Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 190, listen to the experts

Chapter 190, listen to the experts

Evening is the most beautiful.

Moon Lake and Yunshan are beautiful.

Most of the students are going to college, and they are basically starting school.I want to leave Gao Ning, fly farther and farther, how long will it take to come back?
Although you can come back on vacation, it will be different when you come back.Like Ruan Lingwen, he has become a fairy.Make this class reunion very different.

Ruan Lingwen sat on a chair, blowing the air.

Ning Xintong sat on the side, eating melons with her mobile phone, it was a big one, and said: "Zhang Yi found Li Xu, Li Xu beat her, Zhang Yi cried."

The girl was speechless: "Didn't Li Xu want to smoke Zhang Yi a long time ago? Can Zhang Yi catch up with Gao Ning?"

Ning Xintong went surfing on 8G and said, "Zhang Yi is black now, everyone wants to smoke her. She has no money to make, so she can't come?"

Hu Yumei looked at the lake and said nothing.Teenage girls, what are you doing?

Ning Xintong laughed to death, and said: "Li Xu came to find Ruan Kailin, Zhang Yi insisted on getting involved, and said she wasn't a whore? Oh my god, Zhang Yi went to flirt with Nie Chen."

Ruan Lingwen asked, "Did Nie Chen leave?"

Ning Xintong said: "People are gone, but they are flirting online. Didn't everyone say that Nie Chen's wife is ugly? She told Nie Chen to relax a bit, so she didn't have to hang herself from a tree. Anyway, she made so much money for her."

Hu Yumei looked at Ning Xintong, what did you say?

Although Ning Xintong translated it, she was afraid that the original words would be more unappetizing.

Hu Yumei looked up at the sky.

A group of girls who were going to college couldn't understand.

The girl asked Ruan Lingwen, "What is she thinking?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Children's words are not taboo."

The girl saw the wind.

Ning Xintong laughed to death, and told everyone: "Someone analyzed it: There is a point of view that Nie Chen is successful now, but he can't simply (roughly) abandon his original partner; therefore, he needs to tell the story first, he doesn't He owes the original spouse and the children; he even gave all the money he earned to the original spouse, which prevents him from blackmailing."

The girl asked: "Do you have to get rid of your bad wife?"

Ning Xintong said: "Why didn't Nie Chen say he was married? Why didn't he go home for a long time? How dissatisfied is he with his ex-mate? Listen to a psychologist."

Everyone wants to vomit the trough of the expert's face.

Ning Xintong just relayed: "In short, Nie Chen will definitely get divorced, but he will definitely do it extremely cleverly, so that he can win everything. He will become the most successful man in history who abandoned his wife. Even his wife will make efforts for this consummation .In short, both he and his wife are smart people and will achieve a win-win situation.”

Hu Yumei couldn't hold back, and complained: "Isn't it good for two smart people to be together? Do you have to find an idiot to shorten your life?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled and said, "How can an idiot understand the thinking of a smart person? He still thinks he is stupid."

Hu Yumei said: "A fool and a fool are two different things."

Ning Xintong moved happily: "This is the premise: Nie Chen will get divorced. Under this premise, the stupid and cute Zhang Yi will be the first to pass the steps."

The girl finally understood, but she said, "Zhang Yi is only too old to get involved with Nie Chenli's divorce?"

Ning Xintong rolled her eyes and said, "Then what can I do?"

The boy also gossips: "Isn't this Nie Chenhong, here to catch the heat?"

The teacher couldn't take it anymore and said, "Little girl, rub around."

Ning Xintong said, "It must have been taught by her mother."

The teacher shook his head.It's better not to have this kind of mother.

Ning Xintong smiled and said, "Someone analyzed it again: Zhang Yi asked Nie Chen to let go a little bit, so why isn't she herself? She let go very, very much? And she can go for whatever she sees, and do whatever she wants."

A girl asked Ruan Lingwen to gossip: "What is Ruan Kailin going to play?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "They didn't even sign the contract."

The girl envied: "It's much safer to be directly brought into the industry by the actor and actress."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Didn't this cause trouble?"

Ning Xintong said, "Did you forget who came to find Ruan Lingwen just now?"

He even dared to hear Ruan Lingwen, let alone Ruan Kailin.

Ning Xintong said: "At that time, I will definitely say that you are not real sisters again."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Always worry about others."

Let's pack up and get ready for dinner.

There are no other activities planned for the evening, and we leave after dinner.I also want to play by myself in the group/game.

Dinner is still in the restaurant.Therefore, [-] per capita is not too expensive, just because students basically don't make money.

In the restaurant, the decoration is simple and beautiful at night.There are some flowers and there is music.

Ruan Lingwen was in charge of eating.I have to eat back the 1000 yuan.

Can 1000 yuan be spent at home for a week?How can it be wasted?Ruan Lingwen was not very clear about the family's expenses, although the third aunt kept accounts.

Because there are stockpiles, there are also gifts from others, and when you buy all kinds of things, you have to sort them out to understand.

Ruan Lingwen didn't bother to worry about that, he had a mother at home.The living expenses are not big, and Ruan Lingwen's big expenses are not in that.

Halfway through the meal, a girl came over.One year younger than Ruan Lingwen, he is a bit timid.

Ruan Lingwen added a seat and let her sit.

The waiter brought a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Ruan Lingwen said, "I'll add 300 yuan."

The waiter smiled and said, "No, the account has already been settled."

How could the boss ask for such a little money from the little fairy?After the calculation, whoever wants something will pay for it personally.Although the hotel may earn less, it does not want to earn the money of these students.

The girl sits and blushes.

Ning Xintong didn't know who she was, but Ruan Lingwen would.

The girl introduced herself: "My name is Lu Xiaotong, and I am He Shujun's girlfriend."

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The waiter brought the scallops to the table.

Ning Xintong got one for Ruan Lingwen and one for the girl.

The girl said shyly, "I'm not hungry." He Ruan Lingwen said, "It's just... I want to do a live broadcast too."

Ruan Lingwen said, "Then you do it."

Girl bites her lip.

Ning Xintong interjected: "What does it have to do with Ruan Lingwen if you do your job? Her siblings were kicked out, and I didn't see what you guys did. What's more, what skills do you have?"

The girl said: "I sing pretty well."

Ning Xintong asked, "Singing karaoke? That's it. What are you looking for with Ruan Lingwen?"

The girl didn't dare to say anything, she thought about it and said stubbornly: "There are so many things to do."

Ning Xintong said: "There are so many people who commit crimes, Ruan Lingwen will not be like them. Maybe you can do like them."

After all, the girl did not dare to provoke Ruan Lingwen.

Ruan Lingwen drank the soup.

The girl couldn't help but asked again: "What if I continue to study?"

Ning Xintong said: "Who can stop you from learning?"

The girl looked at her, she talked a lot.

Ning Xintong said leisurely, "Ruan Kailin works so hard, why don't you?"

The girl nodded and said, "I think so too. It's just that I don't agree with this way."

Ruan Lingwen said, "That's your family business."

A boss came over and asked the girl, "Who are you?"

The girl looked at Ruan Lingwen, she didn't talk to anyone casually.

The boss greeted the little fairy: "Hello. I'm Wu Kai."

Ruan Lingwen stood up and went to greet the teacher: "I'm leaving first."

Xiao Haiping asked, "Is anyone following?"

Ruan Lingwen smiled sweetly: "Brother Ling Jie will accompany me."

Xiao Haiping looked at this guy, he was very reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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