pawn wife

Chapter 257 055: Isn't it a fool to have money but not make money?

Han Yongzhu looked at Nanny Tao walking out with her back upright and followed the two officials through the window lattice, her brows were frowned, and when she could no longer see Nanny Tao, she raised her voice and ordered the carriage to be harnessed.

"Girl, where are you going?" the maid at the side asked worriedly.

Before Tao Nanny left, she specially ordered them to keep an eye on the girl, not to let the girl go out to cause trouble at this juncture, and wait until she came back to talk about anything.

Han Yongzhu just glanced at the maid, but the maid didn't dare to say a word, and the carriage was quickly set up, she grabbed the heavy cloak and put it on her body, got into the carriage in a hurry, and went straight to Yuan Mansion.

In order to get closer to Brother Yuan, she directly bribed a servant of the Yuan Mansion, and then knew that Yuan Hao was in the mansion today, so before approaching the Yuan Mansion, she deliberately messed up her hair in the carriage It's a little bit lost, and half of my makeup is also a little bit messed up. In short, the desired effect is to be a little embarrassed but still beautiful.

She felt that everything was perfect for herself, once she entered Yuan's mansion, she saw the letter from Zhan who hurried out to meet her, she said with tears in her eyes, "Where's Brother Yuan? I have something urgent to see him."

"Your Excellency is receiving guests..."

Han Yongzhu didn't want to listen to what he said, so he just pushed him away and rushed into the house.

For the future mistress, Zhan Xin did not dare to stop her vigorously.

Not long after, Han Yongzhu broke into the study directly. Yuan Hao's expression changed when he was talking with someone. He fixed his eyes and saw that it was Han Yongzhu with red eyes who barged in. Then he glared fiercely at Zhang who was not doing his job well. Xin, didn't you see that there are still guests here today?

The guest was also surprised for a moment, but when he saw the young woman who broke in crying and pounced on Yuan Hao, he immediately smiled knowingly, it turned out that she was Yuan Hao's confidante.

He thought he was smart enough to get up and say goodbye, since he had already talked about it anyway, there was no need to disturb others to coax a beautiful woman.

Yuan Hao wanted to push Han Yongzhu away, but Han Yongzhu held on tightly, he couldn't move, so he smiled awkwardly at the guest and ordered Zhan Xin to see him off on his behalf.

After the guests left, he pushed Han Yongzhu away with a serious expression, "Miss Han, what are you doing?"

Han Yongzhu still held on to his sleeve and cried, "Brother Yuan, help me. Mother Tao was taken away by the parental officer in Yiyang City. What should I do now? This is not the capital, we I have no relatives, and there is no one else I can rely on except you... woo woo..."

Yuan Hao frowned, "That's fine, what is he doing with your nanny?"

Han Yongzhu shook his head, "I don't know either, Madam Tao is my mother's wet nurse. Thanks to her, I was able to reach Yiyang City safely to meet Brother Yuan. If something happens to her, what will happen to me when I return to Beijing?" Explain to my mother? Besides, I can't bear Tao Nanny to suffer in prison at an old age. Brother Yuan, please help me..."

Yuan Hao looked at the woman in front of her with tears falling like pearls one by one. Even though she didn't like Han Yongzhu, she came to Yiyang City for herself. Thinking about it this way, no matter how hard her heart is, it softens now .

"Don't cry, I'll go and have a look."

When Han Yongzhu got his promise, she burst into laughter. Where Yuan Hao couldn't see, she curled her lips in satisfaction with her performance.

Above the courtroom, Nanny Tao walked in with the two officials with a haughty expression on her face. She first looked at Chang Xi, and compared Chang Xi's gaze across the air, sparks flew everywhere.

Seeing Chang Xi smile at her provocatively, her face immediately darkened, but she boasted that she had eaten more salt than rice, so she quickly calmed down.

Seeing the official pat the gavel, she saluted immediately, then took out the name card in her sleeve and went straight forward to hand it to the parent officer in Yiyang City.

Mr. Zhou was slightly taken aback, this old woman was dressed more decently than many rich wives in Yiyang City, and her demeanor was very similar to the dignified servants of aristocratic families he had seen when he was in the capital. He subconsciously became alert.

"This is a famous post from my Lord Marquis."

Master Zhou saw the old woman put a refined name card in front of him, and took a closer look, it was the name card of the Han family in the mighty Marquis Mansion, and he knew it.

Chang Xi has always been paying attention to the changes in Master Zhou's expression. Looking at his expression, she can tell that Tao Nanny's background has overwhelmed him, but she is not surprised by this scene.

There are a few people in the officialdom who are really not afraid of power. Mr. Zhou is too far away from the Han family in the mighty Marquis Mansion. If he really submits to the public to handle it, his official career will be in jeopardy. Let alone go back to be a Beijing official in this life. Even going up one liter is difficult.

Anyway, her goal has been achieved, there is no rush for other things, she has plenty of time to deal with her slowly.

Sure enough, Master Zhou routinely asked Nanny Tao if she knew this charlatan, and Nanny Tao always answered that she didn't know her, she hadn't seen him, and even if the liar gave more evidence, it wouldn't help.

