pawn wife

Chapter 256 054: The Cat Catches the Mouse

Chapter 256 054: The Cat Catches the Mouse (Part [-])
The traveler from out of town smiled smugly, "This person has three urgent needs, he borrows the toilet..."

"This is an excuse to escape." Someone in the crowd suddenly blurted out.

The wandering businessman from out of town felt even more embarrassed when his thoughts were punctured, and then he gritted his teeth and looked at Chang Xi, pushing the pot away, "I don't know that this black-hearted couple is looking for a son-in-law on the surface. In fact, you are selling a girl, so I don’t know if you come here to ask for a marriage, but now that you are willing to observe the festival for your deceased husband, I admire you a lot, so let’s let this marriage go, do you think so?”

Before Chang Xi could make a sound, Chang Dadou and Li Shi glared angrily at the "son-in-law" who had been pleasing to the eye before. Li Shi was the first to attack, "Are you really guilty of saying that? Did we force you to come to propose marriage? It was you who came to our door and insisted on marrying San'e from our family, and even the matchmaker was reluctant to hire one, a miser like you deserves to be unable to find a wife."

"If I hadn't seen your sincerity at that time, would I have been willing to give you the most capable daughter?" Chang Dadou, not to be outdone, joined his wife's crusade.

The dog bit the dog's mouth, Chang Xi couldn't help but want to applaud them, but fortunately in the end, considering her own image, she forcibly held back.

The head of the Xu clan and his family members on the side didn't have this concern, they all laughed at the traveling merchant who came from other places, what kind of rotten toad wants to eat swan meat, and he doesn't piss on anything to see what he looks like, in short, he humiliated this person to the point of shame .

The traveling merchant from out of town knows that the situation is stronger than others, so he can only bear it now, after he leaves here, he must find a chance to get revenge and come back, as well as Chang's lady, he is bound to win.

This laughing sound was extremely harsh to the ears of Chang Dadou and Li Shi, a black-hearted couple, but they didn't dare to face the Xu family members, so they had no choice but to hold back and say nothing.

Chang Xi had been watching good plays, and after she had gotten enough of them, she raised her hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

As soon as this move was made, the scene immediately quieted down.

The traveler from out of town turned red and looked at Chang Xi, "I don't want to marry you anymore, can I go now..."

"No." Chang Xi stood up and said sternly, "Wu Lao San, catch this man."

Wu Lao San was waiting for this moment, and immediately rushed forward to capture the traveling businessman from other places, and the security team he brought immediately surrounded him knowingly, including Chang Dadou and Li Shi. The couple couldn't fly now.

"You... what are you going to do?" The traveling businessman from other places turned pale with fright, and immediately screamed.

Even Chang Dadou and Li Shi couldn't help being panicked at this moment, but they looked at Chang Xi questioningly, "Unfilial daughter, what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing?" Chang Xi used to play cat and mouse and kept teasing them all the time. Now it's the real story. She pointed at the struggling businessman from other places, and said with a sneer, "You know he is someone?"

"It's a traveling merchant from other places." Mrs. Li said hastily.

"What do you believe in what he says?" Chang Xi sneered, "You really deserve to be my 'good parents', you really think about me, a person with a questionable background dares to promise me to him, Is it because I am afraid that I will die too late?"

Chang Dadou and Li Shi looked at each other, and finally Chang Dadou asked, "Isn't it?"

Chang Xi took another document handed over by Dong Li, and walked up to the gray-faced traveler from out of town, "What kind of traveler from out of town is this? He is a charlatan and a habitual offender. I don’t know how many times I’ve done cases of defrauding money and sex, and the case committed by that one is even more difficult to record, such a beast, even if it is sentenced to death, it will not relieve the hatred.”

"This is slander, you made it up..."

"Slander? Fabrication?" Chang Xi repeated the two words that came out of his mouth, only to find it extremely ridiculous, "You are worthy of my effort to fabricate these? It seems that you will not shed tears when you see the coffin." , OK, let's go see the official."

As soon as he mentioned that he wanted to see an official, he was so frightened that his head was like a rattle, "I have committed no crime, you have no right to drag me to an official..."

"Wu Laosan, tie him up and stuff his mouth with a rag, it's too noisy."

Chang Xi gave the order, Wu Laosan immediately tied up all the people, and then escorted them out first.

"You two should keep up too."

