pawn wife

Chapter 299 097: Talking to Smart People Is Happiness (2 More)

Mrs. Zheng's thoughts are the voices of many textile colleagues present. Compared with President Xu who does nothing, Chang Xi may be more suitable to sit in that position, but this is just a thought. People want to mention this name for Chang Xi.

But Chang Xi didn't know about their aspirations. Even if she knew, she would just laugh it off. She didn't want to compete for the chairmanship of the Yiyang Chamber of Commerce in the past. It would not be worthwhile to have a conflict with President Xu. The most important thing is to take care of her own career. After all, her career is still in its infancy stage, and it is still far from fully blooming.

For such a meeting held by Chang Xi, someone immediately reported it to President Xu, explaining Chang Xi's speech at the meeting and the agreement reached by all parties.

Chairman Xu just teased the bird in the cage, while listening casually, as if what the informant said had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this, Xu's elder son made a sign for him to go out after the man finished speaking, and when there were no outsiders in the room, he said with a displeased face, "What the hell is this woman surnamed Chang doing?" ? No, it should be a woman surnamed Han, who does she think she is, Dad, is she not paying attention to you, and our Xu family just swallowed this?"

President Xu glanced at the restless eldest son, and sighed in his heart. His elder son was regarded as disabled. Originally, he thought that after he retired from the position of president of the chamber of commerce, he would push his son up. Then the Xu family continued to control the Chamber of Commerce, but now it seems that this idea is a bit hanging.

The son is like this, it's not enough for people to plug their teeth.

As for giving up the eldest son and cultivating other sons, there is no need to think about it. The eldest son is his only legitimate son, and if his wife can't explain it to him, the Yue family may turn against him because of this, which is not worthwhile.

"Don't meddle in this matter. If she wants to show off, let her show off. Let's see how capable she is."

For his father's scheming words, Xu's parents don't agree with them at all from the bottom of their hearts. Without this person, she quickly became the leader of the yarn spinning industry this year. Dad, who knows how ambitious she is? If you don't suppress her arrogance now, you will just let her grow up, which is not good for our Xu family..."

"What do you know?" President Xu scolded his son, "She became a seventh-rank official, the energy behind this is something we can mess with? Don't take the Xu family into the ditch."

He was deeply afraid of Chang Xi's background. If Chang Xi was a man, he might not be so defensive. After all, a man can donate an official for a little money, but that is a woman, and the seventh-rank official in the court is not very big , but it was conferred by the emperor himself, based on this, he had to stay away.

Xu's eldest son felt that his father was really old, and he actually confessed in front of a woman, but he was not afraid, but it was no point arguing with his father at the moment, so he said obediently, "Father, I understand, you Don't be angry."

President Xu may be really old, and he didn't see the stubbornness hidden in his son, so he sighed and said, "Listen to Dad, let's do business well. The votes from the textile industry were not enough to make her the head of the chamber of commerce."

Xu's eldest son looks like he is being educated, but in fact, how can he listen to the old father's earnest teaching?

As soon as he left his father's house, his face immediately sank, and he called his confidant, and whispered a few words.

Not long after, because the price of tea bricks could not be negotiated, James gave up the idea of ​​buying another batch of tea bricks. Instead, he wanted to buy more cloth to sell back, but was told that the price had risen. Let the partner who had a good deal with him before let go.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up this shop and contact other cloth merchants, intending to lower the price. Before, he thought that the cloth price this year would be very good, but looking at it now, what is so good about it?The speed of this rise is unbearable.

To his disappointment, he contacted several cloth merchants one after another, and all of them said that the price could not be lowered any further.

When he got the price list, he laughed angrily. What kind of price reduction is this?No wonder it's a drop in the bucket.

He was not the only one who had this experience, and other foreign businessmen in the same industry also complained, expressing that they could not understand this wave of price increases.

But people also have reasons, "The previous price was so low that we had to clear our inventory. Now we sell it at such a low price. What do we eat? Besides, the rising price is not much lower than the same period last year. Little, you have to see it that way."

This is a lie, whether it is the new fabric produced this year, these businessmen can tell at a glance, James can't help cursing in private, these Daewoo businessmen are not trustworthy and only seek profit, in fact, he wants to take a bigger share Cheap.

Then, when these foreign merchants were complaining, a voice came out, saying that it was all behind Chang Xi's back, that it was because of her intervention that the price of the cloth market suddenly rose, and that they should hate Chang Xi.

Now the group of foreign businessmen exploded, and their resentment went straight to Chang Xi. She wanted to cut off their money, and those who couldn't hold back went directly to the tea brick workshop.

