pawn wife

Chapter 255 053: This is a kick to the iron plate

It's a pity that Chang Xi doesn't like him, "You know how busy I am at work, and the time I can squeeze into you is limited, so talk quickly if you have something to say, don't waste each other's time."

This attitude instantly angered Chang Dadou, who immediately cursed, "White-eyed wolf, unfilial daughter, I will beat you to death today..."

He was so angry that he took off his shoes and was about to hit Chang Xi. Chang Xi looked at his ridiculous behavior with a sneer. Hu Niu was ready to strike, but at this moment, Li Shi rushed forward He grabbed Chang Dadou's hand, and said eagerly, "Father, what are you doing? Talk to San'e well, and the father and daughter have no overnight feud, what are you doing?" It was the itinerant businessman who came from out of town, making an effort to signal the old man to calm down and think about the purpose of coming this time.

Only then did Chang Dadou remember what he wanted, and he went down the steps of the old woman, and put on the shoe again awkwardly.

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Mrs. Li hurriedly said to Chang Xi, "Your father has such a temper, don't argue with him, we are all a family, so talk about it if you have something to say."

On the other hand, the traveling businessman from out of town pointed at Chang Xi with an incredulous expression on his face, "Is this the daughter of both of you?"

Because Chang Dadou and Li's couple are not outstanding looking, and the Chang Er'e he has seen is also not satisfactory, so he always thought that Chang San'e must be similar in appearance, but the benefits have already been pocketed, this dead cat He has to chew.

But now when he saw the real person, he realized that he was so wrong. This woman was so beautiful that he would hold her in his arms and kiss Fangze in the future, even if he died.

"What do you mean?" Hu Niu stared at the traveling businessman from out of town with a straight face.

The traveler who came from out of town hurriedly put away his fingers, and immediately put on a polite look, "Lady, Xiaosheng is being polite, I just laughed at you, please forgive me, ma'am."

According to common etiquette, it would be decent to get up and return the salute, but Chang Xi really didn't like this person at all, and besides, such a person didn't deserve her to return the salute, so he sat in his seat and said with a half-smile, "Who are you?"

This question stunned the traveling businessman from other places, he didn't know what to say for a while, so he looked at Chang Dadou and Li Shi, and motioned them to speak quickly to correct his identity.

When Chang Dadou thought of the 200 taels of betrothal gift, he hurriedly restrained his tense attitude just now, cleared his throat, and tried to pretend to be a kind old father, "San'e, look at you, even if you are a widow It's been almost half a year, and it's time to think about the happiness of the rest of our lives. Your mother and I were so worried that we couldn't eat enough, and couldn't sleep well. Because of this, we lost a lot of weight..."

"But I think you both gained a lot for nothing." Chang Xi poked his heart out.

Living in Chang Er'e's house, with her daughter and son-in-law looking after her, life is so beautiful, so white and fat is inevitable.

Chang Dadou subconsciously stared at Chang Xi, but when he thought of the 200 taels, he quickly put away that attitude, "San'e, that's not the point, the point is that parents are really worried that you won't find anything for the rest of your life, No, I specially recruited a husband-in-law for you, look at this husband-in-law, he has good looks and wealth, he will definitely not humiliate you..."

The traveling businessman from out of town deliberately straightened his chest and looked at Chang Xi like a peacock with its tail spread.

Chang Xi didn't even look at him, but said directly, "Whoever promises the marriage will marry, and I won't marry anyway."

"You unfilial daughter, it's up to you, I'm your father, I have the final say, marriages in this world are usually ordered by parents, matchmaker..." At this point, Chang Dadou just remembered that in order to save money, They even omitted the matchmaker, so where did the matchmaker's words come from?Immediately said this embarrassingly, "In short, I can make decisions about your marriage."

"That's right, San'e, your father and I are sincerely doing your best. The son-in-law we picked this time is much better than that dead ghost Xu Dalang. I will definitely not make you a widow again. Can a mother harm you?"

Chang Xi sneered and said, "That's hard to say? Who knows what kind of hearts you have? In short, I still say that, whoever agrees to the marriage will marry, and it has nothing to do with me."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the traveling merchant from other places frowned and said, "Are you trying to play tricks? You accepted my 200 taels of betrothal gift. If the marriage fails, you should hurry up and return my money."

Seeing this, Mrs. Li hurriedly persuaded, "Son-in-law, don't worry, San'e has a temper for a while, we can persuade her again." She hurriedly turned her head to look at Chang Xi, "San'e, if you miss this village, you won't be here. If you don't remarry, you will become a lonely tomb without an owner, and you won't even get incense..."

