Xuanmen big brother live broadcast became popular

Chapter 310, pretending to be an old man

If the mountain is not high, there are immortals who are famous.Add a word, from fairy spirit to earth spirit.

Dayang Mountain is not high, and the view of Laojun on the mountain is not great.

The Laojun Temple has been repaired, and there is an open space in front of the temple.There is a lot of construction work in the back mountain, as if a big hall is going to be built.I don't know why I am cultivating here, but everyone is very supportive and devout.

Laojun sees people inside and outside, and is now trapped on the mountain.

There were policemen around, and I couldn't see clearly in the mountains, and there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves, which was terrifying.

Everyone huddled together, trembling, seeing that the priests were busy, everyone didn't know what to do?
Inside the temple, there is a big statue of Laojun.

Not as big as tens of meters, but bigger than a person.Not only majestic, but also very spiritual.

An old lady in her nineties knelt in front of Laojun, praying devoutly.

Many people knelt down upon seeing this.

boom!It exploded outside again!
Someone knelt down crazily!
Someone scolds.

Someone shouted: "The Supreme Lord has appeared!"

I saw a golden light shining from the statue of Laojun, which is really manifesting!

Everyone was crazy, more excited than seeing their own mother.

Ruan Ling heard it, stood at the door, and met the old ghost's eyes.

The old ghost made a move.

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and smashed it!
boom!Laojun's statue was smashed!
The old ghost rushed over and grabbed Ruan Lingwen.

Ruan Lingwen threw the Five Thunder Talisman over.

She suddenly changed color and shouted: "Run!" Pulling Jiang Lingjie to run fast!
Everyone else in Xuanmen has the feeling, running fast!

There were many people in front of the gate, some were watching, some were crowded, and some wanted to arrest them.

Someone quickly followed the little fairy!A group of chase!

The surrounding formations were still there, the sky suddenly darkened for a moment, and a thunderbolt struck down.

Countless people were shocked!Just look at the thunder smashing the old man's view.

This thunderbolt wiped out the top of the mountain.

Countless people are crying for their fathers and mothers!

Laojun is a spirit, but God is bigger.

The group of people chasing the little fairy outside were all stunned.

Auntie looks at the little fairy, what's going on?The child doesn't know either?Haha this kid is so funny.

Wang Lin got the news at the first time, and said very strangely: "I heard on the Internet that the little fairy is here, and we called Lingling Lingling together."

Ruan Lingwen steadied himself.

It's everyone's credit, not her.

An old monk said: "The old ghost dares to pretend to be the old man, but the old man will not kill him?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded, that's right!
It's just too funny!An old ghost uses the image of an old gentleman to enjoy the incense (faith) in the world.

The old ghost was killed, but Chen Daoji was not dead yet, Ruan Lingwen lifted his spirits.

all of us are.It's not over.

The old ghost was cheating because of the old gentleman, and happened to be hacked.In the newly built hall behind, there is still a group of the most tenacious people inside.

A group of people around went crazy and suddenly rushed over to beat Ruan Lingwen.

Those who are like begging for a child, or Shi Lingling doesn't care what they want, they hate Shi Lingling, and they are more fanatical about Laojun's view that can satisfy them, or people who are on the side of Laojun's view are mixed in, very fierce!Laojun Temple was destroyed, I wish I could be a ghost and Shi Lingling desperately!
Ruan Lingwen threw out a talisman.

The old monk watched, these people were rolling on the ground with their heads in their hands.A Tang monk recited the scriptures and only the monkeys got a headache. A little fairy threw a talisman, and all the monkeys got a headache.

The crazier it gets, the more it hurts.Someone had a headache and quickly hid aside.

Those who don't have headaches gather together and don't dare to mess up.

Someone shouted, "What's going on?"

boom!The mountain shook for a while, and Dayang Mountain seemed to be collapsing.

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and threw it at it.

The fox didn't have time to run away and was crushed to death.

Ruan Lingwen ran away, Jiang Lingjie, Wang Lin and a group of people chased after him.

On the mountain side, it's a bit steep.

Ruan Lingwen held a talisman in his hand and rushed towards it.

