pawn wife

Chapter 270 068: No one can be my master

Chapter 270 068: Nobody Wants To Be My Master (Part [-])
Han Yongzhu left?
Chang Xi was not surprised that she left, it was a matter of time, but it was worth pondering at this juncture.

"Where is Mr. Yuan?"

Hearing Chang Xi's question, Cai Feng hurriedly flipped through his notebook, "Master Yuan left for Beijing two days ago to report on his work." After a pause, "Miss Chang, are you still looking for Chang Dadou and Mrs. Li?"

Chang Xi never really wanted to look for these two people, but now that he heard the news, he was even more lazy to spend his mind on it, so he waved his hands and said, "No need to look for them, I probably know where they are."

Nanny Tao must want to kill people to silence her, and Yuan Hao must have controlled people in his own hands, otherwise he would not have returned to Beijing to report on his duties suddenly, and he must have some evidence to go back in such a hurry.

She was sitting in her original position, but unconsciously tapped her hands on the table. She had always handled the matter of the original owner's life with a cold attitude. After all, it is rare to have both in the world. If she couldn't keep up with the progress of the situation, then she couldn't hand over the initiative to others.

Only by firmly grasping the initiative can she be invincible. This is her principle of conduct.

When Xie Jin came over, he happened to see Chang Xi standing in front of the window, frowning slightly as he watched the early summer scenery. He stepped forward and gently smoothed her eyebrows, "What are you thinking? So engrossed?"

Chang Xi turned to look at him, "Guard Du said, Princess Qianrong wants to see me, and hopes that I can come to Beijing. I was still hesitating before, but today I suddenly feel that I should make this trip."

Xie Jin still looked at her steadfastly, without saying a word, obviously he didn't quite believe her words.

Chang Xi knew that he couldn't hide it from him, so he reached out and took his hand, "Firstly, I'm worried that you're going to Beijing to meet the saint, so I want to go and have a look; secondly, it's my ridiculous background, since someone must If you want to uncover this shit pot, then I will accompany you to the end." In the end, her eyes were full of cold light, "No one can try to be my master."

On the surface, it seems that Han Yongzhu's accusation of marrying Yuan Hao to Yuan Hao is the result of her nympho, but in fact this is a manifestation of the will of the Han family. What are the daughters used for?

The aristocratic family will tell you that a daughter has only one purpose, and that is marriage.

This is also the reason why she never wants to get back that identity. She doesn't want to become a pawn controlled by the Han family, even in the name of love. Take the initiative to seize the initiative.

Xie Jin stretched out his hand to hold her cold hand, and said seriously, "You can do whatever you want, and I will support you."

"Master Yuan told you?"

Xie Jin didn't answer this question directly. In fact, no matter what kind of background Chang Xi is, she is her, and there is actually no difference with him.

It was her who attracted him, not that illusory life experience, which was the most insignificant.

Just because she was preparing to go to Beijing, Chang Xi successively held meetings at the tea brick workshop and the spinning workshop to arrange work for her absence.

There are Xie Ming and Du Guanshi in the Tea Brick Workshop, as well as the people left by the four shopkeepers. Generally speaking, there will be no trouble.

As for the spinning workshop, only Bai Shi and Dongli are in charge at present, which is a little thin, so her focus is mostly on this.

Bai said with a smile, "Miss Chang, go out as much as you want, I promise to keep this door safe."

Chang Xi was not surprised that she would say that. After all, the Bai family also has a background, so there is no need to worry about Xiaoxiao coming to find trouble. Besides, Mrs. Zhou has a share in this spinning workshop, so there is no need to worry about outsiders coming to make trouble.

As for internal affairs, we can only make arrangements as far as possible.

Two days later, following the principle of using no doubts and no doubts about employing people, she easily entered Beijing with Xie Jin by water.

This is the first time for Chang Xi to leave Yiyang City so far. In her opinion, the scenery along the way is quite interesting, but after looking at it for a while, she frowned and said, "Compared to the beautiful mountains and rivers, , the life of the people here is too difficult.”

Standing on the deck with her, Xie Jin was not surprised to see poor people on both sides of the strait. The Daewoo Dynasty claimed to be rich in the world, but its people were actually very miserable.

When the boat arrived at the shore for supplies, Chang Xi did not disembark, but someone had already brought her children over to ask if she wanted to buy them. She looked at those numb children with an indescribably heavy heart.

Hu Niu's eyes were even redder, she took out the money in her bosom and handed it to those people, but after taking the money, those people took their children and ran away, and then someone saw that these people got the money, so they did the same thing, obviously wanting to Continue to come over to gather the wool, so scared that Huniu dare not stay on the deck.

Chang Xi had a pretty face with a cold face. She had an aura of not getting close to strangers, which made many people retreat and did not dare to come forward to provoke her, so naturally they would not repeat the old tricks.

After looking at it for a while, she turned around and went back to the cabin on the boat. After all, she knew in her heart that if the problem cannot be solved at its root, then the problem will exist forever. If the people at the bottom have the opportunity to become rich, then these problems will eventually disappear.

"Miss Chang, did I do something wrong?" Hu Niu asked with red eyes.

Chang Xi looked at her and said, "You are just being kind, but you have to remember that it depends on the occasion to show kindness."

Huniu nodded, indicating that she remembered.

After Xie Jin made friends, he boarded the ship again, and the ship set sail.

"Scared?" He entered the wing room and saw Chang Xi still looking at the scenery on the shore.

"No." How could Chang Xi be frightened by this scene, "I was just thinking about how to make them rich. Only by getting rich can we truly put an end to these ugly phenomena."

"This can't be changed overnight." Xie Jin sighed. He walked outside and saw too many tragedies like this, and he would easily become numb.

"So we have a long way to go."

Xie Jin pondered what she said, and suddenly smiled. It is indeed a long way to go, and getting along with her, no matter how bad the mood is, it will get better.

The journey was not fast, and when we arrived in the capital, the weather was already very hot.

When disembarking, Chang Xi put on a summer dress that was breathable and cool. Watching the people coming and going at the pier in the capital was very lively. If it wasn't for the wrong pronunciation, she would have thought she was at Yiyang pier.

There were already people at the pier to greet Xie Jin, who first stepped forward to salute when they saw Xie Jin, and then took off the luggage one by one and put them on the carriage, but Xie Jin stretched out his hand to help Chang Xi get off the boat, but was slapped away by Chang Xi, she She can do it by herself, but she's not a cowardly Miss Jiao who can't walk.

Seeing her energetic appearance, Xie Jin smiled immediately, and liked her always full of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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