Chang Dadou and Li Shi didn't want to go to see the official, clamored not to go, and clamored to go home. Finally, Chang Xi got annoyed and asked someone to tie up the two of them as well, and treated them like that liar.

Seeing this scene, the head of the Xu clan couldn't help but open his eyes. Seeing that Chang Dadou and his wife were also taken out, he dared to ask Chang Xi, "Is this really a liar?"

"It's true."

After getting this answer, the head of the Xu clan immediately said that he would also go to the court, and that Chang Xi could not be allowed to face it alone. In fact, he just wanted to watch the excitement, and of course, he also wanted to show his responsibility as the head of the clan.

Chang Xi didn't stop them, but let them follow them into the city.

The shift workers in the tea brick workshop saw this scene and couldn't help whispering. Later, they heard that there were charlatans who came to the workshop to cheat money and sex. Now the child workers were so scared that their faces turned pale. I am most afraid of this kind of liar, it is almost impossible to guard against.

Arriving at the Yiyang government office, beating drums to appeal for grievances, Mr. Zhou was promoted to the court for trial, and when he took a closer look, it was actually Chang Xi. Chu Chu thought he was wrong, but when he looked carefully, it was really her.

It's just that the court cannot talk about the past, so he can only nod secretly, and then he patted the gavel, "Who is kneeling in the court? What is the grievance?"

Chang Xi said immediately, "My daughter wants to report that this charlatan was instigated by others to cheat money and sex. This is the case file of this charlatan who committed crimes in other places, as well as the government's notice to arrest him. Please take a look at it."

Taking this opportunity, she stood up and presented this document in front of Mr. Zhou in person. She really didn't need to kneel, so she didn't kneel if she could.

Master Zhou took the thick stack of documents that Chang Xi handed over, and his brow showed veins. When did such a habitual offender come to the territory he governed?

After all, Chang Xi's relationship with the royal family is inextricably linked, so he didn't make Chang Xi kneel again, but allowed her to stand aside and answer. At this time, he slapped the gavel again with a straight face, and began to question the charlatan.

At first the charlatan refused to admit it to death, and he insisted that Chang Xi made excuses to insult him, but then his ass was not beaten, but after only thirty or so spankings, he wailed loudly and began to let go of his confession, "Caomin It is indeed Zhang Song on the case file, my lord, stop beating, all the grass people admit..."

"My lord, this liar went to Yiyang to cheat. There must be a mastermind behind the scenes. Please, sir, seek justice for Minnv and find out the mastermind, so that Minnv can make tea bricks with peace of mind."

Chang Xi's words made Mr. Zhou's teeth twitch. The woman opened her mouth eagerly. She made tea bricks with peace of mind, which means she can do things for the emperor with peace of mind, so can he be careless?Certainly not.

Then he pulled out another lottery and threw it out. He said sharply, "Hit, hit until the trick."

Ever since Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li entered the courtroom, they were trembling with fright, and when they saw the charlatan being beaten to pieces, they were even more frightened and dared not to breathe, for fear that they would also be beaten in the next moment .

Mrs. Li has the weakest mental capacity, so she immediately said, "My lord, it was this man who approached our husband and wife to marry our daughter, and he even offered 200 taels of engagement money, so we were deceived..."

"That's right, my lord, our husband and wife really didn't know that he was a charlatan..." Chang Dadou also hurriedly said loudly, for fear that his ass would suffer if he said it too late.

Master Zhou knew that these two were Chang Xi's parents, but seeing Chang Xi's eyes watching her nose, her nose watching her heart, she knew that she must be very disappointed in these parents, so he didn't give them a good look at the moment, and took a picture of Jing Tang. Mu, "Shut up, I didn't ask you guys, if you talk too much, it will be considered contempt of the court, and each of you will hit ten boards first."

Upon hearing this, Chang Dadou and Li Shi immediately shut their mouths, not daring to intervene indiscriminately.

The swindler couldn't stand this board anymore, and immediately confessed again, "The grassroots don't know the identity of that person. After all, when they met and traded, this person was wrapped up all over. Just by listening to the voice, the grassroots judged that she was a woman, and she was a woman." A young woman..."

"This woman suddenly approached Caomin to do this. She gave Caomin 500 taels of silver to ask Chang San'e to propose marriage. The purpose was to take Chang San'e out of Yiyang City. She doesn't care about the grassroots affairs..."

"Seeing that the money-seekers are open to money, and because they committed a crime in the previous area, they took the order and came to Yiyang. In order to win people's trust, Cao Min pretended to be a traveling merchant and went directly to Chang Dadou and Li Shi. ..."

