pawn wife

Chapter 293 091: Yiyang is her root (2 more)

Chapter 293 091: Yiyang is her root (second update)
Regarding Chang Xi's going back to Yiyang, Wei's reaction was relatively strong. She took Chang Xi's hand and said in an authentic tone, "Can't you stay in Beijing for a long time?"

In her opinion, Yiyang City is just a small place, not popular at all, and if her daughter goes back to that small place, she will be delayed for the rest of her life.

Mrs. Han remained silent, but her eyes were fixed on Chang Xi. It seemed that she also wanted to keep Chang Xi in the capital, but she had an agreement with Chang Xi before, so she did not go back on her promise to keep Chang Xi.

Chang Xi said reassuringly that she would come to the capital again during the Chinese New Year, so Wei had no choice but to let it go and did not force Chang Xi to stay in the capital, but she began to be busy with Chang Xi's travel matters again, and she must make Chang Xi feel comfortable during the journey. comfortable.

Mrs. Han looked coldly at her handling these things. From her point of view, the daughter-in-law was obviously a little stupid this time, so she could only talk to Chang Xi in private, "I said it was okay to ask about your marriage, but, If you don't take advantage of this time to decide on your marriage with Mr. Xie, and you go back to Yiyang, the mountains are high and the rivers are long, so it depends on the variables."

The seemingly caring words are actually asking about Chang Xi's thoughts.

Chang Xi saw through her thoughts at a glance, and then replied, "If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night? I have confidence in him."

In fact, she has more confidence in herself. She will never live or die because of a man. What's the use of a man who can't keep him?So she never worried, but there is no need to tell Mrs. Han about these things, after all, chickens talk to ducks, and they don't understand.

Mrs. Han was quite speechless at these words, and she said earnestly, "I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice, sister Xi, believe grandma, men are low bones, if you don't stare at him, He is going to shake the sky." After a pause, "If I were you, I would hurry up and settle the marriage. As for the wedding, it would not be too late to postpone it for a year or two. Anyway, it would take time to prepare the dowry."

This granddaughter was recognized halfway, and the dowry prepared for Han Yongzhu before is not suitable for her to use. It took two years of hard work to barely prepare a good dowry.

Of course, if Chang Xi and Xie Jin can't achieve a positive result, then she will make another preparation. This granddaughter has a good reputation and looks good, and she will definitely get a good marriage.

Chang Xi was from a big family in her previous life, so how could she fail to see Mrs. Han's secret schemes?So she said with a fake smile, "Grandma, you are beyond class."

Mrs. Han was stunned by this sentence. This granddaughter was really difficult to grasp. She coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, and finally changed her status forcibly, "Grandma is also worried about your life, so I couldn't help but say a few more words." If you don’t like to hear it, grandma doesn’t mention it.” After a pause, “Grandma is getting older, and she also hopes that everyone in the offspring will be well. I prefer you more."

Warm words can only be useful if they are said to those who are used to them. Chang Xi feels that Mrs. Han telling her is no different from playing the piano with a cow. She is a hard-hearted person and will not be easily shaken by others.

Mrs. Han just smiled and said nothing when she saw Chang Xi, so she knew that her strategy was not working. This granddaughter was a stickler, and she didn't know how Chang Dadou and Li's pair of mud legs raised her. It's really strange to be able to raise her to such a temperament that is not in the oil and salt.

The two failed to reach a consensus, and they failed to enhance the friendship between grandparents and grandchildren. In the end, she could only get up and leave full of displeasure. Chang Xi sent her to the gate of the yard and returned.

Old Madam Han turned her head to look at Chang Xi's back as she entered the room, her silver teeth clenched, she was so arrogant.

The confidant at the side murmured in a low voice, "Young lady, I don't know who to learn from, but she lacks some etiquette."

"Shut up." Mrs. Han scolded this confidant nanny, she didn't want to make trouble with Chang Xi, besides, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren was weak, if there was a gap, it would be difficult to make up.

The confidant mother hurriedly slapped herself twice, and then she saw that the master's expression was not so gloomy, and she was relieved just now, so she waited more carefully. It seems that the daughter of the Hou's mansion who came back halfway can't be said. Long memory.

This scene was watched by Huniu in the dark, and while the maid in the Hou's mansion was packing her luggage, she learned from Chang Xi in private, and finally said, "In my opinion, everyone in the Hou's mansion is wearing a piece of paper. No one can trust a fake face."

Chang Xi smiled and patted Hu Niu on the shoulder, "Big family, this is quite normal."

Wanting to find family affection in a big family is tantamount to dreaming. Old Madam Han can't put on airs in front of her. My heart is clear.

Seeing that Chang Xi wasn't fooled by the Han family, Huniu felt relieved, but she still muttered, "It's better to go back to Yiyang quickly."

Although no one laughed at her height and appearance in the Northland, it seemed that her hometown was better than her hometown.