"Whether I become a lonely soul without a master or not, I don't need you to worry about it." Chang Xi scoffed at Li's words to deceive ignorant women and children.

Chang Dadou jumped up angrily when he saw Chang Xi's reckless appearance, "Unfilial daughter, my parents told you angrily that you shouldn't talk like this anymore, because there is something in our parents' eyes." existence?" Then he yelled at the security team members such as Wu Laosan behind, "Did you see that? Such a thing that disrespects parents, you can't help but panic when you work for her? Such a person should Shen Tang is right, yes, Shen Tang..."

It's a pity that Wu Laosan and the others are not affected by Chang Dadou's words at all. After all, whoever pays them every month is clear about who they are. It was even because of Chang Xi that they learned to read and not be blind, so Chang Dadou should not try to discredit Chang Xi in front of them.

At this time, Wu Laosan directly interrupted Chang Dadou's nonsense in a cold voice, "We know what kind of person Chang is. On the contrary, you, an old man, are not human. I don't know from which corner you found such a person." Come here, just want to marry Mrs. Chang away, that's a fool's dream."

The voice of being right from behind resounded.

Chang Dadou was blushed and had a thick neck. He originally wanted to use this to make trouble to force Chang Xi to submit, but now, luckily, he failed to achieve his goal. Instead, he was pointed at his nose and criticized, which made him come off the stage immediately and yelled at Chang Xi Said, "You just let people say that about your father? You unfilial daughter..."

"You don't need to be so loud, I'm not deaf." Chang Xi gave Chang Dadou a cold look.

Seeing that being stiff like this is not a solution, Mrs. Li, since being gentle can't do it, then she will be tough, "San'e, you don't even listen to your mother, right? I'm your mother, and I'll let you know about the marriage." , you have to marry if you don’t want to marry, and prepare to leave the court tomorrow, no, I will pay homage tonight..."

Is this Mrs. Li suffering from hypocrisy?
Chang Xi clapped her hands, and Dongli walked in holding the "Law of the Great Universe". At this time, she pointed to the "Law of the Great Universe" and said, "This is the law of this dynasty. Can you point out to me which one stipulates the law of widows?" Remarriage is decided by parents?"

Mrs. Li is illiterate, and when she saw such a big book, she was immediately discouraged for the most part, and in the end she simply said, "I don't know Daewoo Law or Daewoo Law, I only know that you are my daughter and I gave birth to you, so I will let you Let me decide, if you don't obey, I will go to the government office and sue you for the crime of unfilial piety..."

After a pause, she said excitedly, "Yes, I'm going to the government office to sue you, Chang San'e, if you don't obey then you have to obey, his father, let's not talk so much nonsense with her, let's go to the government office now Beat the drums to complain, and see if the official will favor her?"

Chang Dadou also felt that the old woman's proposal was feasible, and he was really fed up with the bird spirit here. Originally, he came here to imagine that the rich and powerful new son-in-law would show off his strength. After all, he married Chang San'e, and Chang San'e's original Everything belongs to the husband and wife, and their calculations are very sneaky.

It's a pity that the goal was not achieved, but on the other side's territory, they couldn't do anything at all.

Chang Xi looked at the unscrupulous couple whose faces were suddenly red, and sneered, and when the unscrupulous couple looked at her, she said, "You two are both illiterate and legally illiterate, let me tell you, the "Daewoo Law" stipulates that widowhood No matter how suitable a woman is for marriage, it is up to her, and others are not allowed to force her to remarry, Dong Li, turn to that page and read it to them."

Dongli quickly turned out the marked page, and then read it aloud, fearing that Chang Dadou and Li Shi would not understand, she also kindly read a sentence and explained it, so as to save them from playing tricks again.

The faces of the unscrupulous couple changed again and again, and Li Shi asked Chang Dadou in a low voice anxiously, "Father, is what the law said true?"

Chang Dadou was also in a panic at this time, but he insisted that he was the head of the family, and he was more knowledgeable and strategic than his wife, so he pretended to be calm and said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, this is just deceiving you who don't know anything. old ladies."

Only then did Mrs. Li feel a little relieved.

Chang Xi really thinks that no matter which dynasty you are in, the work of popularizing the law is very important. Although this is a society ruled by man, it is much better to have laws to follow than to have no laws to follow. The focus of the workshop's educational work is no longer on literacy, but on popularization of the law.

"This is the "Daewoo Law", and the emperor has to obey it. It's not that you two just touch your lips and say whatever. Let me tell you, with this "Daewoo Law", even if you go to the capital, you can't win. of."

