pawn wife

第283章 081:第1炮1定要打响(2更)

The high-profile recognition of the woman by the mighty Marquis Mansion made Chang Xi a big celebrity in the capital, even more famous than her tea brick business with the court and steam exhaust machines. This result made Chang Xi dumbfounded. It seems that gossip is more touching.

In order to make a face for Chang Xi, Mrs. Han and Wei's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have the same attitude. They want to hold a banquet for her to make a high-profile appearance, and specially invite people who have won the stage in the capital to attend. The scene is quite grand. I have been busy for several days.

Chang Xi was not affected, anyway, she didn't have to worry about it, she just had to take care of Meimeimei and Xiaoxiaoxiao, and Wei Shi could take care of all the other trivial matters.

On the day of the banquet, many people who only heard of Chang Xi's name but had never seen her in the upper circles tried their best. After all, Chang Xi was so topical that people couldn't do without her when gossiping recently. Of course, Han Yongzhu was also indispensable. Another party to this subcontracting incident.

In front of outsiders, the Wei family didn't show Han Yongzhu any facial expressions, but in terms of dressing, Han Yongzhu had to be behind Chang Xi, so she wanted Han Yongzhu to be a foil, so as to bring out Chang Xi's brilliance.

Han Yongzhu hated her teeth so much, but she had to swallow all her grievances in order to make a living under Wei's men. Without a loving mother and a filial daughter, both of them are very good at superficial kung fu, at least Wei received a lot of compliments , and she can also take the opportunity to meet a few more people to see if she has a chance to find Chenglong Kuaishou. For the old widower who is 20 years older than her, she really doesn't like it at all.

Chang Xi took Wei's actions lightly into her eyes, she didn't have that much empathy, she just pretended to be home.

"I've wanted to see you for a long time, but Brother Jin always shied away, as if he was afraid that I would eat you, which made me speechless. Now I finally see you. Sure enough, my fourth sibling's vision is very good." of."

At this time, it was Mrs. Sun, the eldest wife of the Xie family, who was pulling her to talk. She also didn't have a good appearance, but she was very friendly. It could be seen that her emotional intelligence was very high. Mrs. Xie Rong estimated that it took a lot of effort to pick this eldest daughter-in-law. , at least better than the Qian family of the second room and the Qin family of the fourth room.

"Miss Xie is absurd. I had heard of her name when I was in Yiyang, and now I see it." Chang Xi also smiled with great face. Anyway, everyone is on the scene, so there is no need to let people Embarrassed.

As for what Mrs. Sun said, she just listened to it. Seriously, she lost. After all, she has been in the capital for so long, and Mrs. Sun really wants to see her. There are many opportunities, and it is not that difficult to post a post for her. But when she recognized her ancestors and returned to her clan, she was lucky enough to meet her real person, and this process was worth pondering.

While chatting with Chang Xi, Mrs. Sun looked at her carefully in secret. With such an appearance and emotional intelligence, it is no wonder that she was able to catch Jin's eyes. I used to treat her coldly, but now I think it is a bit wrong. My mother-in-law wrote a letter Talking about her, she just woke up. Fortunately, it's not too late to mend the relationship.

Xie Jin's life experience is the biggest secret hidden by the Xie family. She used to worry about it. Now that Xie Jin has passed the Ming Dynasty with the emperor, she has let go of this worry. Of course, it is necessary to maintain Xie Jin and Xie's family. of intimacy.

She only gave birth to three sons, and with Chang Xi reconciling the previous relationship with Xie's family, it would be beneficial for her to befriend Chang Xi.

So the chat between the two was lively.

Mrs. Han, who was watching Chang Xi not far away, saw this scene, and felt relieved. It would not be a disadvantage to recognize this granddaughter, and Chang Xi is smarter than Han Yongzhu, so she will naturally be more successful in the future.

Mrs. Wei was very happy that Chang Xi was recognized by others, so she went over to exchange a few words with Mrs. Sun. During this time, Miss Wei's third cousin came to take Chang Xi away, saying that she wanted to introduce her to her peers. Wei was very happy to see her. If it is successful, it is natural to release him immediately.

The noble girls in Beijing are quite curious about Chang Xi, but this group of unmarried girls are mostly fifteen or sixteen years old, and they don't actually have much in common with Chang Xi. Anyway, the lamp of poetry and poetry is not lit by Chang Xi , so people warmly invited her to participate in the poetry club, but she found excuses to decline, after all, she didn't have extra time to recite poems and do it right.
Miss Wei San said bitterly in private, "Cousin, it's hard for you to make close friends like this."

Chang Xi spread her hands, "Then I can't help it. Forgive me, my cousin. I really don't have so much time. I'm going to go back to Yiyang after too long."

Miss Wei San opened her eyes wide and said eagerly: "Why are you going back? Doesn't my cousin live in the Han family for a long time? I still want to come to the mansion from time to time to find my cousin to play together. There are many places to play in the capital."

Finally, a cousin who was pleasing to the eye came, and she looked so similar to her, she was reluctant to separate so soon.

