pawn wife

Chapter 298 096: Convincing People With Reason (1 More)

Chapter 298 096: Convincing People With Reason ([-])
Walking in the mall, not attracting people's envy, is a mediocrity, so this group of people secretly rolled their eyes, Chang Xi didn't care at all, she had this confidence not because of her dreadful so-called background, but because of other reliance .

Although her spinning workshop is not the end of the cloth market, it is the source. Moreover, because of her speech at the Yiyang Chamber of Commerce last year, all the weaving workshops that have cooperative relations with her have increased their scale and expanded their production capacity. If one of their looms stopped producing, it would be a loss, and looking at the entire Yiyang City, there was no one else who could provide a large amount of spinning thread except her.

The production scale of those spinning workshops that introduced new spinning machines is not as good as hers. It is impossible to rely on them alone to maintain the operation of Yiyang's weaving workshop. If you don't want her goods, you have to consider buying from other places The purchase of yarn undoubtedly increases the transportation cost. The weavers who maliciously lowered the price to compete for the export trade this time won’t be able to make up for the increased transportation cost.

Therefore, she was not afraid at all that the weavers in Yiyang City would band together to isolate her, otherwise she would not have done this thankless task.

"Ms. Chang, we also have to eat. If we don't sell the goods to foreign devils, who can we sell them to?" Someone frowned and began to argue "reasonably".

Because of the increase in yarn, the cloth they produce will also increase correspondingly. This is not a way to sell to foreign devils. Their goods are only consumed by local people, which will cause inventory. It is precisely because of this that everyone will lower the price and ship. To foreign devils.

For this situation, when Chang Xi first opened the spinning workshop, she knew in her heart that Yiyang City's consumption capacity is limited, even if it is because of her that the economic growth has been stimulated now, and the money in her pocket has increased Yes, but cloth is not equal to food, they are relatively economical in this regard.

In fact, it is still too early to say this. The cloth produced today is far from meeting the demand of the market, and naturally it will not be a bad market. This is just an excuse made by a group of businessmen.

Of course, some people stood up and said, "Even if we sell cloth to the locals at a low price, the group of foreign devils will find them to buy our low-priced cloth. Isn't this still a profit for the foreign devils? Mrs. Chang, this business is based on personal ability, there is nothing we can do about it.”

"That's right, that's right, we didn't lower the price maliciously, but foreign devils won't accept it if we don't lower the price. After all, someone's price is lower than ours..."

"That is, who doesn't shop around before buying things? Foreign devils are not stupid..."

Such voices kept coming and going, as if saying it a few times, her behavior became the truth, which made Madam Zheng, who was watching from the side, a little annoyed. This group of people really didn't know how to repent, so she couldn't help but reprimanded , "It's all an excuse."

"Miss Zheng, you are noble, you just don't want to sell it." Immediately, someone scolded Miss Zheng, who had long been disliked. Everyone lowered the price, but she didn't. No wonder her cloth was not easy to sell.

"That's right, blocking someone's way of making money is like killing one's parents." Even more horrifying remarks came out, and these words were obviously for Chang Xi, telling her not to meddle in her own business, don't stretch her hands so long, I didn't see President Xu Are you silent?
Madam Zheng was so angry that she reasoned with them a few words, and the two sides almost quarreled, acting like the public said the public was right and the woman said the woman was right, this was an opportunity to say her fallacy as the truth.

This made the owners of the other spinning workshops present, such as Master Mao San and others, watch the excitement. They didn't come forward to make trouble. After all, they had to rely on Chang Xi to sell them a few more new spinning machines. Of course, they don't care about these cloth merchants maliciously lowering prices to compete. In short, they just sell their yarn and make money.

Chang Xi's hand lightly tapped on the table, she looked at the weavers who were still stubborn and refused to give in, and they were arguing with Mrs Zheng, at this time her expression also turned cold, and she saw shouted, "Quiet!"

As soon as her voice came out, the group of people who were blushing from the quarrel stopped talking, and then turned away from each other, and it was obvious that they were really angry.

