Chapter 118, Calculating Yao Juan

The live broadcast is over.

Ruan Lingwen's purse is not ready yet.She tidied up and sat in the living room making purses again.

Yao Juan thought it was very funny, and asked the big baby: "Can this make them lose their hair?"

Ruan Lingwen raised his head, blinked and said, "It seems to be possible."

The big baby is so cute, mommy will give it a kiss.

Dad has no part, even if he was five years old when he took it home, he couldn't kiss him.

Ruan Letian went to bring Ruan Haolin back.

Ruan Kailin and the third aunt came back, it was so hot!
It's so hot!

Ruan Kailin asked her sister: "Why are there three volts?"

Third Aunt changed her clothes, came over and said, "That man, his mother is starting to go crazy."

Yao Juan asked, "What are you crazy about?"

The third aunt said: "I think her son is a treasure, and being able to like that woman is simply a blessing she has cultivated in eight lifetimes; and that girl can marry into a rich family, what and how. Now her son is a bastard, and she is looking for Wen Wen compensation."

Ruan Kailin was sitting on the sofa with her mobile phone in her hand, eating a mango with a fork in one hand, and swiping her phone with the other hand, saying, "What a weird thing!"

Yao Juan went to cook.

Third aunt went to do the laundry.

Ruan Kailin sat and rested, exhausting her, and said, "She's not just a hype, she's just as show-loving as his son. No matter how many people scold her, it's useless."

Ruan Lingwen took a look and said, "This is a wonderful thing, I plan to walk the path her son has walked."

The third aunt came over and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Together with her precious son, we harassed the girl's family, relatives and friends."

Ruan Letian was an honest person, and said dumbfounded: "It's too weird!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "When the harassment is over, his family should go bankrupt. Mr. Ba failed to make other Tianliang kings break. Some people can't understand them and let his family go bankrupt."

Third Aunt nodded, very good.

Ruan Letian was busy with his own work, he was honest and didn't bother.

He was also busy before and didn't spend much time with his children.Now that I am free, I am going to make toys for Haolin.Although it doesn't look good, as long as Haolin doesn't dislike it.

What Ruan Haolin needs is the company of his father, it doesn't matter whether the toy is ugly or not.

Ruan Kailin looked at the phone and said, "The great-grandmother passed away, and the granddaughter didn't catch up with the last one."

After she finished eating the mango, she said, "A lot of people are curious, how did the child get away?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The elder sister is eight years old, she has researched the route well, and there are classmates' mothers taking classmates on a trip, so it is safe to go with them. However, she still has to watch over her five-year-old brother."

Ruan Kailin said with emotion: "This sister is amazing."

Ruan Lingwen said: "When her grandma took care of the children, she always said that the elder sister used to take care of the younger siblings and let her watch the younger brothers."

Ruan Kailin was speechless for a moment.She is four years older than her brother, but she is also a baby with her mother.

Ruan Lingwen is about the same.Although she is six years older than her sister.Because she went to school, her mother asked her to go to school well.

The mother never let any elder sister take care of the children.As for going out to play together, take a look, that's what you should do.

But letting an eight-year-old watch a five-year-old is irresponsible.It's okay when grandma is watching.

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's better that my sister is like my mother."

Ruan Kailin looked at her and said, "Her mother isn't very powerful, is she? There are quite a few like her."

Ruan Lingwen said: "It's fine. There are many who are not as good as her."

Over 30 years old, working as a CFO, or else?Be the boss?Like Yao Juan at home, it cannot be said that she is not good.

Yao Juan made dinner and everyone served it.

Tonight, it's not meat stuffed with green peppers, but meat stuffed with loofah.There is also a large pot of stewed tofu with loach, and another dish of lettuce with garlic.

Ruan Lingwen tastes delicious, and the cooking made by his mother and third aunt is delicious.

Yao Juan said regretfully, "There is no place to grow vegetables at home."

Otherwise, she and Ruan Letian were farmers, and they are best at this.

Ruan Kailin said: "My sister can plant in Yunshu's villa in the west of the lake."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "For such a big place, circle it out."

Yao Juan said, "Isn't it a well-designed garden?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It doesn't take much space to grow vegetables, does it?"

Yao Juan said: "No way. Two points of land are enough."

You don't have to grow it all by yourself. If you take good care of the land, you can produce a lot of vegetables.It can also take some time.There are other little sentiments.

Yao Juan went into the kitchen and made egg soup with fungus and vegetables.Like this fungus, it's easy to grow.The balcony upstairs is not big enough. There are too many people and they need to move around, otherwise they can grow a little.

Ruan Lingwen drank a large bowl of soup and felt full.

Ruan Kailin is very happy, she can do it again.

She went to the study, wrote two words and then shook them out, and said to her sister: "I think I have improved a lot."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "My most intelligent and beautiful sister must be able to write well."

The third aunt also practiced calligraphy.

The study is used by the nephew and niece, and she practiced in the dining room.Handwriting is like a person, and the third aunt should use beautiful handwriting, like a person.After all, she spent a lot of time writing with Kailin and Haolin.If the words are ugly, it will be a hindrance.

Yao Juan was very satisfied, what did Yao Chuanzong call again?
Yao Juan answered the phone and asked, "Is your skin itchy again?"

Yao Chuanzong was too scared to make a sound.

His wife Chen Jialing said: "Second sister, Chuanzong is your only younger brother."

Yao Juan asked, "Are you my only sister-in-law?"

Yao Chuanzong hurriedly said, "Yes!"

Yao Juan said: "Then you all die together."

Chen Jialing said: "Chuanzong treated you well before."

Yao Juan said: "Just wait, I will come to you in a while."

Chen Jialing was not afraid.

Yao Juan asked Big Baby: "What's their plan?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "For me."

Yao Juan was furious!

Third Aunt stopped for a while and continued to practice calligraphy.Yao family, Ruan family, how many people are there?
Ruan Lingwen picked a stone.A small piece is enough to make a symbol.

Jiang Lingjie watched. Ruan Wenwen was good at making talismans, but it also consumed a lot of energy.

It was very windy outside, like a thunderstorm.

In this kind of day, even ghosts can't go out, and they will almost die if they are hacked.

Jiang Lingjie said, "Shall I go?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly: "Brother Ling Jie is so kind."

Jiang Lingjie rubbed her head, this sister is really nice.I won't feel that I am capable, and what others do is taken for granted.My sister is used to it, and no matter how great her abilities are, she won't change.

Ruan Lingwen made a good talisman.

With Jiang Lingjie, he can also bring Ruan Letian and Yao Juan.

Yao Chuanzong is in Gao Ning at the moment.He took Yao Juan's shop, which was in Gao Ning, so he had one foot in Gao Ning.

Yao Chuanzong is in someone else's villa.In order to cure his illness, he searched a lot.

He hates Yao Juan!Hate like never before!
Thunder and lightning flashed outside, and Yao Chuanzong sneered even more!As long as Yao Juan is dealt with, Ruan Letian is a waste, and those little ones are even more easy to pinch.

Yao Juan is the boss.She took away Yao Zhaodi.She still wanted to mess with Wang Hui.Not the speed skating world champion, but Tang Jinxia's husband.

Wang Hui is also here today, smoking and waiting.

A few Taoists are very excited!
There are others, here to look forward to!

Jiang Lingjie, Yao Juan, and Ruan Letian came over to see what a big battle this was.

Jiang Lingjie was no match, he threw the talisman and ran away.

boom!The entire villa was struck by lightning!
(End of this chapter)

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