The little girl amused Chang Xi like this, and she reached out and pinched her puffy face, and said with a helpless smile, "You forgot that I still have to manage those two workshops, so I can't stay in the capital for a long time... "

"Then you can move the workshop to the capital, Yiyang is too far away."

"It's not going to work, at least not right now."

Chang Xi shook her head and rejected this proposal. The situation in the capital is unstable now. No one knows how long the old emperor will be, and the crown prince is unknown. Only then will the business territory be moved to the capital, and it is easy to become cannon fodder.

Miss Wei San had no choice but to give up. Although she couldn't understand this cousin's thoughts, she would respect her thoughts.

When Xie Jin came over in official uniform, Chang Xi had just sent the little girl away, and it was not a problem to keep around her all the time. When she was taking a breath, she saw him coming with a smile, and the smile on her face finally appeared. A few minutes of temperature.

He stepped forward and pulled Xie Jin to look left and right, and he had to admit that the official uniform looked really good on him, and then he clicked his tongue and said: "I'm afraid that the little girls in the capital can't leave their eyes without you." gone."

"Nonsense." Xie Jin scolded softly.

Chang Xi glanced at him, "Do you dare to say that you have not reaped the girl's heart that has fallen all over the way?"

"I didn't notice those." Xie Jin said indifferently, "I was suddenly called into the palace by the emperor today, so I wore this suit to the banquet."

Chang Xi was amused by the man's explanation, so she kindly let him go and stopped teasing him.

"I just heard that you fooled the little girl and said that you want to go back to Yiyang..."

"I'll be back in a few days. I'm afraid there will be a mountain of business affairs at the workshop. I'm afraid I'll provoke public anger if I continue to enjoy myself here."

Xie Jin frowned slightly, suppressed the reluctance in his heart and said, "I guess your itinerary may have to change..."

"How to say?"

Seeing Chang Xi's expression turned serious, Xie Jin gave her a reassuring look, and then said, "Several steam exhaust machines have been made, and they are now being transported to the capital. They will be shown to the emperor and then given to the capital city." The mine in one place will be used first, Lin Yuqi and Xie Yuxin are accompanying, you probably have to stay with me..."

The implication is that whether the old emperor will be summoned will be discussed later, but the installation and use of this machine has to be watched by Chang Xi for the time being. Inadequacies.

And Mr. Lin doesn't understand machines, and those officials don't know how to do their best. The Ministry of Industry has been quite critical until now, so this first shot must be fired, so that the mouths of those people can be silenced in the future.

Chang Xi's news is not as good as Xie Jin's, but it is estimated that she will receive a letter from Yiyang in two days. The research institute has not found a suitable person in charge, so she has to spend more time on it. There are priorities, she immediately understood in her heart.

"Then I'll stay a little longer. There are Xie Ming and his wife watching over the workshop, so I'm not too worried." She changed her previous rhetoric.

Xie Jin knew how ambitious she was, so he said, "Don't worry too much, I will be in charge of everything."

Chang Xi caressed his face, feeling sorry for his tired heart during this time, the pool of water in the capital is not easy to wade, not to mention there are those big tigers blocking him, "Aren't you tired?"

Xie Jin stretched out his hand to cover the back of her hand, showing a little fatigue in front of her, but his eyes were shining, "Tired, but worth it, you know, I have no way out."

Because of the sensitivity of his background, he can only survive if he moves forward.

"Don't worry, I will fight by your side."

These words please Jin, and he shows a hearty smile at this moment.

The two talked while hiding in this square, but it fell into the eyes of many people. Some were surprised, but some were clear. No matter what, it was an indisputable fact that Chang Xi was labeled as knowing Jin.

On the one hand, Mrs. Han was happy to see her getting close to Xie Jin, but on the other hand, she was a little worried. After the banquet, she said to her slightly drunk son, "What are the chances of winning the battle for the son of the deposed prince?"

Wei Wuhou slumped in the chair, drank a bowl of sober tea, rubbed his face with his hands, and then cheered up, "Mother, no matter whether he succeeds or not, we are all prepared, don't worry, I will not let the Han family Take a hit on this."

As soon as Mrs. Han heard this, she knew that her son had a relationship with a certain prince in private. She probably recognized Chang Xi and put it on the surface to confuse outsiders. Knowing this, she was not so worried.

Wei Wuhou personally served a bowl of tea to his mother, "Chang Xi is a smart person, I checked what she did in Yiyang, my daughter is not simple, mother, the resources of the Han family can be tilted towards her."

"You want to train her?" Mrs. Han exclaimed, she still didn't agree with her son's approach, "I recognized her halfway, and my loyalty to the family is limited..."

"Smart people have their own way of dealing with smart people. If you do it, she will understand." Mighty Marquis doesn't have much father-daughter affection for Chang Xi, but he does have some appreciation after getting to know her deeply.

Seeing her son's insistence, Mrs. Han nodded.

Only then did Marquis Wei Wu get up to say goodbye, and then he walked towards the main courtyard where the Wei family lived. Although he brought back the outer rooms, he still stayed in the main courtyard most of the time, so we should give the Wei family some decency. There will be no less, after all, this is the bond that maintains the Han and Wei families, and he will not embarrass the Wei family in a daze.

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