pawn wife

Chapter 292 090: If you want to dig a hole to make people jump, you have to be smart (1 more)

"It's all my fault for dragging my feet, which makes Sister Chang work so hard." Xie Yuxin blamed herself.

Chang Xi smiled, "Our sisters and sisters, don't you see it? I don't like to hear it." Then he looked around, "Why don't you see Mr. Lin?"

"I saw that his eyes were full of red blood when he was standing outside, so I drove him back to sleep, so as to save me from getting sick. If he gets sick again, it will be bad. I don't know how long it will take."

Xie Yuxin was not surprised by Lin Yuqi's behavior of guarding her. She knew that Brother Lin was such a pure person a long time ago.

Looking at her expression, Chang Xi knew that Xie Yu's heart was still in love. In fact, she couldn't figure out the relationship between the two of them. That's all, the relationship has nothing to do with her, so she shouldn't worry about it. Those who are together will eventually be together, and those who cannot cultivate to a positive result are not destined enough in this life to force it.

Then, she said a few more words of kindness to Xie Yuxin, and then urged Xie Yuxin to rest. Seeing that she fell asleep, she walked to the side room and fell asleep.

Because of recuperation, they stayed in this mine for a few days longer, and only then did Chang Xi have time to look at the lives of miners in this era.

After really in-depth understanding, only then did I realize that this group of people lived a miserable life, and they were hardly seen as human beings, but it was such a group of people, because she brought them a steam exhaust machine, so when they saw her, they would Calling her Master Han very respectfully made Chang Xi quite emotional, and wanted to leave more footprints in this era.

The person in charge of the mine would come over to say hello when he saw Chang Xi. Obviously, it took him a few days to find out about her background, so he was full of flattery. It made people dislike it, but she is not nothing. A young child who understands, even if he doesn't like this person, he can still have a few words with him.

It wasn't until Xie Yu's heart recovered a lot that the group of people set off to return to the capital.

The capital is still the same, and has not changed because of their departure or return. Mr. Dong directly returns to the Ministry of Industry for work, but Chang Xi sends Xie Yuxin back to Jiefu.

Seeing Xie Yuxin's sick look, Mrs. Sun's face was filled with distress, and after asking her warmly, she had time to chat with Chang Xi.

Chang Xi expressed regret, "It's because I didn't take good care of my third sister, which made her tired..."

"How can this be your fault? No one wants to be sick." Sun hurriedly interrupted Chang Xi's self-blaming words. She is not an unreasonable person, and she has no reason to make Chang Xi feel unhappy because of this.

At this moment, Bai Shi, the eldest wife of the family, came in hurriedly, and she gave Chang Xi a surprised look. After saying hello, she seemed to have something to say but was too embarrassed to say it.

Chang Xi understood, got up and was about to leave, but Sun said, "Ms. Chang is not an outsider, so it's okay to talk if you have something to say, brother Xu has taken care of it?"

Bai shi hurriedly laughed, "It's packed and the boat has been arranged, now I'm waiting to go back to Yiyang City..."

When Chang Xi heard that Xie Xu was going back to Yiyang City, he couldn't help being startled. You must know that Xie Xu was working in the Imperial Academy, and now he's taking leave to go back to Yiyang. Maybe something big will happen?

Seeing Chang Xi's surprised look, Sun said, "It's the fourth sibling who is sick, so I wrote to urge him to go back."

Qin is sick?

No matter how Chang Xi thinks about it, she finds it a bit weird. Qin's body is actually very good. It doesn't look like he will be seriously ill and insist on urging his son to go home to take care of him. If a person is not at that age, his body functions will not be able to Aging so badly.

Mrs. Sun gently squeezed Chang Xi's hand, then smiled and fell silent.

Now Chang Xi understood that Qin's illness was a cover, and it was the truth to use this to deceive Xie Xu to return to Yiyang.

Mrs. Sun liked Chang Xi's cleverness, and she didn't know how to get to the bottom of it, and she was very measured, so she had an intimate talk with her for a while, and when she saw Chang Xi was leaving, she even sent her out in person.

Chang Xi asked her to stop, said some parting words, and then got into the carriage and left.

When the carriage drove out of Jiefu, she half-raised the curtains of the carriage to breathe, just in time to see the haggard Xie Xu passing by on the horse. Obviously, Xie Xu, who was intoxicated in his thoughts, did not see her, and she relaxed. After taking a deep breath, he couldn't help but secretly looked at him a few more times. It could be seen that Xie Xu was worried about Qin Shi's illness.

Poor baby, she sighed softly, and then put down the curtains of the car very unconscionably, she didn't want to save him from fire and water.

Although Sun didn't say it clearly, she guessed it right, and she lied to Xu that he was going back to Yiyang to get married.

It's good to get married. Once you get married, you are an adult, and you are not allowed to act willfully. So she also hopes that he will mature soon and let go of the thoughts he shouldn't have about her.

However, in order to stagger the time of returning to Yiyang with Xie Xu, she deliberately postponed her return for a few days.

After Xie Jin knew it, he just smiled and said, "You don't have to defend him like this. He was deceived very much, and now he has no intention of stalking you."

"Forget it, I can't bear such feelings." Chang Xi avoided it in fear, "Besides, the third sister will have to rest for a while, and it's just right for me to go back with her at that time."

