miracle that Tao Nanny dared to ride on her head, which made her feel extremely humiliated.

Tao Nanny watched Han Yongzhu grow from a little bit to such a big one, and she could see the chill in her eyes at a glance. She wanted to justify a few words, but she didn't know where to start, so she could only mutter her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say anything. I didn't say anything, after all, this is on someone else's territory, so it's not too late to go back and talk about anything.

When Chang Xi arrived, he happened to see that the atmosphere in the reception room was as cold as an ice cellar. It seemed that Huniu had made a mistake. The pair of master and servant were not singing a double reed, but had a real falling out.

But what does this have to do with her?
She came in with a smile on her face, "A rare visitor, you are most welcome."

When Han Yongzhu saw Chang Xi coming in, she also got up to greet her, and after greeting each other with her, she said, "If you take the liberty to bother me, please don't worry about it, Mrs. Chang. I always miss the farewell that day, so I come here uninvited... ..."

"Girl, don't say that, sit down quickly." Chang Xi signaled Han Yongzhu to sit down.

As for Nanny Tao, she didn't even give her a look, as if she didn't see her as a decent person.

Tao Nanny felt quite uncomfortable. According to her qualifications, she was qualified to sit in front of Mrs. Wei, Mrs. Hou, and her own daughter. Now that she was ignored by people who were lowered into the dust, she felt both uncomfortable and a little bit Annoyance that can't be vented.

(End of this chapter)

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