In the end, Mr. Zhou hastily closed the case, took the charlatan into custody and notified the other places, and then reported and convicted him together.

Many people were dissatisfied with such an ending and thought it was hasty, but it had nothing to do with them, and they left after a few discussions.

Tao Nanny looked at Chang Xi, still holding the name card in her hand, "Miss Chang, if I were you, I wouldn't try to jump around any more, it's self-inflicted humiliation."

Chang Xi glanced at the ostentatious name post, "The Mighty Marquis Mansion is really domineering, but the dog is fighting for power. One day this dog will be useless, and the owner probably doesn't even want to leave a whole body for him." It, after all, is a dog, no matter how much it wears human skin and learns how to speak, it is still a dog."

Nanny Tao's complacent expression froze for a moment, this bitch actually compared her to a dog, she was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to slap Chang Xi.

Chang Xi grabbed it quickly with sharp eyes and hands, and then threw it away unceremoniously. At this moment, she also turned cold, "I am not a servant of the mighty Marquis Mansion. If you want to slap me, there is no way! Today I respect you as an old man , I don’t care about you, but if there is a next time, I will not be polite.”

Tao Nanny wished she could eat Chang Xi.

Chang Dadou and Li Shi, who were still in the courtroom, were stunned when they heard the words "Weiwuhoufu", and they couldn't recover until Chang Xi and Tao Nanny came and went. After a few words of bickering, the two finally regained their senses.

"His father, is that the mighty Marquis Mansion?"

Mrs. Li will never forget what happened on that rainy night for the rest of her life.

At the beginning, when I went to the capital with my husband, I wanted to seek refuge with my distant relatives who were prosperous, and I wanted to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

And the so-called well-off distant relatives are just inconspicuous servants in the Hou's mansion. For them who are looking for the door, they first put on airs and entertain them with food and drink, but they don't say a word about helping them gain a foothold in the capital. carry.

The couple were unable to find other livelihoods. When they were at a loss, the relative suddenly said one day that there was an opportunity to make money. If they wanted it, the reward would be 15 taels of silver, but they had to leave the capital immediately and return to the countryside.

Isn't it a fool to have money but not make money?

In this way, on that rainy night, relatives stuffed a newborn baby into their hands. The couple were dumbfounded at the time, how could it be a child?
The relative, contrary to his usual kind face, gave them 15 taels of silver, "Take this child and leave quickly, don't look back, and don't even think about leaving it halfway, be careful that you won't have any good fruit to eat." .”

"No, this... this is a newborn child..." Li Shi was still young at the time, and she was still in awe.

"Don't ask so many questions. In short, remember what I said, take this child back and have a good life. The 15 taels of silver are yours. Think about this money. Have you two seen so much money in your life?"

That has never been seen.

"That's it, don't ask too much, don't talk too much, just go."

Looking back on the situation at that time now, Chang Dadou felt that he was very cowardly at that time, why didn't he know how to get more benefits?

But this matter has become a secret that the couple can't tell, and they haven't dared to go to the capital to ask for more benefits for many years. Now that I think about it, I feel quite stupid. No matter what the origin of the child I brought in back then, it has nothing to do with the mighty Marquis Mansion. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, it shouldn't be them who are afraid.

The black-hearted couple looked at each other, and they both saw the fire in each other's eyes.

That's right, they were barefoot and not afraid of those wearing shoes, so they all focused their eyes on Nanny Tao, whoever didn't target this person, just targeted the white-eyed wolf, which already explained the problem.

Mammy Tao felt a fiery gaze staring at her from behind, she turned her head suddenly, only to see the greedy gazes of Chang Dadou and Li Shi, she felt disgusted immediately, and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Chang Dadou and Li Shi reacted very quickly this time, and immediately entangled him.

"This nanny, you look so familiar. Our husband and wife have been to the capital and met you at the gate of the Weiwuhou Mansion. Haha, you are still the same as back then..."

Li's approach was close, and he pointed out all the elements on purpose.

Chang Dadou smiled flatteringly but there was a fierce look in his eyes, "Hey, it was raining that night, how is my relative? You said you were pregnant..." At this point, he deliberately paused and turned to Chang Dadou. Xi glanced in Xi's direction, full of hints.

Nanny Tao now knew what the couple's intentions were, and it was beyond her expectation that these two mangy dogs were hiding here and preparing to bite.

She also looked at Chang Xi following Chang Dadou's gaze, and saw that Chang Xi frowned slightly but did not become suspicious. She felt relieved a little, and gestured to the unscrupulous couple. After both parties understood, she raised her voice Said, "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about, get out of here, or don't blame the old man for being rude."

Only then did Mrs. Li grab her husband, and apologized to Nanny Tao with a smile, "I admitted the wrong person, don't be upset, mommy."

Tao Nanny was able to escape smoothly, but her back was already soaked. This unscrupulous couple who appeared suddenly brought her a new round of danger. She had to think hard about how to deal with it calmly. OK.

What's hateful is that there is Chang Xi in the middle, which makes her have to think of a perfect plan.

At the same time, there is a lot of regret in my heart, because my heart was too soft back then to leave this disaster behind.

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