pawn wife

Chapter 269 067: It's a good thing not to go into this muddy water

For Zhang Yingda's choice, Chang Xi was neither surprised nor surprised. She directly asked Zhang Yingda to sit down, "Tell me carefully."

Zhang Yingda was a little nervous at first, but when he saw that Chang Xi didn't treat him as a child, he straightened his chest. He was proving to her that he was a man.

"Sister Chang, recently the foreign devil's boat came to the shore again. They brought spices and some exotic crops. I went on board to have a look. Their spices can be sold at a high price here. As for those Many people think that the crops are flashy and did not cause a sensation," paused, "but even so, they can still make a lot of money, plus the tea, silk, and porcelain that will be taken away from us at that time, this one It’s money every time, so why don’t we do this business?”

Chang Xi actually wanted to do ocean-going trade a long time ago, but at that time there was no one available, so she put it on hold, but now Zhang Yingda said that he was interested in this business, so she would help him along the way.

"Going to sea is not as easy as you imagined. I don't want you to try to escape just because you encounter difficulties..."

"No, Sister Chang, I'm not acting on my own will. I did it after careful consideration. I didn't do this before because I worried about my mother and Lianzi, but now I find that they can live well without me, especially Lianzi. She You can learn more by staying with Sister Chang than following me, I don’t want Lianzi to marry chickens and dogs like my mother in the future, I hope Lianzi can have her own life.”

Chang Xi understood that he hoped that the brothers and sisters would be separated, so that the younger sister would not be able to stand up on her own by relying on him, or the imprisoning this time made Zhang Yingda think more deeply.

"Okay, I understand what you think. How about this? I'll arrange for you to live at sea for a month or two. You can try to see if you can adapt? As for buying ships and so on, how about it?"

Zhang Yingda nodded hastily, he wanted to start again, and he wanted to make money for Chang Xi urgently.

Chang Xi called Shi Axiang in, and then contacted the manager through her.

This year, the manager stopped being an interpreter for James. Instead, he traveled between the island countries at sea and the land to transport food. She knew that this was a deal between Xie Jin and the manager, so she never asked.

The manager had no objection to her sending a young man over to join him. After seeing Zhang Yingda, he admired this calm young man, "Okay, I will train him for you, and within two months, he will be able to take charge on his own. "

Chang Xi hurriedly thanked her, and then asked Zhang Ying to go back and say goodbye to her mother and sister.

Chen was reluctant to part with her son, and cried to tell him not to leave, leaving the family of three to live together.

Zhang Lianzi, on the other hand, packed her elder brother's luggage in silence. Looking at his young face, she said, "Brother, I'm waiting for you to spread your wings and fly high."

Zhang Yingda hugged her sister, then picked up her luggage and left without looking back.

Chen couldn't help crying, but Zhang Lianzi didn't comfort her. She came to find Chang Xi, "Sister Chang, can I learn from Sister Dongli or Sister Xiaotao?"

Their brother and sister owed Chang Xi a lot, she wanted to repay Chang Xi earlier, but she was alone, besides working for Chang Xi, she didn't know what else to do?
Chang Xi looked at the little girl and said with a smile, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Zhang Lianzi nodded, "Sister Chang, I want to be like Sister Dongli and Sister Xiaotao. I don't want to grow up just to marry, and I don't want to be like my mother."

Chen, who was hiding outside the door, overheard her daughter's words, and burst into tears. She didn't expect that she was such a useless person in her daughter's mind. For the first time, she was eager to change.

Next, Zhang Lianzi followed Xiaotao to learn account management. She used to manage accounts in the vegetable selling trio, so it was not difficult to learn this. On the contrary, she is careful and very suitable for this job.

Xiaotao said to Chang Xi more than once, "Lianzi is naturally suitable for this, Mrs. Chang, you can try to let her take charge of the spinning workshop in the future."

She is currently in charge of the accounts of the spinning workshop, but the work is too heavy, and she gradually feels that it is too much for her, and she needs someone to share it.

"As long as she is capable, I will give her this opportunity." Chang Xi smiled, "Well, I will ask Dongli to pick a few good seedlings and hand them over to you for compensation, school management, and further development of the workshop in the future. It is best to cultivate talents in this area by ourselves.”

"That's a good thing. I don't trust the accountant who was invited outside." Xiaotao said happily.

Chang Xi patted her on the shoulder, Xiao Tao will be the chief financial officer in the future, but there is a long way to go.

Poor Xiaotao doesn't know that the rest of her life has been arranged by Chang Xi. Dealing with money is always a job of joy and pain.

The spinning workshop slowly got on the right track, and Bai Shi managed it in an orderly manner. Chang Xi fully affirmed Bai Shi's work, which made Bai Shi happy.

However, in order not to let the Bai family dominate the spinning workshop, she brought up Dong Li and asked her to come over and become the second in command of the spinning workshop, so that the situation was balanced and people's ambitions would not be fed up .

And she again nominated a village girl named Caifeng to take over Dongli's position. This young girl named Caifeng won the first place in several internal self-tests in the workshop. I began to pay more attention to learning, and it turns out that the book really has its own golden house.

