Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 129, Making trouble at the racecourse

Chapter 129, Making trouble at the racecourse

On Monday morning, Ruan Lingwen went to work.

Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin went to learn how to ride a horse together.

The family's seven-seater car, the two of them, and the third aunt, Jia Jiang Lingjie, Yang Xiaolong, and Xie Hua, just fit.

Jiang Lingjie did not see Ruan Lingwen off, she was picked up by the police.Now more people are looking for Ruan Lingwen, but the police representatives are different.

Ruan Kailin and Ruan Haolin learn to ride horses, so they don't need four adults to accompany them.But there are many people looking for them, and they are still needed.

It will be better when school starts.

Now that there are more people, the third aunt can also do something else. Carrying books and packing books, she can recite words under a tree at any time.

There are many people in the racecourse, Gao Ning's racecourse is really hot!Gao Ning has several racecourses, but this one simply represents Gao Ning.

Today, another group of people don’t know where they came from, some are young and some are old, some are rich and some are richer.

The girl blingbling, like a race show, walked up to Ruan Kailin.

Ruan Kailin changed her clothes and came out, handsome!
It's not because she's tall and has grown-up legs; it's because she looks good and confident.

That girl is lower than Ruan Kailin, looking at her looks more imposing!
Ruan Kailin has a group of friends, as well as Ning Xintong who insists on learning how to ride a horse.

Ning Xintong is white, rich and beautiful, already tanned. As for persistence, it depends on Ruan Kailin's persistence.

Many people are influenced by Ruan Kailin.She is so resistant to falling, other children are not babies anymore, and she was pulled out by her favorite grandma and grandma.

The mood is more complicated, everyone is with Ruan Kailin.

Because there are also a group of outsiders, it means that the strong dragon wants to overwhelm the snake.

The girl is holding a diamond horse//whip in her hand, really set with diamonds, as casual as sticking rice grains.

She raised her arm, pointed at Ruan Kailin with a whip, and asked, "Are you Ruan Kailin?"

Ruan Kailin replied, "No."

The girl sneered, "Do you dare to compare with me?"

Ruan Kailin responded: "You won't be cheap without you."

The girl's eyes were wide open, not as big as Ruan Kailin's, and not as beautiful as hers.

The girl behind the girl yelled, "Do you know who she is?"

Ruan Kailin asked, "Does your mother know?"

The girl was very angry: "What did you say?"

Ruan Kailin slowly took out two purses from her pocket, and said lazily, "My sister thought that I might need it today, so she drew two talismans for me."

A girl here asked curiously, "Karin, what is the effect of this talisman?"

Ruan Kailin looked at the group on the opposite side, and said calmly: "Curse them, they have pimples on their faces, they stutter when they see boys, or they stink/fart when they are happy, and they will pull directly when they are serious."

A girl was scared and hid quickly.

The girl with the whip was not afraid, and snorted, "Who are you scaring?"

Ruan Kailin opened her purse, took out a talisman, and shook it at her.

The talisman spontaneously ignites without wind and takes effect.

Now that there is no effect, Ruan Kailin put away her purse carefully.

A girl behind the whip is also gutsy, and she has a talisman.

She farted violently, it stinks!Smell out ten miles with the wind!The lobby is smelly all over, and the air conditioner is blowing. I don't know how big the poisonous area will be?
Everyone was scared crazy.

A girl who had already run away from the whip group continued to hide, feeling itchy and scratching her face, something was wrong.She seems to be allergic to seafood.

Ruan Kailin held her head high, she could continue to study.Someone was always harassing her and wasting her time.

Another woman blocked her way.

This woman is in her 30s, and she is also very expensive, and the necklace around her neck is about to hang up.

The woman's hair and face are exquisite, and she taught Ruan Kailin: "Don't you know how to be friends with people?"

The girl on Ruan Kailin's side said, "We are just friends."

Women must continue to teach.

Ruan Kailin took out another talisman and said, "You have such a big face and such an ugly face, why don't you try plastic surgery?"

She shook the talisman, and it ignited spontaneously without wind, and it was done.

The woman reached out to grab Ruan Kailin.

Ruan Kailin pushed her away.

The woman was wearing high heels and fell on her back.

Ruan Kailin left, it was hot outside.

Summer is hot, and it can be cooler in the early morning, or a little cooler in the evening.

The little friend asked Ruan Kailin: "What is the effect of that talisman?"

Ruan Kailin said, "It might be bad breath."

Girls don't want to know how stinky it is.Anyway, she doesn't piss off others much, but she pissed off herself the most.

Hahaha!Several girls laughed!

"Kaelin, do you still have this talisman?" I really want to have a few for fun.

"My sister is very busy now, we need to see if she is free." Ruan Kailin knew that her sister was working hard, so she also had to work hard.

drop it!
A group of parents and third aunts are here, looking very satisfied with the children.

A lady said to the third aunt, "The dealer's."

A man said: "Hitting ideas on children is not a good idea."

There are many people who come to look for children, and they all have bad intentions.But the banker is a bigger wealthy family, right?

Another woman, about fifty years old, came to look for the third aunt.

Women are very powerful.

The third aunt is not very good.

The third aunt recited words.

The lady next to her gave her the correct pronunciation.

The third aunt studied hard, it was too difficult for a person like her.

The lady taught very seriously.The third aunt is actually quite good at studying, but her foundation is too poor.People are not afraid of poor foundation, as long as they are willing to learn.

The woman watched there for a long time, she was very patient.

The third aunt is not afraid of being watched, she just races against time to study.

The woman understood, and asked, "What's the use of this?"

The third aunt glanced at her and said, "Xia Chong is beyond words."

Ha ha!Several parents encouraged the third aunt to learn very well!

The woman was not so easily swayed, and said, "You are a nanny now."

Third Aunt took out a purse from her pocket.

The woman frowned.

Third Aunt opened her purse, took out a talisman, shook it at her, and spontaneously ignited without wind.

Alright, Aunt San kept putting away her purse and continued reciting words.

Ruan Haolin was learning how to ride a horse, and Yang Xiaolong was always by his side.

Several boys were older than Ruan Haolin, and they kept pushing towards him.

A boy said loudly: "What is that? I know it's more fun!"

The other came to tease Ruan Haolin: "Do you want to go together?"

Another one came to despise him: "Is he worthy?"

The boys laughed and said, "Don't say that, it's more fun when there are more people."

Ruan Letian protects his son.

Ruan Haolin was very courageous, and while holding his purse, he said: "It's quite easy to gather together a bunch of you garbage, after all, your whole family is garbage. You are either illegitimate children or dog legs, and what you do is to be dogs for the master. Make you dogs stop meowing." , let you eat/shit and bite people.”

Because of having an illegitimate child, he beat him fiercely.

Ruan Letian protects his son, no one can hit him.

A boy took out a talisman and beat ghosts!
Snapped!A bolt of lightning struck him.

The thunder is not big, and the split is not serious.

A group of parents and adults rushed over immediately.

There is a fierce one, who catches Ruan Haolin and wants to beat him!

Ruan Letian directly crippled him!many people?He has to hurry up, scrap three in a row!

Yang Xiaolong protects Ruan Haolin.

Ruan Haolin is not afraid, the talisman in his hand has not been used yet.

The people from Gao Ning's side and the people from the racecourse all came over.

The owner of the racecourse came over and said with a sneer, "The police will be here in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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