pawn wife

Chapter 247 045: She came here to declare her sovereignty

Han Yongzhu didn't care about these things, she pulled Chang Xi affectionately and said, "Ms. Chang, you are a role model for our women. When I was in Beijing, my mother often praised women for being a normal lady..."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Tao Momo suddenly coughed.

Chang Xi looked at Nanny Tao with a half-smile, "Is this old mama feeling unwell? It just so happens that our workshop invites a doctor to stay here. Why don't you invite him to check your pulse..."

"It's so good." Han Yongzhu originally wanted to lash out at Nanny Tao, who was hurting her, but because of Chang Xi's presence, she also wanted to make a good impression on her, so she held back.

"No, I'm not sick, it's just that my throat is a little itchy. Thank you... Mrs. Chang for your kindness..." Madam Tao immediately refused, she was worried that the girl would sit alone with Mrs. Chang, so she had to keep an eye on her.

"It's not good to avoid illness and avoid medical treatment." Chang Xi said lightly, "It's better to let the doctor take a look at it..."

"I said I'm not sick." Madam Tao suddenly raised her voice, can this woman let go of so many things, don't you know it's annoying?
"Mommy!" Han Yongzhu is really angry now, what's the matter with Taomomo?

I didn't see her doing so well in the capital before, why did she make mistakes everywhere after coming to Yiyang?It seems that when people are old, they should go to Zhuangzi to live up to their old age.

Seeing Chang Xi's cold face, Tao Nanny shivered, but she didn't dare to look at her. She heard the roar of her own girl in her ear. This time she was not stubborn, and she directly blessed Fudao, "Chang Xi Ma'am, please forgive me, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just that I was too old to turn my head around for a while, so I said nothing, please give me a chance to correct my mistakes."

Han Yongzhu also hurriedly said from the side, "Miss Chang, my nanny doesn't do this on a daily basis, but sometimes it happens when people get old. I, the master, should be more tolerant, after all, I am the old man who waits by my side... ..."

"How can I really care about it? It's just a pity that the old man doesn't take care of his body." Chang Xi sighed, "Get up, mama, it's cold on the ground, don't hurt your body anymore."

Nanny Tao gritted her teeth and thanked her, and then she got up slowly, but maybe she was really old, and her head was dizzy for a while, but fortunately, the maid who followed Han Yongzhu quickly helped her, so that she would not make a fool of herself .

"It seems that the bones of this body are really not good. It's better to see the doctor."

"What Miss Chang said is true, then please ask the resident doctor in the workshop to give me a pulse for this old lady."

Han Yongzhu had spoken, and Madam Tao couldn't refute it now, and she was really uncomfortable, so she was helped down by the maid to see the doctor.

Hu Niu led the way to the infirmary.

Mother Tao kept looking around all the way, but she didn't expect this workshop to be bigger than it looks from the outside, and there are doctors stationed here, I have never seen it before, no wonder the faces of the people here With a smile, seeing a doctor is expensive after all, and few poor people can afford it, but here it is free.

There is also a government doctor in the Hou's mansion, but the government doctor does not treat the servants, unless it is a decent servant or the master specially orders it.

Seeing people coming and going in the infirmary, and even some family members who seemed to be workers in the workshop, they actually treated the doctor. It seems that the Chang family is very good at buying people's hearts.

Huniu saw that Madam Tao was watching carefully, so she proudly said, "This is one of the benefits for the workers in our workshop. In addition to free medical treatment for each worker, each worker can also have three free places for their family members every quarter. If you exceed the prescribed quota, you can pay half the price to see a doctor." This is to prevent resource waste, and in order not to pay more for medical treatment, these three free doctor's quotas must be cherished.

Mammy Tao raised her defense against Chang Xi to another level in her heart. What she saw was more legendary and magical than what she heard. Maybe there are dragons and dragons and phoenixes in this world.

There are three resident doctors in the workshop, and several apprentices who grab and brew the medicine, so everything is going on in an orderly manner, and soon it will be Madam Tao's turn.

Chang Xi in the reception room had already had a good conversation with Han Yongzhu at this time. Compared with Chang Xi, a veteran in the shopping mall, a noble girl like Han Yongzhu, even if she was a bit scheming and arrogant, she could still say a few words easily.

Now she already knows about Han Yongzhu's background, and even the family members of the Hou's mansion have been set up completely. She even knows that Han Yongzhu's own father has a concubine named Xin, let alone Mrs. Hou's Wei family. The history of the.

As for Nanny Tao, let her inquire about it clearly.

Mother Tao's surname was not Tao originally, but even Han Yongzhu couldn't tell what her surname was, because her married husband's surname was Tao, so she got this name just now.

She fled to the capital in her early years and was fortunate enough to marry a slave of the Wei family. Only then did she have the opportunity to be chosen as Wei's wet nurse, and she stayed with Wei's side all the time, and became one of Wei's dowry. The mansion is very respectable.

"It's all my mother's fault for pampering Nanny Tao so much that she let her respect herself, and sometimes she speaks without words." Han Yongzhu said helplessly.

"After all, she is a wet nurse, so it is common sense that Mrs. Hou favors her more." Chang Xi said softly while drinking tea.

Han Yongzhu shrugged, then leaned over and whispered to Chang Xi, "I really annoy her sometimes, if it wasn't for mother's sake, I would have driven her back to the capital long ago."

Chang Xi smiled and said nothing this time, this topic is not nutritious, she doesn't want to talk any more.

However, Han Yongzhu didn't wait until Chang Xi asked her what the purpose of coming to Yiyang was. She came this time to declare her sovereignty, so why didn't she ask?

This made her anxious, and it seemed that she had no choice but to create her own opportunity.

How could Chang Xi fail to see the simple means of the woman in front of her?So she deliberately didn't mention Yuan Hao's name.

Han Yongzhu had no choice but to say shyly, "If it wasn't for meeting my fiancé, I wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles from the capital to Yiyang. To tell you the truth, I am not used to the climate here. It's not as dry as in the capital, but For the person in my heart, no amount of hardship is worth it.”

"Miss Han traveled thousands of miles for love, making people envious of that lucky one." Chang Xi said calmly.

In fact, this kind of love behavior is really bad. If a man values ​​you, he will come to your side from a long distance, and you don't need to accommodate him.

It's a pity that Han Yongzhu on the opposite side doesn't understand this truth, or she understands but is pretending to be confused. At this time, she smiled and said, "I heard that my fiancé mentioned you, saying that he has some business contacts with you..."

"Oh, Miss Han's fiancé is still someone I know, so who is so lucky?" Chang Xi watched her act so hard, and finally smiled and said what she wanted to hear for a long time.

"My fiancé's surname is Yuan, and he is Mr. Shibo Ti Jusi. Is Madam Chang familiar with him?" Han Yongzhu said innocently, but her eyes were fixed on Chang Xi.

She couldn't ask Yuan Hao, couldn't she ask the other party?

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