Chang Xi sneered and said, "Look at your prospects. Our yarn and weaving industry has not yet left Yiyang, and we have started fighting. You are really good. It really opened my eyes." After a pause, "I always want to It means that if we have money, we can earn it together. After all, we are all from Yiyang, we are from the same town, and we should support each other. Now I find that I was wrong. It seems that spinning and weaving can only be developed through one-stop development."

Her last seemingly emotional words changed the faces of all the weavers present on the spot. They did not doubt Chang Xi's words at all. Spinning and weaving develop through one-stop development, they will definitely be squeezed by her and have no living space, or even the workers will not be able to retain.

Now go to Yiyang City and ask, who doesn't want to work in Chang Xi's two workshops?The pay there is high, the benefits are good, and they are taught to read and write, and they can be promoted if they learn well, which is much better than being oppressed in other workshops.

Then someone said with a shy smile, "Ms. Chang was joking, we are just joking around, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's just a joke. In fact, we don't like those foreign devils. It's okay to sell this cloth to them without lowering the price..."

"That's right, the benefits should be given to the fellow countrymen. If we don't let our own people benefit, who will benefit?"

"Well said, everyone should unite, and next year our cloth will be sold to other places, hitting their cloth market..."

In the end, even the rhetoric came out. Obviously, regarding the threat that Chang Xi might bring, they wanted to kill her thoughts in the cradle.

Looking at this scene, Chang Xi couldn't help feeling extremely ridiculous, talking to them well and not listening to them, she had to do this to be able to speak human words, if she wanted to develop one-stop spinning and weaving, she would have already started planning, instead of talking to them here They are crazy.

Money cannot be earned by one person, she is well aware of this truth, and her funds are limited, the research institute is a bottomless pit, where the investment is large and the return is slow, but this is the most critical part of the industrialization process, and it is impossible to give up.

"I have always said that we need to integrate resources. We will work together to develop the textile industry. In the future, we will not be without the strength to compete with places with highly developed textile industries like Suzhou and Hangzhou. But what are you doing? What are you doing? One thousand enemies commit suicide by eight hundred, our increase in production capacity is not for the service of foreign businessmen.”

Chang Xiyu's earnest words silenced a group of shy cloth merchants, and when she saw that their aura had subsided, she continued, "Let's take a step back and say, they traveled across the ocean to come to our Dayu Dynasty, among them Needless to say, the risk is that they will die at any time, and their only purpose in coming here is to seek profit, can they return the empty ship? What would you do instead?"

Everyone shook their heads subconsciously, how could it be possible?How much money do you have to lose?
Chang Xi laughed at this moment, "Look, I wouldn't do it for you. Besides, when the imported spices and other imported goods they brought in were dumped at Daewoo, how often did you see them lower the price and beat their own people?"

Everyone's face turned red when I said this. Everyone here has bought imported products. The price has always been high.

"They are not even from the same country, but they can still cooperate with each other so as not to destroy the market, but you are better off. It is not advisable to cut prices and cheat your own people."

These words made everyone feel ashamed, especially those cloth merchants who maliciously cut prices and competed, they almost didn't dare to look up, feeling that they were being publicly executed.

"Ms. Chang is right. What is it that we cheat our own people? Others are probably still laughing at us behind our backs."

"That's right, even if the price of our cloth doesn't drop, those foreign devils still have to come and buy our cloth. Otherwise, if they buy a large amount from other places, the increased transportation cost will be enough for them to drink a pot."

"So we're afraid of being fooled? Thinking about letting them take advantage of it, it's so embarrassing."

Everyone chattered and began to discuss, very much like a common enemy.

When foreign merchants came to Daewoo Dynasty, they bought a large amount of cotton cloth, and silk products were limited. After all, Daewoo Dynasty had to guarantee a certain amount of arable land, and it was impossible to plant a large amount of mulberry and silkworms, so the annual silk products were limited, and a large amount was required. If it is supplied to the upper class, the price that can flow into the overseas market is limited.

All things considered, this is actually a seller's market, and Yiyang City is doomed to be invincible because it occupies a favorable geographical location.

After recalling the memory, everyone immediately began to criticize those few mouse droppings that ruined a pot of porridge.

Madam Zheng looked at Chang Xi with admiration on her face. She still needs to take action to deal with these shameless people. Perhaps the Yiyang Chamber of Commerce should really change its head.

(End of this chapter)

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