Chapter 119, Taixuan Culture

It rained all night.

In the morning, the wind stopped and the rain stopped, and it was quite hot again.

Ruan Lingwen continued to make jade charms in the living room after breakfast.Too many orders, take your time.

Jiang Lingjie basically managed the company.

Ruan Lingwen has a wholly-owned company: Taixuan Culture.

The business belongs to the company, the account is also taken from the company, and the tax is paid by the company.

Do not pay taxes.Jiang Lingjie understood this quite clearly, he can do it without finances.

After all, finance is also a human being, so Jiang Lingjie did what he could.Ruan Wenwen worked hard, did not do much, and currently has little business.It is also very convenient to hire individuals or agents when necessary.

The company needs a place.I rented an office building over there, about [-] square meters, [-] a month, which is quite cheap.

Jiang Lingjie's salary was paid out of the company.

Li Linghui and Li Lingyin are also counted, and there are quite a few people in the company.

There are also discounts for hiring people with disabilities.Li Linghui and Li Lingyin are obviously as capable as normal people, and there are discounts, which are very affordable.

Ruan Lingwen offered them [-] yuan a month, and stayed in the office building first.It's very close here, less than half an hour by bike.

If they are free, they can study and watch the live broadcast.

Jiang Lingjie arranged some more for them and started to do it.

At noon, Li Linghui and Li Lingyin came over for dinner together.

Li Linghui looks good, and Li Lingyin is also very smart.If the two of them didn't speak, they couldn't tell they were deaf and dumb at all.Walking on the street, if someone strikes up a conversation, it will only be a cold beauty.

Ruan Lingwen was very happy.She is going to install cochlear implants on Sister Yin and Sister Hui.

Brother cleft lip can also be cured.

There are also some sick ones.Therefore, Ruan Lingwen has to work hard to make money.

Li Lingyin was very happy holding Wenwen.It is of course good to have a cochlear implant, and she has a job, she is no different from a normal person.

Li Linghui looks softer and cute now.She wants to add sign language to Wenwen's live broadcast.

There are tens of millions of deaf-mute people across the country, and not all of them can afford cochlear implants.

Mother Li used to have no money, and she couldn't take care of the size of the orphanage.It's good to be alive.

Now, get organized.

The third aunt said: "I can also do some."

Although she wants to take care of Kailin Haolin, she still wants to do some.

What's more, we will have more contacts with them in the future, and Aunt San is willing to contact them.

Ruan Lingwen was happy.

Yao Juan is also possible.She can use the mobile phone and can do many things.

After everyone finished eating together, Li Lingyin and Li Linghui cleaned up together.

There were too many capable people in the family, and as a result, Ruan Haolin stood aside and lost his job.

Ruan Kailin laughed.She doesn't rush to do it.

Ruan Lingwen didn't work, took a break and went to sleep.

Jiang Lingjie watched, the pressure of the whole family was on her shoulders alone.

She is like a king, how many people rely on her to eat.And those who want to eat her.

Jiang Lingjie discussed the decoration of the office with Li Lingyin and Li Linghui.

There are not many good decorations, but the front and back can be divided into two rooms.The outside is for the public, and the inside is a room for the two girls to rest.It would be nice to put a sofa bed on it, and put a cabinet next to it for clothes.

The two girls could have lived there without going back to the orphanage.

Anyway, Ruan Lingwen basically couldn't go there, and Jiang Lingjie didn't have much to do in the past.

When the house in Huxi Yunshu is built, it will be much bigger than this.

This is considered an external one.

At that time, Li Lingyin and Li Linghui will also go to Yunshu in the west of Huxi, and they can hire people here.

Li Linghui has a cochlear implant, and if she is completely normal, she can come to work.

Everything is perfect.

Yao Juan listened to some calls like a mad dog, and just ignored them.

There is already information online.

The villa was set up by Xuanmen, and he led the thunder down by himself, and he was hacked into a fool.

Seven people died on the spot, including Tang Jinxia's husband.Yao Chuanzong was lucky and escaped another disaster.

Therefore, Yao Liming looked here like a mad dog.

Chen Jialing was in the hospital, not out of danger yet.Her two daughters are still young, and her parents are also on the phone like crazy dogs.

Yao Juan answered the call from the Chen family.

Chen Jialing's father said very sadly: "Why are you so vicious?"

Yao Juan sneered, like midnight at noon, and asked, "What did you say? Say it again?"

The man is frightened.

Chen Jialing's mother answered the phone and scolded frantically: "You are not afraid of retribution."

Yao Juan smiled like a ghost, and asked, "Retribution? You know about retribution? Do you want to come to you tonight?"

The woman cried again: "Yao Chuanzong is your younger brother."

Yao Juan said: "So I can strangle you to death, right?"

The woman cried: "Your brother, you are only one brother."

Yao Juan smiled and said, "That's it, tonight."

The woman didn't dare, and hurriedly said, "Let Yao Zhaodi answer the phone."

Yao Juan said, "I don't have Yao Zhaodi at home, so I'm looking for you to flirt tonight."


The Chen family wants to peach?Thought they were the princess's family?Those who can't make trouble with Ruan Lingwen and the third aunt will find the Chen family, and they are all shameless.

There are still some to find.

Yao Juan is very busy tonight, so go find them one by one?Is this trying to exhaust her?dream!As long as Yao Juan doesn't care, it will be enough for them to have nightmares.

Ruan Lingwen had a good night's sleep and woke up refreshed.

Yao Juan looked at the big baby, she didn't need to wear a hat on her head.But this hairstyle is not very good, let's make it longer.

Ruan Lingwen changed his clothes.

Yao Juan said, "Let's make two more, not even one work uniform."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "Do something different, wear one for one, three, five, another for two, four, six, and one for alchemy."

Yao Juan saw that the big baby was working hard.That's all for work clothes.

You need one more jade talisman.You need one more when you meet someone.Now that I have earned money, I need to buy some good clothes, which cannot fit in my closet.

Her bedroom is only that big, so the house must be built as soon as possible.

Ruan Ling heard that the study room was seated, and opened the live broadcast room.

People exploded in.

Ruan Ling didn't pay any attention to it, and worked on it slowly.

[%...&*#@~! 】

[A group of mad dogs. 】

[The mad dog is causing the thunder himself, and he killed himself, and he has to blame others. 】

[Isn't it because you want to kill Shi Lingling? 】

Ruan Lingwen got ready and said, "Welcome to the Shiling Shibuling live broadcast room."

[Shi Lingling, what is the difference between Tianlei and the power grid? 】

Ruan Lingwen replied, "Water is different from water, electricity is different from electricity, and light is different from light. Heavenly thunder is like a scourge, with the power of heaven's punishment inside."

[Is there really a punishment from God? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Heaven's punishment may be relatively thin, and special circumstances will increase its power."

[When crossing the catastrophe? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "When crossing the catastrophe, it may be [-]% to [-]% is God's punishment, usually it is less than one in a million."

[So, those evil cultivators were relatively successful? 】

【The one who borrowed luck was also very successful? 】

[The biggest mistake was to chop yourself, right? 】

[It was obviously done by ¥%*&@$! 】

Ruan Lingwen has chosen someone.

The first ones to be carried on the wheat were two people.

Young men and women, holding hands is very sweet.

The girl laughed dimpled, and said: "Shi Lingling is good, I have nothing to worry about."

The boy was tall and handsome, and said: "Tomorrow is Qixi Festival, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Lovers will eventually become brothers and sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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