Jiang Lingjie followed closely.Look at that piece of fog breaks open, there is a tripod.

Ruan Lingwen pasted a talisman, Ding was quiet.She moved the tripod out again, it was quite big.

Jiang Lingjie stretched out his hand to help, almost slipping his waist.

This place is not easy to stand on, Ruan Lingwen moved the tripod to the mountainside, and then kicked it down.

A group of people below, a few Taoists looked at it, good stuff!Laojun sees so many good things!
No wonder Chen Daoji is so awesome, he wants to go to heaven given a chance.However, the sky thunder has already struck, and this tripod still wants to blow up Dayang Mountain?Chen Daoji didn't know what to do, anyway, everyone carried the tripod away first.Belongs to Guo Jia.

The little Taoist looked at the talisman and felt miraculous: the tripod is very powerful, and a talisman can hold it.

The little monk looked at it and asked, "Do you understand? I haven't seen it before."

It must be the magic of the little fairy, there are different things, one thing drops another.

The police carried the tripod down the mountain.

Wang Yang watched from the village.She saw the thunder, and she also felt the earth shaking.

Beauty brush hard on the Internet: [Spiritual Spiritual Spirit, Spirit, Spiritual Spirit, Spiritual Spirit, Spirit, Spiritual Spiritual Spirites! 】

【What's the situation now? 】

[The front mountain is settled, we should launch an attack on the back mountain. 】

[Be careful that the old dog jumps over the wall in a hurry. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Is there such a black one?Daoist Chen Daoji is better than anyone else, just suppress it like this? 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[This silly beep, wait until you have free hands to clean up. 】

[Chen Daoji is capable, but he doesn't do business. 】

[He robbed my son, he deserves to die! 】

[He snatched the child, he deserves to die! 】

[What evidence do you have? 】

[Evidence of lightning strikes from the sky! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

The main hall in the back mountain is not completely good.

Chen Daoji wasn't ready, he was vomiting blood in anger.

Chen Daoji looked 70 to [-] years old, but no one knew exactly.But he looks good, wearing a crane cloak is very immortal, now he is so angry that he can't control his usual appearance.

Chen Daoji became fierce, unlike ordinary people, he seemed to be carrying thunder.

Chen Daoji has many magic tools and various talismans on him, and he is very rich.

Ruan Ling heard it.

The door of the main hall has not been repaired, like a rough room.Ruan Lingwen seemed to see his own house, all rough houses, but they were different.

There are hundreds of people around here, armed with knives, guns and sticks, they are menacing.

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and threw it at it.

Chen Daoji hurriedly resisted.

Gold Brick destroyed three magical artifacts in a row.

Chen Daoji felt distressed.

A group of people were furious and attacked Ruan Lingwen.

Ruan Lingwen stepped back.

Jiang Lingjie came with a spy on his shoulder.

Those people were angry and afraid, and asked, "What is this for?"

Ruan Lingwen held the small yin and yang mirror and was fascinated.

Several veterans roared: "Stop! How much have we done?"

Ruan Ling heard the old man Gou, no one can avoid this Gou.

A group of timid people hid behind Chen Daoji.Chen Daoji looks like a mother chicken, and his painting style is quite magical.

Chen Daoji took out a magic weapon, which was also a mirror.

Ruan Lingwen smashed it with a gold brick, bang, the mirror is broken.

Chen Daoji held the order of five thunders.

Ruan Lingwen continued to hook with the small yin and yang mirror, and he would call Lei if he dared.

Chen Daoji became ruthless, chop!
Ruan Lingwen stepped away.

Jiang Lingjie started.

A group of murderers rushed out of the hall.

Police on the side to collect evidence.

If it is a serious view of Laojun, what do you do with these things?It is not normal for so many Xuanmen to gather, and these murderers are even more abnormal.Chen Daoji couldn't see it himself.But he needs murderers to arrest people.

The old monk watched, there are murderers, rape/annihilation criminals, are they selling food?If you do it now, no matter what his crime is, he will be released.

Chen Daoji shouted angrily: "Don't bully people too much!"

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