Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 308, 8 characters do not match

[Isn't it appropriate for the anchor to do this? 】

[You will, you go. 】

The woman lays the wheat.

Ruan Lingwen burned another talisman for Xia Gui.

[A lot of people rushed to the scene. 】

[The bride-to-be's biological father was taken away. 】

[Can strong/annihilation decades ago still be judged? 】

[The statute of limitations for Qiang/Jian is ten years. 】

【no.It is calculated according to the number of years to be sentenced.If it is five years, the statute of limitations is five years. 】

[If it is more than ten years, the statute of limitations is 15 years; if it is indefinite, it is 20 years. 】

[The strong/annihilator did a lot, I can see it for a while. 】

[Then wish him no time!And his daughter! 】

[He has a son who is also a rape/destroyer. 】

[Fuck! 】

Ruan Lingwen asked them to popularize the law for a while and continue to select candidates.

On the screen, a woman appeared. In his 20s, he is very fresh and beautifully dressed.She took good photos of herself, she looks tall, tall people look good, even if they just look tall.

She wears a woolen hat on her head, which is a set with the scarf, enclosing a lovely face in the middle.The face looks small, the skin is very good; blink, long eyelashes.

He was wearing a long coat, with a little skirt showing below, and boots underneath.Noble, refined feel.Her exposed hands had beautifully manicured nails.But it was a little cold, she was shaking a little, and she looked even cuter.

The woman smiled, showing her beautiful teeth, a little helpless and generous.She said: "Hi Lingling, I have something to ask for your help."

Ruan Lingwen looked at the message she sent, and responded casually, "Please tell me."

The woman said shyly, "I've been talking with my boyfriend for two years and we're getting married." She said with a lively and innocent expression, "Then his grandma said that we don't get along."

Ruan Lingwen said, "It's not that you two don't match, it's that your personalities don't match."

The woman said happily and surprised: "No."

[Dating and marriage are two different things. 】

[Those who talk to you must be careful. 】

[There are people who change after marriage, both men and women. 】

[It's all beautiful when talking about a partner, but it's all over the place after marriage. 】

[There are also some cheating marriages.Show your true colors sooner or later. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "You want to marry into a rich family, spend the man's money, and still feel that you are very independent. The man thinks that if you use his money, it is his thing."


[Independent (independent) bitch? 】

【thing? 】

[These two, the collision is powerful. 】

【At that time, we will see who is stronger. If they are evenly matched, they will be able to fight every day. 】

[This woman is not serious at first glance.What are you talking about in Shi Lingling's live broadcast room? 】

[What is Sao?People are independent//independence. 】

[The man is quite generous, like buying a car or a watch. 】

[However, after buying it back, it will naturally be in line with his wishes. 】

[The man doesn't respect people! 】

The woman's face was ugly and she couldn't hold back. She quibbled: "I have a job myself."

Ruan Lingwen said: "The monthly salary is [-], and the coat is [-]."

[Three thousand hats. 】

[A monthly salary of [-] has to pay taxes or something? 】

[Do you want to eat? 】

[Don't eat, my boyfriend keeps it. 】

[Shouldn't a man raise her?She has a job of her own. 】

[I'm really laughing. 】

The woman emphasized: "I like it! My family is rich!"

Ruan Lingwen said: "The working class raises their daughters richly from an early age in order to marry into a wealthy family."

【Shi Lingling, don't talk to her anymore. 】

【Shi Lingling made it clear enough.This marriage will never get better. 】

[Those who insist on marrying into a wealthy family, she is happy. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "There is an old lady watching." Then he added, "You scolded me."

Kicked people.

[Yes, there is an old lady, whether she can marry is still a question. 】

[Lingling helps her when she thinks about it, but she scolds in her heart. 】

[Call me Shi Lingling?Want to die? 】

[I know this girl. 】

[I didn’t go to school well, so I dressed up to go fishing/kaizi all day. 】

[I don't do my job well, and I only want to marry a wealthy family. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "She scolded me in another place."

[Shi Lingling, don't be afraid, let's scold her. 】

[I scolded her face to face. 】

[Wait for me to give her two ear scrapers. 】

【Shi Lingling is polite enough to her.To marry into a wealthy family is crazy. 】

[It's hard to catch a good one, but it's not so easy to catch another one. 】

[Age is getting older every day, and those rich people also care about emotional experience. 】

[Those who almost got married like this, some people think they are second-hand. 】

Ruan Lingwen said, "Silly beep."

[Very reasonable. 】

[I have some money, what's on my mind? 】

[What's wrong with finding a clean woman? 】

Ruan Lingwen said with emotion: "It's all because of the lack of reading."

[Hahaha that's right.Men don't read, and women don't read either. 】

[Shi Lingling, please help me. 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the mic for someone.

A woman, holding a mobile phone, explained: "I'm at the train station. Someone lost a child. I'm helping her."

The camera is facing a lady in her thirties, wearing a thick padded jacket and carrying a big bag, with an anxious expression on her face.

Ruan Lingwen said: "She is not beautiful, but I think mothers are the most beautiful."

The lady wiped her tears and said, "As soon as I turned around, the child was gone."

Ruan Lingwen asked very gently, "Did you call the police?"

The woman with the mobile phone said: "I called the police. It's been more than two hours and I still haven't found it."

Ruan Lingwen looked at the child's message and comforted the mother: "Don't worry, I will find the child."

Mom is grateful: "Thank you."

Ruan Lingwen said, "You're welcome. That's all for today's live broadcast."

[Shi Lingling, do you need our help? 】

Ruan Lingwen looked at it and said, "That's fine."

She needs to keep her child safe first.There are five children who were snatched from here.

Ruan Lingwen bowed his head and drew a talisman.

Great amulet.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

【A mother who loves her children is the most beautiful. 】

[There are still many good people around. 】

[Everyone, if something happens, remember to call the police. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen sent the talisman out and said, "Thank you everyone. See you on Thursday."

After turning off the live broadcast, Ruan Lingwen called the police.

Wu Kerang asked seriously: "You mean, or those who snatch children?"

Ruan Lingwen figured it out and said, "Chen Daoji is behind this matter."

Wu Kerang became more serious: "It's him?"

Now that Xuanmen is more formal, Chen Daoji can be regarded as one of the giants.

Wu Kerang asked: "Ambitious?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Old gentleman believes that there is an old Taoist who became a ghost and wants to be resurrected. This is for the sake of Taoism, and this sacrifice is justified."

Wu Kerang snorted and asked the little fairy, "Do you want to go there?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "We should go there. He has done a lot around Laojun Temple."

Wu Kerang asked: "Do you want to be a demon/cave? Let me arrange it."

Ruan Lingwen hung up the phone.Waiting for news from Bureau Wu.This matter really needs to be arranged by him.

Ruan Lingwen also made preparations.She didn't have much confidence in the old way.However, if the old man breaks the law, Guo Jia will deal with him.

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