pawn wife

Chapter 282 080: Notice, I Don't Owe You

Entering the mighty Marquis Mansion again, Chang Xi's senses were different again.

When I came back last time, I only felt that this place was deserted, but this time, all the servants in the mansion lined up to welcome each other. Everyone had smiling faces, calling out to each girl. If someone with a strong vanity would probably be fascinated to find him right now. Not to the north.

Mrs. Han said with a smile, "You are the daughter of the family, this is the treatment you deserve."

Chang Xi just smiled, and didn't believe a word of Mrs. Han's words. If there were no benefits to be gained, she would not give herself such a high treatment.

Wei Shi took the opportunity to say, "My mother cleaned up the place for you. It's not the place where Han Yongzhu lived, but another courtyard with a good view in the mansion. Later, my mother will take you to see if there is anything to be changed. , or add something?"

Chang Xi frowned slightly at that cautious and ingratiating look, and finally nodded in order to save face.

The smile on Wei's face increased, "I have already written a letter to your brother. He will return to Beijing to report on his work during the Chinese New Year. When the time comes, the siblings will recognize each other and have a good get-together."

Chang Xi knew that the eldest son of the Han family was working outside with his whole family. She didn't have any sense for this cheap brother who had never met before.

When I arrived at the main hall, I saw my cheap father, Mighty Wuhou. This time he looked at her directly. Although it was a smiling face, she just felt uncomfortable, as if she saw that scumbag father in her previous life, but she still had to give her face, so she Wei Wei is blessed and greets the other party.

"Good boy, it's good to be back, we're a family after all." Mighty Marquis helped Chang Xi up, patted Chang Xi's hand and said tenderly, without any snobbery and indifference.

Chang Xi nodded, took the opportunity to withdraw her hand, and wiped the edge of her skirt without any trace, the scumbag was disgusting.

Then one morning, I got to know the other people in the Weiwuhou Mansion. Those uncles had nothing to say, just like the aunts, they had no special features. It could be seen that the Weiwuhou Mansion was the only one of the concubine’s family, Mrs. Han Not confused on this.

Of course, this does not include Han Yongzhu. This time she entered the mansion with great momentum, Han Yongzhu probably avoided her sharpness and did not show up.

After seeing all kinds of so-called relatives, Wei Shi had the opportunity to take her to the tidy house. This yard is full of various exotic flowers and plants, and it is very lively in summer now. It can be seen that it has been carefully arranged. , the house is hidden under tall trees, it is very cool to live in summer.

Entering the back room, even though Chang Xi didn't know the decoration, she knew that the furniture inside was made of high-quality wood, but she only took a few glances, and didn't have much emotional ups and downs.

This made Wei, who was observing her carefully, have red eyes again, "My mother only wants to give you the best compensation. After all these years, if my mother knew of your existence, how could people suffer so much? Hateful Tao Nanny and Xin's, even if you kill them, you won't be able to forgive..."

The gritted hatred was so real, Chang Xi was still consoling the other party.

Only then did Wei's mood improve again, and he was interested in discussing with Chang Xi the clothes styles popular in the capital, and called the embroiderer in the mansion to tailor clothes for Chang Xi on the spot.

"I just use the fabric that was appreciated in the palace last time. That kind of texture is the coolest to wear in summer, and the pattern is also beautiful. It is suitable for young girls. Our mothers and daughters look alike. Seeing you is like seeing my mother when she was young." look..."

Wei's affection for this daughter whom he recognized halfway back came quite quickly, after all, Chang Xi's face was exactly the same as hers.

Chang Xi didn't raise any objection to these arrangements. She used to have no money, so she didn't pay too much attention to clothing. Later, she made money, but in Yiyang City, she mostly wore horse riding clothes for convenience, and now she is in the capital. , I have to sing another folk song, do as the Romans do, you have to keep up with the trend so as not to be called bumpkins behind your back.

The Wei family happily arranged everything for the found daughter, which made Han Yongzhu, who was peeking in the dark, gritted her silver teeth with hatred.

After Wei Shi left, she came out of the shadows. Ever since she was found to be born of Aunt Xin, not only her residence was changed, but even the first-class face that Wei Shi had bought for her was taken back and sealed by Wei Shi. , only left her a few simple tricks to fill the scene, and the treatment was called a plummet.

"I lost to you after all."

Hearing the voice full of resentment, Chang Xi stopped telling Hu Niu to put things away, and turned to look at Han Yongzhu, who had a gloomy face.

Among the maids Wei selected to serve her, someone immediately stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Miss, do you want Miss Zhu to leave?" In other words, if you don't want to see her, you don't have to.

Chang Xi waved her hand slightly to signal her to back down, the maid was clever, so she stepped aside to pack things with Hu Niu, allowing the pair of resentful sisters to face each other directly.

"Mother treats you so kindly. I begged her for a long time and she didn't give it to me, but now she sent it all to you, and this curtain. Last time I said I would change it, she agreed, but Turning around, I installed it in your room..." Han Yongzhu said sinisterly while inspecting.