At this time, Chang Xi was receiving Fan Luoxi, an aristocratic businessman from the Tulip Kingdom, and saw this handsome aristocratic man say in his own language, "Miss Chang, I admire you very much, but what you do is harming the interests of both of us." Yes, I don't think it's advisable, but I'm also deeply worried about you, you are causing public outrage."

The translator at the side didn't know that Chang Xi could understand, and was still faithfully translating Fan Luoxi's words.

Shi Axiang, who was sitting by the side, also translated these words briefly with Chang Xi in a low voice, because she was afraid that Chang Xi would be deceived by the other party's translation.

Chang Xi pondered for a while, before saying, "Mr. Fan Luoxi, I am very grateful for you coming to inform me, but I don't admit that I have damaged the interests of both of us. In business, in business, where rare goods can live At that time, the price is naturally not controlled by the buyer's market, do you agree with this statement?"

That is to pursue the maximization of benefits. Fan Luoxi dare not underestimate Chang Xi when he comes to Dayuchao this time. At this moment, he is still waiting for the battle. In fact, if it were him, he would do more ruthlessly, because this is indeed a seller’s market, and the price is not bad. Then go higher, but unfortunately he is the buyer.

"Chang Niangzi, you are changing the concept secretly. Without us long-distance merchants, your goods will be backlogged, and Yiyang City does not have such a large consumer market. You are going your own way, Chang Niangzi, I hope you return to the path of safeguarding everyone's common interests, which is the right choice."

"Mr. Fan Luoxi, I think you have misunderstood our Daewoo Dynasty? It is true that Yiyang is not big, but do you really understand the territory of the Daewoo Dynasty? We have a vast market to digest the goods we increase year by year. We The common people are still short of food and clothing, even if we follow the path of small profits but high sales, our goods will not worry about selling."

Fan Luoxi's face became gloomy at this time, because Chang Xi's words were not wrong. Daewoo Dynasty has a vast land and many personalities. Their market is far from saturated. As long as they go out, they can survive. Yang will also use this to compete with the textile powerhouses of Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Seeing that the aristocratic Fan Luoxi stopped talking, Chang Xi made him a new bowl of tea with a smile, and then handed it to him, "Cooperation is a win-win situation. The price of cloth this year is higher than that of the same period last year." It has fallen back a lot, and the previous malicious price competition is not advisable, if you kill the chicken, can you still receive the eggs next year?"

"Ms. Chang, you're scaremongering." Fan Luoxi didn't listen to her tricks, he kept his head clear all the time, when he was used to buying low-priced goods, he couldn't stand a sudden price increase. This is human nature.

"Then it seems that we can't reach an agreement." Chang Xi suddenly spread his hands, with a regretful expression, "I originally thought about giving Mr. Fan Luoxi a big deal of tea bricks, but now it seems that I can only regret it. Forget it, pick up the wind, see off the guests..."

Hearing this, Fan Luoxi sat up straight. Compared with cloth, the business of tea bricks is what he cares most about. Now the upper-class nobles in Europa regard it as the highest fashion to treat guests with tea bricks, and they are chasing after this thing. This year's price will continue to rise, and he can make a lot of money by packaging and selling it after returning home.

"Wait, Mrs. Chang, do you mean what you say?"

Seeing the other party's determined eyes, Chang Xi knew that the fish was hooked, "Of course, I can give you this number." She compared the numbers.

Fan Luoxi took a deep breath, this number can make him a lot of money, he has a deep understanding of how difficult it is to get another batch of tea bricks this year, the previous negotiations with Xie Ming ended without a problem, and now it is finally difficult for Chang Xi to open He made a hole, and he would be a fool if he couldn't catch it.

"Deal." He spit out this sentence very simply, but his eyes are still fixed on Chang Xi's smiling face, "Chang Niangzi, I will help you deal with those foreign businessmen who are preparing to make trouble, and put this incident to rest, as a bond between me and you." The sincerity of your transaction."

Talking to smart people is a joy, and Chang Xi's satisfaction with Fan Luoxi is increasing, and he even sends him away in person.

In fact, she is not afraid that these foreign businessmen are going to make trouble. This is the Daewoo Dynasty, not a place where they can be unrestrained, but when doing business, it is better to act on the principle of doing more things than doing things less. There is no need to intensify conflicts. , causing their own losses.

Of course, precautions should be taken, and she ordered Cai Fengdao, "Notify Wu Laosan to arrange manpower to strengthen the security patrol of the two workshops. If anyone wants to make trouble, they should be arrested immediately and sent to the government for justice."

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