Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 309, killing chickens and scaring monkeys

Dayang Village is on fire because of the nearby Dayang Mountain.

The Dayang Mountain is on fire because of the view of Laojun on the mountain.

Laojun watched the fire because there was a Daoist Chen Daoji.

Chen Daoji became angry because he was very clever, much more reliable than Shi Lingling.

In the world of metaphysics, Shi Lingling is the most popular right now. Others compare with her.

A little stronger than a little.Chen Daoji was more than a little stronger than her.

Tomorrow is the beginning of spring, and today, Dayang Village is full of people.

Dayang Village is full of people yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and it cannot be crowded.

There is no place to live in the village, and a tent costs one thousand a day, not selling tents, which is more expensive than a five-star hotel.If you bring your own tent, use the place in the village, one thousand and five.

The parking fee is five hundred a day.Stop for an hour and a hundred.The village is such a big place, there is no place to park at all, and thousands of people rush to park every day.

In addition to the place where tents are set up in the village, another area has been set up as a market.Like going to a market or a temple fair.

No matter if you sell incense, paper or amulets, the supply is in short supply.

No matter selling noodles, cakes, or local specialties, they are all very popular.

The locals have a heavy accent and a bad temper. They like to eat or not, and buy or not. Anyway, they are not short of money.

Wang Yang and her husband came to seek a child.

She is almost 40 years old and has been seeking a child for many years, but has never had one.Shi Lingling doesn't ask for a child, so we don't ask her.

In order to ask for a son, Wang Yang is willing to pay even hundreds of thousands of dollars, let alone thousands of dollars.Others would buy it or adopt it, but Wang Yang didn't want it because she wanted her own child.Her husband is also willing, after all, the family property must be inherited by his own.

Wang Yang was wearing a coat and didn't care about the commotion at all.For the child, she would do anything.

There are quite a few people who are similar to her, and there are many rich people who come to Dayang Mountain, although the environment is a bit weird.

Wang Yang's husband is handsome, and he is carrying a big bag in one hand, which is full of incense paper bought according to the requirements of the local people.

Wang Yang is carrying the bag in one hand and holding her husband in the other.As for these things that cost a lot of money, are several times more expensive than other places, and even look rough at first glance, it is said that other places are not effective, so you must buy them here.

Wang Yang just doesn't care, who really cares about this?Like gift giving, it's all superficial and the real thing lies behind.

Everyone is a sensible person.The money earned in the village may be half that of Laojunguan.Or Chen Daoji's relatives.Anyway, if you figure it out, you don’t have to think about it.

A large group of people were about to go up the mountain when suddenly someone screamed.

Wang Yang was dragged aside by her husband, only to see a large number of policemen arrive!
Large numbers!

What a big batch!
It's not the police, it's the soldiers, and they're loaded with live ammunition!It's not acting//practicing, it's real action, something big happened!
Wang Yang and her husband had nowhere to hide, and the village was under control.

Those cowboys in the village were directly pushed down and handcuffed.

A policeman shouted with a loudspeaker: "Don't panic, don't make a mess! Follow the arrangements!"

An old lady called out, "What are you going to do?"

Wang Yang watched and was pushed down.

She and her husband were honest and did not dare to move.Although seeking a child is almost crazy, but not crazy.Look at the situation, don't know what to do?

A large number of them have already surrounded the mountain!
This siege smells like gunpowder, and people with brains really shouldn't mess with it.

Next to Wang Yang, a young man said, "Is something wrong with Lao Junguan, or is something wrong with Chen Daoji?"

Another man smiled and said, "Look at this, it's not just about making money, there must be other things."

A beautiful woman guessed: "Lingling was in a hurry yesterday, could it be related?"

The young man nodded sharply and said, "That's right!"

Shi Lingling is a big sword!Whoever she cuts at must be this row of noodles.

Wang Yang complained: "What is Shi Lingling doing? I just want a child!"

The beauty looked at her and asked strangely: "You don't know that a child was robbed yesterday? Are you afraid it was robbed?"