When Chang Xi said this, the expressions of the black-hearted couple were suddenly not quite right.

The traveling businessman from other places saw that the situation was not right, this girl was not easy to mess with, he weighed his weight, he may not be able to take her down, it seems that he has to withdraw first, go back to plan and plan, and then think of a way Take her down.

After he made up his mind, he didn't speak anymore, anyway, Da Dou and Li Shi couldn't count on it, so he would beat the two old men up and ask for the money back.

"Miss Chang, Patriarch Xu is here."

Hearing this report, Chang Xi said loudly, "Please."

"Why did you recruit the head of the Xu family?" Chang Dadou yelled guiltily.

Chang Xi didn't bother to talk to him, seeing the head of the Xu clan walking in with a few carefully selected strong men from the clan, he immediately got up to greet him.

The head of the Xu clan didn't dare to stand up to his elders in front of Chang Xi, and only dared to accept a half-respect.

"Please sit down quickly."

Seeing Chang Xi's politeness, the patriarch Xu was a little flattered, and after nodding, he dared to sit down, but when he saw Chang Dadou and Li Shi on the opposite side, his expression instantly fell.

Chang Dadou and Li Shi had seen the Xu Clan Chief, so they were unavoidably weak at this time.

In fact, the patriarch of the Xu clan knew what was going on when he came, but after hearing Chang Xi briefly explain the matter, he immediately put on a furious look, "When Dalang went that day, Dalang's wife said she wanted to Everyone has heard about keeping filial piety for Dalang for one year, but now, Dalang has not been gone for a year, and you come to force the widow of the Xu family to remarry. You are deceiving people too much, and you still think that our Xu family People in the clan are easy to bully?"

The young men of the Xu family who came with him all looked forward angrily at Chang Dadou and Li Shi, as if they would fight if they didn't agree with each other. In any case, when Chang entered the Xu family, he was the Xu family, even if Xu Dalang was gone, but Her name is still on the Xu family's genealogy, and if she doesn't get rid of it for a day, she won't be able to be judged by others.

The power of the clan is not to be trifled with in this era. The family fights within the family, but the outside world is the same.

Chang Dadou and Li Shi felt shivering, this time they kicked the iron plate.

Huaihua Village is a village with mixed surnames. Chang Dadou and the Li family have no clan to rely on. Even if the Li family has a natal family, the natal family may not be willing to wade into this muddy water. The son-in-law is even more unreliable. One doesn't even come to visit them, and the other sees them every day but makes a bad face every day.

So if they really messed with the Xu clan, they must be the ones who suffered.

"Well, head of the family, we are not forcing San'e, but just discussing with... her, yes, just discussing..." Chang Dadou said softly.

"That's right, we are used to being parents, so we have to worry too much." Mrs. Li also smiled.

Chang Xi laughed out loud at this scene. No matter how righteous she was, she even brought out "The Law of the Great Universe", but she was no match for the intimidation of the head of the Xu clan, which made her re-examine the word clan.

Seeing that Chang Dadou and Li Shi had admitted their love, the head of the Xu clan said coldly, "It is up to you to remarry, this is stipulated by Daewoo's laws, and we as husbands are not allowed to interfere, and you, as your mother's family, are not allowed to interfere." This right, let me tell you husband and wife, if there is another incident of forced marriage, don't blame our whole clan for attacking your house, and then we will not recognize your in-laws."

"No, no, there will never be a next time, I promise." Chang Dadou said hurriedly.

Mrs. Li also waved her hand to show that she was educated.

The patriarch of the Xu clan stopped his voice in a still unsatisfactory manner. This couple is too useless. How could this be so frightening?
However, he was very satisfied with his performance this time. Sure enough, when he saw Chang Xi's satisfied glance, he was immediately elated, and he could get more benefits now.

It was the first time I came to the tea brick workshop, and I just realized how big the workshop is. Hearing what others say is not as good as seeing it with his own eyes. He doesn't have that much ambition to make other people's ideas here, but he can mention other requirements, such as It is still possible to talk about giving some members of the Xu family a job opportunity or something.

When Chang Xi saw the eyeballs of the head of the Xu clan rolled, he knew that this old treacherous man must be thinking of something. No matter what, as long as it is not too much, there is nothing that cannot be discussed. Besides, seeing the clan in this era The power, she can also use one or two in turn.

Seeing that the situation here had calmed down, the traveling trader from out of town was suddenly embarrassed. He moved out without a trace, trying to reduce his sense of existence, and then tried to escape first by urinating.

Unexpectedly, Chang Xi had already noticed his little moves, so she smiled at him, "Where are you going?"

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