Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 189, Eliminating harm for the people

Chapter 189, Eliminating harm for the people

The man took out a rose.

Ruan Lingwen took out the small mirror.

A group of people are booing.

Ruan Lingwen took out the gold brick.

The camera was smashed, and a talisman was thrown out.

For ordinary live broadcasts, one talisman is enough to deal with so many people.To deal with so many today, I actually used a handful of talismans.

Ruan Lingwen is arrogant.

Many people are fine.Not all curses work.

But the man's soul was pulled out, and he fell to the ground with roses on his grave.

A Taoist man came to kill him.

Ruan Lingwen shook the small yin and yang mirror, the soul came out, and then smashed it with a gold brick.That's it.

A few more rushed over and stood against the gold bricks.

Ruan Lingwen took out a talisman, which spontaneously ignited without wind.

There are those who want to sneak attack from behind, and they all fall down.

A group of girls followed, scared and curious.

Ning Xintong was courageous, took a wicker whip from Ruan Lingwen, and convulsed.

A few boys were bold and beat them with wicker whips.

Ruan Lingwen watched, and the souls of the criminals were dragged out to beat them.

Those with lives in their hands should be beaten up before being handed over to the police.

This is not something that can be hidden if it is broken and sent to the hospital. The soul is pumped, and only those who have been pumped understand.

Holding a wicker whip is like having a convulsion, which is an unbearable pain for the soul.

Most people's souls are very weak, and it hurts when the wind blows.So, after being a ghost, many of them were scattered.

It didn't get distracted, and Ruan Lingwen's control became more and more smooth.

Another group of people ran over frantically and shouted, "Stop, stop!"

Ruan Lingwen took the small yin and yang mirror again and collected his soul.

Some girls who have never played before, and the brave ones also come to play.

Ning Xintong imparted experience to them: "When there is wind, the air will fluctuate."

Hu Yumei watched from the side.Most people can't see ghosts, but like transparent things in water, they will always cause some reactions.

Some mystical skills are mediocre, and most of them rely on experience.Just like a fortune teller, three points are true and seven points are false.

Playing golf over there, playing ghosts here, it's lively.

Teacher, they all rushed over.

Someone came over with a phone and asked Ruan Lingwen to answer it.

Ruan Lingwen hit him with a gold brick.

The man was caught off guard, and his face was covered in blood.

The woman yelled, "Do you know what you're doing?"

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and threw it at it.

The woman was thrown away!
Ning Xintong laughed, the gold bricks are really fun!

The man didn't give up yet, he took the phone and shouted, "Grandma Li Jiakun's phone number!"

Ruan Lingwen continued to smash the gold bricks.

The man screamed!

Golf is no longer played over there. Some of them were just pretending, but some now stop and watch.

Not many came over, and the little fairy was really angry.

Another Taoist old man came over and hit the little fairy with a talisman.

The little fairy still smashed the gold brick, and then flashed the little mirror.

The old man fell down.useless.

The soul was pulled out, and a few boys smoked.

The old man jumped up and down angrily.

Ruan Lingwen smashed his soul with a gold brick.

The police arrived, and there were a lot of them.

The man continued to shout: "Ruan Lingwen committed murder."

Ruan Lingwen hit him with a gold brick.

The police understood and took it back to investigate slowly.What is the background of this?
A boy said: "His grandfather is Li Zhang, and his grandmother is Jing Peihuan."

Ruan Lingwen hit him with a gold brick.

The boy was stunned. Looking at Ruan Lingwen, do you know who Li Zhang is?
Ruan Lingwen pulled his soul out.

A few girls came to play, it was so interesting.

Someone from the golfers came over and figured out what was going on.

Someone picked up the phone and saw that Jing Peihuan was looking for Ruan Lingwen?
Ning Xintong took the phone and pressed the handsfree button.

The old lady's voice sounded: "Little fairy? Have you cleaned up Li Jiakun?"

Ning Xintong said: "It's a huge momentum, with a lot of people."

The old lady sneered and said, "Clean it up if you can. Li family's ugliness, Li Zhang, Li Fan, you can clean them up. They are all embarrassing things."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Li Fan's concubine's brother may be here."

The old lady sneered again and again: "Li Zhang has an illegitimate child, I can't bear it. Li Fan has many concubines, and his wife is very happy. I can't control it anymore. Let's work together and eliminate harm for the people."

Ruan Lingwen said: "It is to eliminate harm for the people."

Ning Xintong didn't know about Li Zhang.

Xiao Haiping knows a little bit.Now, is there such a big fuss?

Xiao Haiping couldn't control it either.There are police.

The female teacher looked at a few meddling students and helped Li Jiakun to harass Ruan Lingwen?
A woman pointed at Ruan Lingwen and cursed: "What are you pretending to be?"

Ruan Lingwen pulled her soul out.

Ning Xintong took the gold brick from Ruan Lingwen, and tried to smash it.

Boys are curious, is this gold brick fun?

Ning Xintong played for a while, stepped aside and laughed.She couldn't even lift it, so Ruan Lingwen had to hold it for her to play with.

Hu Yumei said: "This piece weighs more than ten or twenty catties, how many can handle it?"

It's fun to watch one by one.

Gao Ziqian said: "Can there be such an effect without any weight?"

Small punches, scratching people's hearts itchy?
However, Gao Ziqian considered another question: Ruan Lingwen easily punched it out and then retracted it, how strong is this force?In other words, how powerful could Ruan Lingwen unleash?
At least, after Jing Peihuan spoke, others don't have to worry about questions from the Li family.

Those who didn't get involved were all thinking that after the Qin family, the Li family would probably be doomed.With so many women, Li Fan must be finished.

Ruan Lingwen actually didn't want to deal with anyone, she pulled someone along and asked, "Who sent you here?"

The state of the man is problematic.

Cops stop and record.

The man answered very honestly: "Wu Jing."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "What's your relationship with Wu Jing?"

The man said: "Wu Jing's husband is related to the Li family."

It was too complicated, Ruan Lingwen didn't want to know.

The police took the man away.

This Wu Jing is really idle!There's another rumor spread over there, and here's another dude, thinking that everyone is like her?
Ning Xintong couldn't stand that woman, and said angrily, "It's true. I didn't want to have a good time with my husband."

Ruan Lingwen said, "What do you know? Her husband likes this."

Forget it, Ning Xintong has nothing to do with it.

When the sun sets, everyone is by the lake, which is picturesque.

The students took photos together, and the teachers took photos together.

Hu Yumei looked at it and said, "Stop taking pictures of Ruan Lingwen."

A girl asked, "Why didn't you take pictures?"

Hu Yumei said: "Save everyone a little trouble."

Some classmates agree.

Now, it's a mess.I made friends with Ruan Lingwen and appointed to be harassed.

Why is Ning Xintong like this?Anyway, that's how she is.

Some students thought differently and asked, "Why doesn't Ning Xintong do live broadcasts? There are a lot of people doing live broadcasts now."

Ning Xintong said: "Wouldn't it be nice to be a quiet Bai Fumei?"

The girl said: "But the daughters of wealthy families come out to make money. Didn't you see that one loves to make money than the other?"

Ning Xintong chose Xianyu and said, "I'm not considered a wealthy family. We'll talk about making money later."

Everyone chatted: "You have to hurry up to make money."

Ruan Lingwen, now surpasses most families, but she is too special.

The average student still spends money mainly on higher education.But now the temptation to make money is great, and there are many opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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