Wang Yang's face turned pale immediately, can't it?She didn't want to break the law.

The man said seriously: "Everyone, be careful, don't be implicated or hindered."

The beauty looked at it and said, "Shi Lingling is here!"

Now, the police have controlled order in the village.Shi Lingling went directly to the mountain.

Wang Yang looked at her, and the resentment in his heart melted like ice.Shi Lingling was still a child.Such a cute baby, people want to take it home.

Wang Yang felt that it would be perfectly fine to adopt her.

The beauty looked amazed!And very lucky to see Shi Lingling, alive!

She wore a hat on her head and a jacket on her body. It wasn't too fashionable, but it was definitely practical.There is a group of Taoists around her, just like a Taoist meeting.Shi Lingling is the youngest, and Shi Lingling grows the best.It seems to be luminous, so that people can see it at a glance.

However, some advanced Taoism in Taoism are not simple.

A few very old ones, like old gods, are about to become Buddhas.It's not just Chen Daoji who is good, there are many people who are good in Xuanmen.

This is like invoking a teacher to ask a crime, like coming to adjudicate.

A group of Taoist priests descended from the mountain.They have not been controlled yet, and they are also very powerful.

The two sides met at a place near the foot of the mountain.

An old Taoist pointed at Ruan Lingwen with a whisk and scolded, "How dare you come here?"

Ruan Lingwen blinked and asked curiously, "I haven't looked for you yet, are you in a hurry to seek death?"

The old Taoist was furious: "Hugh is crazy!"

He waved his whisk, amazing!
Ruan Lingwen threw a gold brick at it and died on the spot.

Wang Lin followed, watching the little fairy show off her might.

Gold bricks are smashed one by one.

The group on the opposite side was jumping around anxiously.Some timid ones hurried up the mountain.

Ruan Lingwen held the small yin and yang mirror, close it!

A group of Xuanmen surrounded the little fairy, looking at her magic weapon, it's amazing!This wave, received half of it.

The policemen around are amazed!Metaphysics is super powerful!

Ruan Lingwen put away the small yin and yang mirror, holding a gold brick in his hand.She doesn't want to be alone.

No one is jealous, this mountain is dangerous.Want to claim credit?So many people came, the credit is not someone's.

Everyone knew it well, it might not have meant to show the Taoist sect.Xuanmen is honest, otherwise it is suppression.

Guo Jia can suppress it with his hands.This is killing chickens and scaring monkeys.Chen Daoji drifted away with a bit of ability. Gather a group of people here, what are they going to do?
The police surrounded the mountain first.

Don't worry, everyone spread out to watch.

Ruan Lingwen went up the mountain.

Jiang Lingjie, Wang Lin and many others followed.

Just look at the appearance of the mountain has changed, becoming erratic and unclear.

A paw came towards Ruan Lingwen.

Ruan Lingwen threw a gold brick at it.

Wang Lin watched, and there was a scream from the stone.

The stone exploded and disappeared, and one lay on the ground.

The Taoist aunt wanted to laugh when she saw it. The little fairy is a gold brick, so she just does it.

Everyone has something to hold on to.

Ruan Lingwen took back the gold brick and smashed it again.

The open space exploded!
Wang Lin watched, the magic weapon was blown up, and the array was completely destroyed.

This side has recovered, a road vaguely goes up the mountain, and there are still formations on it.There are ghosts here, like ghosts hitting a wall and forming a formation.

Ruan Lingwen went up the mountain.

There was a horrible ghost cry.

Ruan Lingwen took a small yin and yang mirror and took a picture!

Jiang Lingjie watched, there was a nest of ghosts there.

Auntie is about to laugh.There is a small yin and yang mirror, these things can't stop it at all.

Let's all make a move together, five thunder talismans, magic weapons, fight!
Those ghosts are going to run away!

Ruan Lingwen collected it with a small yin and yang mirror.

Everyone here, from the hard mode to the easy mode, it is much easier to fight.

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