Chang Xi didn't follow her steps, but stood there with her arms crossed to watch her play. She didn't like this kind of yin and yang tricks.

Seeing her muttering to herself, but others didn't pick up, Han Yongzhu couldn't continue after all, and stopped admiring the layout of the room.

"Did you know that my mother moved my residence to the northwest corner of the mansion? It's hot in summer and cold in winter..."

"You can complain if you are dissatisfied, but you can't tell me."

Seeing Chang Xi interrupting her words unmoved, Han Yongzhu was startled for a moment, and then quietly said, "Do you know what kind of husband-in-law my grandmother showed me? That is a widower 20 years older than me. The same age as my father, his child is probably older than me..."

Chang Xi laughed out loud, "Don't make yourself feel aggrieved, didn't you insist on marrying Yuan Hao back then and also wanted to be a stepmother? These are all stepmothers, and if the stepchildren are older, don't worry about it." ,dont you agree?"

As soon as Yuan Hao was mentioned, Han Yongzhu's face became even more ugly. She said that she wanted Chang Xi to feel guilty about her, so she went to intercede with her grandmother, but she couldn't help being annoyed that the other party was unmoved at all. , "At the beginning, I really wanted to be friends with you..."

"A hero doesn't mention his bravery, but with your grandmother and mother as obstacles, you and I will never be friends for the rest of our lives." Chang Xi said coldly.

Mentioning the two blood relatives, Nanny Tao and Aunt Xin, Han Yongzhu's face instantly turned pale. Instead of begging for mercy, Han Yongzhu's face turned pale instantly. Instead of begging for mercy, she hid away to prevent these two from dragging her down.

As for whether she hated these two people in her heart, she naturally hated them. If she hadn't changed her job back then, she would have been able to grow up decently and safely as a concubine of the Hou family, and would not have fallen into the embarrassing situation she is now.

Now it has become a joke among the noble ladies in Beijing, and all the old friends have disappeared. No one wants to get involved with her, and they all think that her status is low. This kind of gap has made her unable to recover for a long time.

"You've got everything, why won't you help me?" She complained full of resentment.

Chang Xi sneered, "Why should I help you?"

She didn't take the opportunity to step on it because she was well-trained, and it was because Han Yongzhu didn't know it at the beginning.

"You know, I don't owe you anything."

Chang Xi's stern words made Han Yongzhu take a few steps back and almost couldn't stand still. With a pale face, she looked at Chang Xi's unmoved face. She knew that her moral kidnapping could not go on, so Silently turned and left.

When she turned around, Chang Xi said lightly, "The only person in this world who can save you is yourself."

Whether willingly or unwillingly, one has to accept such a fate. When Han Yongzhu accepted the gift of fate, the original body was still struggling to survive, and finally died. How can this be fair?
Now it's just putting everything back on track. Han Yongzhu has to spit out how much he enjoyed back then. From Chang Xi's point of view, this is very fair. It's a pity that the original body couldn't wait until today.

Hearing this, Han Yongzhu paused, and finally walked away.

The Marquis of Weiwu retrieved the prostitute who had been living abroad, invited the head of the Han family and respectable members of the clan to open the ancestral hall with great fanfare, and solemnly wrote Chang Xi's name under the name of the Wei family. program of.

As for the name, Mrs. Han originally intended to name it after the girls of the generation of the Han family, but Chang Xi rejected the proposal. The name Chang Xi was given by her mother in her previous life. The surname Han is over.

Mrs. Han couldn't resist, so she had to agree.

As for Han Yongzhu, the Wei family insisted on removing her name from her own name and re-writing it on the concubine. This operation made Mrs. Han quite dissatisfied. After all, it is more beneficial for Han Yongzhu to marry under the name of the aunt, but Wei did not want to There was nothing she could do to give her this dignity, so she had no choice but to agree.

As for the mighty Marquis Wu who is his father, he doesn't say much, and he is indifferent to Han Yongzhu's daughter to the end, as if his previous love was just a puff of smoke, blowing away.

After all, his wife was quite generous this time, and took back all his concubine and seven illegitimate children. She took this opportunity to go on the genealogy, and made everything clear, and no longer restricted him to keep Watching her live, this made his husband Gang greatly excited, so his face was flushed, and he was quite satisfied with Wei Shi.

Wei Shi glanced at her husband and turned her face away in disgust, and looked at her husband's illegitimate children on the other side. She only felt that it was an eyesore, but her mother, Mrs. Wei, was right, she accepted these women and children into the house, and she was outside. The reputation has improved a lot, no one talks about her role in the son-changing incident anymore, they only say that she is virtuous and generous, but that Aunt Xin is not good, disrespecting his first wife and substituting two children, the crime is heinous.

For a group of extra siblings, Chang Xi was noncommittal.

On the contrary, it was Han Yongzhu who stared at the group of younger brothers and sisters sullenly, but she felt relieved when she thought that Wei Shi would find these people an eyesore. After all, Wei Shi was having a hard time, and she felt comfortable.

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