Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 182, Sitting at a table with children

Chapter 182, Sitting at the Children's Table

The Chen family sent two gifts.

One is a pair of diamond brooches, small and inconspicuous, but low-key luxury.Probably how to use it is not easy to go wrong.Most people and occasions don't need too big.

One serving is a piece of seed material.Not too big, but not too small, it's still pretty good.

Ruan Lingwen returned the gift with a peace talisman.

Chen Yu's elder sister was very happy with the peace talisman.

The second sister carefully looked at it with the safety talisman, and said, "This is Yunjin? It's so well done!"

Her mother laughed and said, "This is Shi Lingling's only one."

It cannot be imitated by outsiders.Although antiques can be imitated.

This, it is not difficult to make it look like it, but it is not easy to make it look like it, because if you don’t know the talisman on the purse, you must not have the god.

The second brother-in-law took it carefully, and said to Jiang Lingjie, "It's all over tens of thousands."

Jiang Lingjie said, "It's not about the money."

The second brother-in-law is about the same age as him, and the two can flirt.

The elder brother-in-law played chess with Ruan Haolin.

His children are also studying.

Ruan Lingwen looked very good.The eldest sister and wife are good, and it is not bad for the younger brother to get in touch more.

Li Xuebin asked Little Fairy: "Ruan Kailin is making a video, do you need help?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "That's what I wish for."

Ruan Kailin hugged her sister and laughed.

The elder sister asked, "Do you need our help?"

Ruan Kailin said politely: "Thank you. Some people don't care about my situation? So just take a video."

The eldest sister said: "Some people, don't pay attention to him."

There are more people who talk about Chen Yu, who say her family won't let her go, and who say that family is greedy for money.

Chen Yu is going to college soon, why not let him go?Is it against the law to tie people up?
Whoever raises a child will keep it until they graduate from high school, and the child will fly away, and the biological child may not be able to look after it.As for money, some people only recognize the word money.

The second sister looked at the Internet and said, "The matter of Nie Chen is over. It has successfully transformed."

The elder sister said: "His wife did a great job."

First of all, it is too sympathetic to enter the entertainment industry because of a child's illness.

Secondly, although it is concealed, it is really not a big deal.Compared with Piaochang or something, it's not a big deal, is it?

Although it may be serious for some fans.However, Nie Chen didn't rely on this, he went from an idol group to a powerful group.

In particular, if you donate more than 1000 million yuan, the remaining family property may be about 1000 million yuan.Although [-] million is already richer than many people.But you can't hate the rich.

More than 1000 million. After all, they have two children to raise. The children are so young. What will they have in the future? Does it not cost money?
Others donate a small amount, and she donates a large amount. The eldest sister can't do it even if she asks herself.

It made Nie Chen seem to be doing charity for all his hard work.Then why are you blackmailing him?Let him keep making money, keep doing charity, let him make more money.

Ruan Lingwen said with a smile: "His wife thinks that the money is not revealed? She can feel at ease when she has no money. Although she is poor and generous, some people think that Nie Chen has made money, and she doesn't worry about lending money when she comes to borrow money."

The eldest sister was speechless.

Her mother said with a smile: "It's not enough foundation, let's be a human being first. Being a talent is the foundation."

The eldest sister said: "If there is any money in the future, I don't want him to donate it all. This is more suitable for this kind of sudden wealth. It is better to donate money than to lend it to some people."

Her mother said: "The foundation of connections is people."

The righteous father said: "Wealth is like running water, just take a spoonful to drink."

Jiang Lingjie said: "Although capital will involve people, it is still a personal insistence."

The foster father nodded and said, "It's not difficult to do what? You really insist, what can he do?"

The mother-in-law said: "If you should let go, let go, don't want everything."

The second sister said: "This Zhou Xiuyuan is very shameless. She has a financial backer and wants to tease Nie Chen."

The eldest sister watched, and several children were there.

Ruan Lingwen said: "She really thinks so. She wants to fool her benefactor by frying CP."

The eldest sister said: "So courageous?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "I will be given up by her benefactor immediately."

The eldest sister smiled.The matter of Nie Chen has become such a big deal, her benefactor must be extremely stupid.What's more, if you want a beauty, you have to have her?
Everyone comes to the table and prepares to eat.

One table for adults and one table for children.

Jiang Lingjie asked, "Wenwen, are you sitting at the children's table?"

Everyone in the Chen family laughed.

There are more adults than children, so adults cannot sit at one table.

The second sister smiled and said, "We sit at the children's table."

Chen Yu suggested: "Let's sit at the children's table."

Ruan Lingwen sat at the children's table.

The children at this table are all happy.

The adults sat at a table and were also happy.

The waiter watched from the side without saying a word.Did you come to find the little fairy?She is still a child.

Some people followed the manager and squeezed in, but no one could be found.

A woman asked, "Where is Ruan Lingwen?"

The eldest sister said very calmly: "Go to the bathroom."

A group of people went out and blocked people at the bathroom door.

The second sister asked worriedly, "Will they smash the door?"

do not talk.

Ruan Lingwen was small, and the Chen family's two fathers could block her when they were sitting.

Chen Yu sat at the child's table, watching Ruan Lingwen, and was used to getting along with his younger sister and younger brother.

Ruan Lingwen looked at him and asked, "Have you changed from the youngest in the family to the eldest brother?"

Chen Yu said, "No, I have a nephew."

Yes, Chen Yu is a qualified uncle.

The nephew said: "Now I have an extra little uncle."

The little uncle said deeply: "I'm not used to having an extra nephew."

Ruan Haolin comforted him skillfully: "Don't think too much."

The little uncle said: "I don't want to. It's because they have something delicious and fun for me."

Ruan Kailin said, "That's filial piety."

The eldest sister looked at it, and the table of children was very good.

A table of adults is fine too.

The adoptive father asked Jiang Lingjie: "Are you going to make something else, cloud tea?"

Jiang Lingjie replied, "I have to watch the child."

The foster father nodded and said, "The three children have to watch."

The waiter came over and said to Jiang Lingjie, "Feng Guoben is here."

Jiang Lingjie nodded and ignored him.

The hotel has security guards at the door to stop those who come looking for the little fairy.Feng Guoben was also stopped.

Everyone in the Chen family had nothing to say.Don't want a son, go for a nephew.Especially nephews and nieces have not been raised well.

Li Xuebin suddenly felt a gust of wind.

Ruan Lingwen stood up and put away the small yin and yang mirror.

Li Xu asked curiously, "How dare this ghost come?"

Chen Yu said: "There are always people who don't believe in evil."

His younger brother said happily, "I don't know if we all have amulets?"

Chen Yu didn't quite believe it.But everyone seems to be safe.

The eldest brother-in-law asked the little fairy: "What does this ghost want to do?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Shall I let the ghost out to play?"

Several boys are the most excited.

Ruan Lingwen let the ghost out.

Ruan Haolin took the willow whip from the eldest sister and whipped him!

Chen Yu took a wicker whip and tried it out.

The eldest brother-in-law, the second brother-in-law, and the child grab the wicker whip.

The most stable fathers were watching.

The two mothers looked at this poor ghost, did they bring toys?The soul that was going to be drawn was scattered.

Ruan Lingwen told them to stop.

The ghost is going to run.

Ruan Lingwen held the small yin and yang mirror and took him away.

Chen Yu asked curiously: "What is that?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "A person who controls ghosts."

(End of this chapter)

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