Chapter 128, Good Luck
Ruan Lingwen drank his saliva and continued to choose candidates.

A man appeared on the screen.

The man looked like he was in his thirties, sitting at home wearing a vest and blowing the air conditioner was very comfortable.

His posture is comfortable, but the muscles can still be seen.The appearance is average, but the total score is already very high.

【Ah, I can! 】

[I like this kind of seemingly ordinary but extraordinary man! 】

[Pants fell off. 】

The man looked at the barrage, very happy, and asked: "Shi Lingling, I lost my wallet, can you help me find it?"

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Are you sure you want me to talk?"

The man said happily: "You tell me, I will reward you later."

Ruan Lingwen said: "My wife's mistress is in charge, and my girlfriend is still a girlfriend."

[To eat melons, I still need to find Shi Lingling! 】

[Shi Lingling, this summer's melons are all up to you! 】

[The gloomy scene scared me just now, so I'd better refresh myself with a melon. 】

[The essence of this sentence is that a girlfriend is still a girlfriend. 】

[Little San has squeezed to the front, but the girlfriend is not left behind. 】

[Changed position? 】

[Understanding is correct. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Last night at the bar, the wallet was taken away by Xiaosi, and then by my girlfriend's younger sister. She wants to be in charge."

【I'm counting with my fingers. 】

[Are fingers enough?Do you need toes? 】

【Shi Lingling, is there any more? 】

[The handsome guy is already embarrassed enough to dig out the castle. 】

[Shi Lingling, I want to know what happened to my girlfriend's sister? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "My younger sister has liked my older sister's boyfriend since she was a child, and her boyfriend really treats her as a younger sister, so she can only bear it. In the end, the older sister is useless, and the boyfriend has become someone else's husband; friends are useless, and being a junior is just Greedy for his body. No way, I don’t count, it’s too unsuitable for me.”

【Shi Lingling collapsed. 】

[Sister also has the most classic paragraph. 】

[Only by yourself! 】

[I really think of you as my younger sister, but you actually want to have sex with me? 】

[As a bird/beast, the only time when it is serious. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "I'm here today, and I will leave if there is something to do. I have to go to work tomorrow. It's hard work."

【Shi Lingling is also at work. 】

【What class does Shi Lingling work? 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Dapan."

【It just so happens that I'm also a big class. 】

[I also want to go back to kindergarten. 】

[Shi Lingling, which class are you in?Let's be at the same table. 】

[Fuck, Lingling when I ran to the kindergarten? 】

【Are you not afraid that Shi Lingling will count you clean? 】

【You don’t know, Shi Lingling was so cute in kindergarten! 】

[Lingling is also cute when she grows up. 】

【I remember, when Shi Lingling's mother sent her to school, she was so well dressed, I thought it was a kiss. 】

【As a result, people from the Ruan family came and said that Shi Lingling was picked up. 】

【Shi Lingling's mother announces angrily that the one she picked up is also her own. 】

[Then I told people that I also picked it up because I was a relative. 】

[I was picked up by my mother from the trash can. 】

[Shi Lingling didn't pick it up from the trash can, so it's very clean. 】

【Poke me to tears. 】

[Picking it up is also a kiss! 】

【Shi Lingling is so happy! 】

[Bless Shi Lingling's mother! 】

[Where are Shi Lingling's mothers? 】

[Mother Li from the orphanage?She is the best and best mom. 】

【Shi Lingling, come quickly, tell me whether this little red flower is for Mama Li or Mama Yao? 】

【Ha ha ha ha! 】

[The teaser is coming! 】

[Tears. 】

[Next week is the Ghost Festival, go pay homage to your loved ones. 】

[Shi Lingling, will ghost gates open on the Ghost Festival? 】

Ruan Lingwen didn't respond, there were too many questions.

Even if she ignored it at all, the bullet screens were densely packed.There are also all kinds of scolding, and the administrators are too busy.

Serious netizens also used barrage to suppress those arrogance.

This seems to be fighting, and the madman is even crazier.

Ruan Lingwen looked at the time and turned off the live broadcast.

Pack up and sit in the living room.

Yao Juan hugged the big baby and kissed it.

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly.

Yao Juan was so sweet in her heart.In fact, why didn't the big baby comfort her?

She has been married for ten years and has no children, and those people are tossing every day; even though they have adopted a big baby, those people are still tossing.But behind closed doors, they are family.

For more than ten years, the big baby has accompanied them and brought them everything.

Although Yao Juan raised her child, she should thank her even more.So, what did she save in her previous life?

Ruan Lingwen made a purse quietly.I gave the girl two today, and she made two more.The girl was sent because her family would use evil means to deal with her.

Yao Juan asked, "How is that girl from Chang's family?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Her family values ​​sons over daughters. Her elder brother, cousins, and illegitimate children are all human beings; she and her cousins ​​are not counted; but she doesn't hold grudges, and she grew up pretty well."

It's just for stuttering, and I will take it out for marriage in the future.

She really felt that grandma was pitiful.

If the Chang family's wealth is to be lost, they will take revenge on her severely.That old ghost can't take care of so much, and his ability is not that strong.

Ruan Lingwen helped as much as he could.Still rely on the police, more people, the girl should be fine.

Yao Juan was also very happy.

There are many kind people in the world.Rubbish like the Ruan family and the Yao family are only encountered if you are unlucky.

Ruan Kailin followed Xie Hua back, pulled her sister and shouted, "How many girlfriends does that man have?"

Ruan Lingwen let his sister know that he would stay away from scumbags in the future: "He is more affectionate, but he is not too bad."

Xie Hua hurriedly said: "Promiscuous love is already very bad, so why don't they all kill their wives to testify?"

Ruan Kailin nodded and said, "Even those women are willing."

The third aunt took her to change clothes, girls don't talk about this.

Xie Hua asked curiously, "Is it because you are very lucky?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

Xie Hua sat aside and watched her sew her purse.It seems simple, but it's also amazing.

Ruan Haolin also came back, accompanied by his father.

Yao Juan brought out pumpkin cookies first.She can make pumpkin pie, and it's the first time she has made pumpkin cookies.

Ruan Kailin came over to taste one, it was not bad; take another one and feed it to my sister.

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "My dear mother is really ingenious!"

Ruan Haolin came out of the bedroom, chased after the second sister and shouted: "Give it to me!"

Ruan Kailin turned around and fed him one, then went to feed the third aunt, and finished eating in one plate.

Xie Hua ate the pumpkin pie and said with a smile: "Second Aunt and Third Aunt really didn't mention their cooking skills."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I like what my mother cooks for me the most."

Jiang Lingjie patted her head and said, "Everyone loves Ruan Wenwen."

Xie Hua said: "It is everyone's responsibility to take care of Shi Lingling."

Ruan Kailin shouted domineeringly: "Take care of my sister!"

Ruan Lingwen kissed her and said, "My most resistant sister seems to have grown taller again."

Ruan Kailin was about to cry, but said proudly, "It's grown taller."

Yao Juan watched: "It grows a bit fast."

The third aunt said: "It's time to grow your body."

Yao Juan looked at it: "It's taller than her father."

Ruan Letian, who is 1 meters tall, dare not say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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