Chapter 181, Career fans
[Give me the money!I can! 】

[I'm really not greedy for you/body! 】

[Nie Chen gave so much money, but he didn't even have a child. 】

Nie Chen said: "I implore everyone, don't hurt the two children. It's my fault that I lied to everyone. However, I still want to say this. You don't need to waste more things on me. In addition, I am also planning to rest Half a year."

[Half a year?dream! 】

[Nie Chen, my boss informed me that I will give you three months off to go back and spend time with the children. 】

[Yes, Nie Chen has been working hard for the past few years, so let's go back and spend time with the children. 】

[Otherwise, the child would not even recognize his father when he looked at him. 】

[Nie Chen is on fire now, do you dare to go back? 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "Remember to settle the 1000 million issue."

Nie Chen said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry Shi Lingling. Someone said they could help find you, but I came here as soon as I lost my mind."

Ruan Lingwen said: "I won't accept anyone's money to act in a play. Those who want to go through various channels, I advise you not to think about it. If you have to think about it, you pull it away. It has nothing to do with me. Also, those who want to come to me, If you are a broker, it will be a curse next time you meet. Don’t use those social words to teach me, I am not practicing that.”

Directly close the live broadcast.

Ruan Lingwen came out of the study.

Ruan Kailin hugged her sister.

Ruan Lingwen saw that she was dressed up, so he went to do it himself.

Ruan Kailin looked at it with her mobile phone.

The hot searches are all fighting.

#Nie Chen Collapsing House#
#Shi Lingling Remotely Saves People#
#Taoist College intends to expand enrollment#
#Buddhist College plans to expand enrollment#
#Nie Chen is Li Xuebin's fan#
#Entertainment circle strongest virtuous housemate#
#尼晨wife’s donation was exposed#
Ruan Kailin came over and asked her sister, "Is this the PR of Nie Chen's company?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's not his company, it's capital."

Ruan Kailin understood: "The capital wants to protect him? He now has 24 endorsements."

The third aunt also eats melons: "How much money can he get a year? Will the capital squeeze him out?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Capital should be limited. Nie Chen is quite smart."

Ruan Kailin looked at her phone.

[I have turned from a wife fan to a career fan. 】

[I have always been a career fan.Nie Chen is also devoted to his career. 】

[I'm Nie Chen who likes to do business, what should I do? 】

[In the past, everyone thought that Nie Chen had no money because he was (exploited) by capital.It is rare for capital to take the blame. 】

[Actually, Nie Chen and his wife are also regarded as fairy love. 】

[Is there anyone who eats CP? 】

[Forget it, my wife is outside the circle, so don't bother me. 】

[No, I think I can pick out sugar. 】

[Actually, Nie Chen just wants to deal with Zhou Xiuyuan, right?That woman insisted on making CP with Nie Chen. 】

[It is said that the woman has a financial backer.I wanted to eat Nie Chen's tofu when I was still filming. 】

[Hahahaha latest news.When filming, there are women who cover themselves. Have you ever seen Nie Chen cover herself like this? 】

[God!Are you afraid of prickly heat on a hot day? 】

[It's okay, Nie Chen can handle it. 】

[It seems that Ruan Kailin is resistant to falling, but Nie Chen can bear it. 】

[Nie Chen debuted for a few years, and didn't make much money. It seems that his prodigal wife really donated it. 】

[It is said that the prodigal woman said: This is called not forgetting the original intention.The child milk powder earns enough money, and the rest is given to those in need. 】

[There is still news.Because the Nie family doesn't seem to be getting rich, and none of their acquaintances are jealous. 】

[Is this wife really good? 】

[The money is donated, so you can feel free? 】

[Ordinary people can't do it. 】

[Hundreds of millions. 】

[Nie Chen has been popular for the past two years and just made his debut before. How much money does he have? 】

[It's because of luck that I became top class. 】

[His wife donated it so that he can stay popular.Like him now, he can make money casually. 】

[Nie Chen also earned that money hard. 】

[Compared to some people, Nie Chen did a great job. 】

Ruan Kailin asked her sister: "Will Nie Chen still be popular in the future?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Heaven rewards hard work."

Aunt San said: "It's not easy for the entertainment industry to be like him."

Ruan Lingwen changed his clothes.

Jiang Lingjie, Yang Xiaolong, and Xie Hua came together to protect the three siblings to meet Li Xuebin.

Li Xuebin has many fans.But now, Nie Chen is the hottest.There are also a lot of fans coming.

The third aunt is at home alone, with the second sister and brother-in-law.

When Ruan Haolin dressed up, he was a handsome young man.

Ruan Lingwen took one with each hand.A few people are sitting in a seven-seater car, just right.

It's close to the hotel and will arrive soon.

I saw countless fans on the road.In the hotel lobby, a group of people are welcoming.

Not only those from the Chen family, but also some who wanted to see Shi Lingling.

Some people see Shi Lingling, clap, clap crazily.

Ruan Lingwen threw a talisman casually.

The woman was startled holding the phone and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Ruan Lingwen ignored it.

Jiang Lingjie protected his younger sisters and younger brothers.

The same goes for the Chen family, everyone hurried away.

Li Xu pulled Ruan Kailin and looked at Shi Lingling, so cute!

Chen Yu looked at Ruan Lingwen very differently from before.It should be Xuanxiu who made her more spiritual.It should be that luck has come back, and there is something different about her.

Everyone find a big private room to sit.

Originally, it was Ruan Kailin who met the actor, but now they were chatting.

Ruan Lingwen is special.

Li Xuebin gave her two books, but no gold bars.

There are many Chen family members, and the gifts are generous.

Ruan Lingwen looked at it, it was too much.

The adoptive father can speak: "Thank you very much, you awakened the dreamer with just one word. We are used to raising children, but he is not our own after all. If we continue to be greedy, I'm afraid it will lead to bad results."

The stepmother said, "Thank you very much."

Ruan Lingwen replied: "You can learn from misfortunes and blessings. If you don't hold grudges, that would be great."

The mother-in-law said with emotion: "How can you bear grudges? People should look at the good and work hard to get better and better."

Ruan Lingwen said: "That's why the children you teach are very generous."

The mother-in-law said with shame: "It's better to be taught by your mother."

Ruan Lingwen said proudly: "I also think my mother is very good."

The stepmother saw how cute she looked, and said with a smile, "If I saw it, I would take you back and raise you."

Everyone sit down.Eat a piece of Nie Chen's melon.

Chen Yu asked Ruan Lingwen, "Are you going to Changdu University?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "No."

The adoptive father asked: "Will Changdu University open a metaphysical school?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked and said, "I don't know."

The foster father said: "I think there are a lot of things in metaphysics. It's not simply fortune-telling, ghosts and the like."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and asked, "Do you want to fix it?"

The foster father smiled and said, "I don't know if there is any wisdom root?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "What I cultivate is not the same as Buddhism. However, there are some things in Buddhism that can also be cultivated."

The adoptive father understood, and couldn't help but said to Jiaojiao's baby: "You are a baby, you must pay attention to safety in the future."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "So many people care about me."

Chen Yu asked: "Is it really useful to read that Lingling online?"

Ruan Lingwen asked back: "You know that spirit is energy, right?"

Chen Yu seemed to understand.This is a stronger ability, or what has been pursued.

(End of this chapter)

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