Xie Jin was naturally happy for her to stay in the capital for a longer time, after all he didn't have time to go back to Yiyang, if she left, he would never know when they would meet again.

When the two were talking about each other, the fourth prince, Zhao Hong, jumped out from nowhere. When Zhou Nan came in to report, Xie Jin's expression turned cold, "Please come in."

Chang Xi also frowned slightly, Zhao Hong probably did this on purpose.

After a while, Zhao Hong came in with a smile, "Did my prince's arrival disturb the two of you dining?"

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince is serious, please sit down." Xie Jin politely invited him to take a seat.

Zhao Hong stepped forward and stared at Xie Jin for a while, then said with emotion, "You really look like your father, every time I see you, I think Brother Huang is back."

Hearing this, Chang Xi looked at Zhao Hong suddenly. This is the only prince who pierced the window paper in front of Xie Jin. The other princes were so happy to pretend to be confused. Changed back to the royal surname, so a group of people who knew it well did not mention it tacitly.

She reached out and shook Xie Jin's hand in the audience with some concern, telling him not to act impulsively, after all, the person who came was definitely not kind, so don't let someone catch you.

Xie Jin squeezed her hand secretly, signaling her to rest assured that he has never been impulsive, and he naturally has his considerations for what to do.

Only then did Chang Xi take back her hand in peace, and when she looked at Zhao Hong again, she smiled politely on the surface and nodded, but she put her guard on high in her heart.

"Uncle Four, please sit down." Xie Jin was not confused, so he changed his title directly.

Zhao Hong was obviously taken aback. He didn't expect that Xie Jin didn't play cards according to the rules. He suddenly changed his mind, and he was the one who was uncomfortable. However, he still laughed to cover up his embarrassment, and reached out to pat Xie Jin on the shoulder, "That's it!" He is the good son of the emperor's brother, and the good nephew of the prince."

Xie Jin was noncommittal and made tea for Zhao Hong himself.

Zhao Hong glanced at Chang Xi who was sitting by the side. This woman really looked more and more beautiful. He felt itchy in his heart, but he was quite afraid, and he didn't dare to pick this delicate flower. It was polite and authentic: "Master Han has been running around here and there during this time, thank you for your hard work."

"His Royal Highness the fourth prince is concerned." Chang Xi also said polite words.

Zhao Hong didn't dare to linger on Chang Xi's body. Now is not the time to look at the beauties, he has to kick away all the obstacles so that he can embrace the beauties in his arms.

After chatting with Xie Jindong for a while, he finally said in a low voice, "I'm really worthless for my nephew..."

"Is Uncle Sihuang drunk?" Xie Jin looked worried.

Uncharacteristically, Zhao Hong pulled Xie Jin closer to him, "Nephew, my brother your father died a miserable death..." At this point, tears streamed down his face, "It's a pity that I was incapable at the time, I couldn't save you. Brother Huang is in trouble, and can only watch helplessly as he is murdered by a traitor... Brother Huang, I miss you so much..."

Xie Jin, who was pulled by him, seemed to be moved, and he whispered, "Uncle Si Huang, don't want to say that..."

"It's because you don't know how your father died, so you can say that. If you ask me, those who killed the emperor's brother should be cut to pieces." Zhao Hong blushed with excitement, "Nephew, We want to seek justice for your father, the emperor, and it is imminent to reverse the case, otherwise you will not be able to recover your identity for the rest of your life. You are the son of my Zhao family, so how can you bear someone else's surname..."

Now Xie Jin finally understood his intentions, so he straightened Zhao Hong upright, and said sternly, "Fourth emperor's uncle be careful, just pretend that my nephew has never heard of such words."

Zhao Hong saw the young man in front of him standing up taking advantage of the situation, he was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly wanted to hold Xie Jin again, but Xie Jin was very slippery and did not let him touch the hem of his clothes.

"Your Highness Fourth Prince, although I know that you have good intentions, but your thoughts are not serious, so don't bring them up again in the future, and I will leave first."

Chang Xi also stood up and blessed him, then turned and left with Xie Jin, leaving behind Zhao Hong with a dazed expression, obviously he still didn't know why things turned out like this.

If you want to dig a hole to make people dance, you have to be smart, Chang Xi shook his head secretly, and deliberately picked a restaurant with people coming and going to talk about it, because he was afraid that these words would not be passed on to the old emperor's ears by Jin Yiwei?In her opinion, no, this is deliberately leading Jin to say wrong things, so that he will fall out of favor with the old emperor, and solve the possibility of Jie Jin recognizing his ancestors and returning to his clan from the root.

"This capital city is full of dragon pools and tiger dens. If you stay here alone, I can't help worrying." Chang Xi sighed. No one here is reassuring, and there is only one who is called the throne.

Xie Jin didn't want her to worry too much, but he enjoyed her care quite a bit, but to ease her heart, he still said, "Don't worry, these tricks can't beat me."

He is more patient than anyone else, after all, he is younger and has plenty of time.

Chang Xi thought about it, and his worries were really unnecessary. Xie Jinfeng has been in the rain for many years, and he has long learned to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, but as a girlfriend, he still has to behave a little bit.

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