Chang Xi agrees with this statement quite a bit, Yiyang is her root, if the cart is turned upside down, her sapling will wither before it grows into a towering tree.

Wei didn't come to test Chang Xi like Mrs. Han did, but straight to the point and said, "I know you have a good relationship with Mr. Xie, but it's better to compare this woman more when she gets married. This is sorted out for my mother." The brochures are all about marriageable men from upper-class families in the capital, so if you look carefully, comparing them is not a bad thing."

Now it was Chang Xi's turn to be surprised. Judging by the thickness of the booklet, how long has the Wei family been acting in secret?

It's a pity that none of these people are good matches for her. Marrying into such a family is bound, and a husband's family that cannot give her freedom is not a good husband's family. She firmly believes in this, so she directly pushes the brochure back to Wei Shi, "When I recognized my ancestor and returned to the clan, I agreed that the Han family would not interfere with my marriage, and I asked my mother to take it back."

"Sister Xi, you really don't want to see it?" Wei Shi still wanted to sell one or two things.

Chang Xi looked at her seriously, "Does mother feel happy marrying father?"

If it was before, Wei would definitely give an affirmative answer, but now, she really can't say the word happiness against her will. Marriage is like chicken ribs to her, no, it's even worse than chicken ribs, but at her age, she can't do it. things to fight.

Seeing Wei's silence, Chang Xi spread her hands and said, "Look, mother, these wealthy families are all glamorous on the surface. If you really marry into it, who knows what kind of dirt is hidden inside? I don't want to ask for trouble."

In her opinion, these high-class families in the capital are not as good as the Xie family in Yiyang. At least the Xie family is not allowed to take concubines on the surface, and has given their daughter-in-law the respect and dignity they deserve.

Wei Shi sighed, "You can't overturn a boat of people with a bamboo pole, let's wait and see, what if we can meet a good one?"

"Didn't I just meet you?" Chang Xi retorted with a smile.

Wei Shi said a little grumpily, "Of course it's good that Mr. Xie is good, but it's too dangerous. There are too many variables in it. Every time I think about it, I can't sleep at night with worry. You didn't grow up under my knees. I want to give you the best..." At this point, she wiped away tears emotionally.

Chang Xi felt speechless, but because Wei Shi had a little more sincerity than Mrs. Han, she took the handkerchief and wiped her tears, "Now you don't know what the future will be, so you don't need to worry about it, listen to me Yes, you should eat and drink, and your children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so why don't you be happy as an old lord?"

Wei only thinks that Chang Xi is not her age yet, so naturally she doesn't understand her worries about being a parent. The heartbroken man next to her pillow is obsessed with power and tactics, and doesn't care about any children at all, and mother-in-law is not a good thing, she doesn't care about it. Who cares?
After sighing, she said, "When you become a parent in the future, you will understand what mother feels today."

Forget it, it's chicken and duck talking again, and Chang Xi doesn't bother to explain things that she doesn't understand. Anyway, she firmly refuses to accept this booklet. Anyone who tries to control her life is her enemy. There is no negotiating on this point.

Wei Shi had no choice but to take the brochure and leave in disappointment. The daughter's temperament didn't know who to follow, she was helpless.

The next day, when she heard that Chang Xi was going back to Yiyang, Mrs. Wei brought the Wei family to see him off. She chatted affectionately with Chang Xi, and she saw her daughter Wei's languid side, so she asked some granddaughters to accompany Chang Xi. Xi Xi spoke, and she pulled Wei Shi aside to say a few words of her own.

After hearing her daughter's troubles, she scolded with a straight face, "Sister Xi is right, you are worrying unnecessarily, this marriage is about the gratification of two people, and they talked well, what are you singing here? Contrary?"

Xie Jin looks so good, she is a perfect match with her granddaughter, and her old man is very optimistic about this marriage. Of course, she agrees with Mrs. Han on one point, that is, it is best to get engaged first.

Wei Shi said in a low voice, "His status is too embarrassing, if he does something wrong, he will be lost forever."

It's not that she doesn't like Xie Jin, but she thinks it's too risky for her daughter to follow him, and she doesn't like it.

Old Mrs. Wei looked at her daughter with hatred, she doted on her so much back then that she was a bit naive, seeking wealth and wealth, Chang Xi's luck is yet to come.

"Just say what you say in front of me, and don't talk nonsense outside to cause death."

Seeing his mother getting angry, Wei hurriedly said, "Don't worry, mother, how can I be so scoreless?"

On the other side, Miss Wei San was sitting next to Chang Xi, holding Chang Xi's hand with a look of reluctance, "Cousin, I even want to go to Yiyang with you..."

"That's a good thing, as long as your parents are willing, I will definitely greet you." Chang Xi laughed.

Miss Wei San's eyes lit up, and she immediately thought about this seriously. She has never been out of the capital, and it would be great if she could live in Yiyang for a while. Authentic, "Then I'll talk to my grandmother."

Grandmother has always spoiled her, so if she asked for it, she would definitely agree.

(End of this chapter)

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