When Aunt Osmanthus saw Caifeng moved to Dongli's previous position, she smiled and patted the young girl on the shoulder, "Do it well."

"Aunt Osmanthus, I know." Caifeng smiled, of course she must work hard, after all Dongli is her role model, sitting here and working is much more respected than in a workshop.

Dongli also smiled and said, "I'll take you with me for a while, and you'll get used to it slowly."

Caifeng naturally expressed his thanks in a hurry, and studied hard.

Chang Xi's personnel changes caused heated discussions in the workshop. They clearly felt that there was a channel for advancement. The young people in the workshop were more motivated than before, and they even worked harder in their studies.

The imperial court soon made a resolution and adopted Chang Xi's proposal to use iron ore instead of silver to settle part of the payment. In this way, Chang Xi's initial goal was achieved, and more automation improvements could be made with steam power .

Agreements were signed with Dong Shilang of the Ministry of Industry and Sun Shilang of the Ministry of Households, and the transaction was officially concluded.

Mr. Lin's iron workshop is running at full capacity to produce steam exhaust machines, striving to deliver on time. This also makes Mr. Lin very happy from ear to ear. Such a business can bring many intangible benefits. No one dared to object to Lin Yuqi's grandson favoring him, and of course no one dared to say that his grandson was a fool.

When things were going in a good direction, the sisters of the Chang family came to the door again. This time, Chang Xi did not refuse the door, but took the time to meet them.

Chang Da'e's eyes were red, obviously she had been crying, while Chang Er'e stuck her neck, wanting to beg Chang Xi, but couldn't hold back, just such a strange expression.

"San'e, parents are gone." Chang Da'e cried when she saw Chang Xi.

"If you are willing to help the little brother, your parents won't disappear. Chang San'e, let me ask you, is your heart made of iron and stone?" Chang Er'e immediately stood on the moral high ground to launch an attack.

Chang Xi glanced at the pair of sisters coldly, she had no feeling at all about the disappearance of Chang Dadou and Li Shi, the unscrupulous couple, "This is why you came here? Then please go back, if you don't see anyone, go find them, It's useless to find me."

"San'e, you have a lot of contacts, so let's find your parents. No matter how bad they are, they are still our parents." After all, Chang Da'e has family affection in mind, and if it wasn't for the disappearance of her parents this time, she wouldn't bother Chang Xi.

But Chang Er'e yelled, "My parents are gone, how can you still sit still? Chang San'e, no wonder your parents say you are a white-eyed wolf and an unfilial daughter..."

"Come on, drag her out, and make noise when she speaks." Chang Xi said impatiently.

Wu Laosan immediately brought someone in to set up Chang Er'e and dragged him out. Chang Er'e was so frightened that her face turned pale. She didn't expect that Chang Xi would let someone do it when she disagreed with her. She regretted it terribly now.

"San'e, if you have something to say, sister, don't treat your second sister like this..."

"Sister, I only tolerate you for the sake of our sisterhood, and Chang Er'e is not in my tolerance." Chang Xi stopped Chang Da'e's pleading, "I still say what I said before, killing people I will not interfere with Chang Kui's case, and as for Chang Dadou and Li Shi, I will not take care of their affairs." After a pause, "You must know that today's results will also be caused by future causes."

Chang Da'e heard this, and quickly asked, "San'e, what do you mean by that?"

Chang Xi didn't want to say more, "Anyway, big sister, go back. If you mess around with Chang Er'e, don't blame me for not recognizing you as big sister."

After finishing speaking, she directly asked Caifeng to see off the guests, and stopped paying more attention to Sister Chang Da'e.

Chang Da'e left the tea brick workshop in a daze, and Chang Er'e saw her elder sister coming out, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask, "How is it, elder sister? Did San'e say that she didn't care..."

"Father and mother lived with you recently, do you know what's different about them?" Chang Da'e asked while grabbing her younger sister.

"How do I know?" Chang Er'e pushed her sister's hand unhappily, and then said thoughtfully, "My parents often eat delicious food behind our backs..."

The two sisters looked at each other. Their parents must have a secret, and it was this secret that caused them to disappear.

Chang Er'e was very annoyed. Her parents were selfish people, so she said angrily, "I won't look for them anymore, and they will die outside." After speaking, she left angrily.

Chang Da'e thought much more deeply. When her parents came back from the capital and brought back San'e, she actually knew from that time that San'e was not born to her parents, but San'e was fair and beautiful when she was a child. She also cared more about this little sister.

Perhaps the disappearance of her parents was related to this secret. She was stroking her forehead weakly at this time, and she was just a peasant woman, unable to control so much, so she could only turn around and leave powerlessly.

After Chang Xi watched Chang Da'e leave, she turned around and sat back in her chair. It was a good thing Chang Da'e didn't wade into this muddy water.

At this moment, Caifeng came in and said, "Miss Chang, Er Gouzi just sent back the news that the girl Han who lives in the Yuelai Inn has returned to Beijing with her mother..."

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