The rest of the confession was nothing new to Chang Xi, but the crowd listening to the trial was in an uproar. They all looked at the black-hearted couple Chang Dadou and Li Shi with foolish eyes. Decent girl, this couple didn't do a good job at home, and they were going to marry the God of Wealth for a mere 200 taels of hire money. What kind of idiot is this?
After being told by the crowd, Chang Dadou and Li's couple also felt that they were really stupid.

The topic was diverted, Chang Xi frowned, and she immediately said, "My lord, cats have cats, and rats have rats. It is impossible for such a charlatan to know nothing about the trader. The girl thinks he is lying."

This person is very important and must be dug out.

Master Zhou frowned. He didn't need Chang Xi to remind him. He would definitely go to the end of the trial. Otherwise, when he returned to Hou Ya at night, his wife would give him a meal of ribs. Now his wife is confident that Chang Xi can take her to the big room. fiscal.

As a result, the punishment was increased again, and the charlatan who was beaten half to death couldn't stand it anymore, and kept calling him to recruit, and he recruited anything.

"Caomin really didn't know much. Later, he secretly followed her and found out that she lived in the Yuelai Inn in Yiyang City. He vaguely heard someone calling her Mother Tao or Mother Tao. My lord, you go to the Yuelai Inn. Find this person, and the grassroots will definitely recognize him."

At this point, the corners of Chang Xi's mouth curled up slightly, finally forcing her out of the shadows into the sunlight.

In Yuelai Inn, Mother Tao woke up early in the morning, her eyelids kept twitching, and she was hit by bird droppings when she went out, and she was upset and irritable all day long, but this is not as painful as seeing her daughter's depressed appearance .

"Girl, why don't you go to the lake to relax, and the old slave will arrange it." She said cautiously, for fear that her daughter would get sick from boredom.

Han Yongzhu shook her head listlessly, and thinking of her fiancé's indifference to her, she couldn't help crying again, "Nurse, how am I not as good as that ordinary lady? Why does he like her and not me? I'm still unmarried, That's a widow."

Mother Tao hugged Han Yongzhu in her arms distressedly, and patted her on the back lightly, "My silly girl, how can she compare with you? What is your background, and what is her background? I believe that in the future my uncle will definitely Don’t be sad if you know your way back, that woman won’t be proud for long, and she won’t be able to compete with girls soon..."

Only then did Han Yongzhu raise his tearful eyes, "Really?"

Nanny Tao nodded affirmatively, and carefully wiped away the tears from the corners of her daughter's eyes with a handkerchief, "When did Mammy ever lie to you? The girl just wait patiently."

When she thought of what she heard from Han Yongzhu, that Yuan Hao was taking pictures of that bitch, she became furious, and she would kill anyone who stood in the way of her daughter.

So, this time when she should be ruthless, she will not be soft-hearted.

The master and the servant were talking privately, when the maid guarding the door hurried in, "Girl, mother, it's not good, an official came in."

"What?" Tao Nanny immediately let go of Han Yongzhu and stood up.

Without waiting for the maid to answer, she heard noise coming here, she glanced at Han Yongzhu who was stunned, "Don't move here, girl, this old servant will send these people away."

After all, Han Yongzhu is a little girl raised in a deep boudoir, how did she go through such a battle?Hastily nodded.

Nanny Tao immediately went out and stopped the two officials who didn't know etiquette, preventing them from entering the inner room and scaring Han Yongzhu.

"Who are you? What are you going to do? If you force your way in, you will know the rules."

When the two officials saw this majestic nanny, they lost their aura immediately, but they had to deal with the case, "Who is Tao nanny here?"

"Old man is."

"That's fine, our lord summons you to the court to answer, you come with us."

Nanny Tao frowned, and looked at them vigilantly, "I didn't commit a crime, why did I go with you?"

The two officials said, "This is a signature issued by our lord himself, you just go with us, or don't blame us for being rude."

They are doing serious business, they don't care what nanny you are, if they don't give you face, they won't give you face.

Tao Nanny also understands this truth, after all, the city god is easy to see, but the little devil is difficult to deal with, and she can't explain it to these underlings, so she straightened her expression, "Rong Lao went in to get something."

The two officials looked at each other, but because of the imposing old lady, they had no choice but to agree.

The two waited outside for a long time before Nanny Tao reappeared and said calmly, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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