The rough room in the main hall behind Laojun Temple is quite large.

The place in front of the door is also large.There are quite a lot of people inside.There are few people outside, so there are places to display.

The people inside came out to make room for the inside.Few came out, and the ground was scattered all over the place. There was bleeding or not, and it seemed that they were all bleeding.Many people were splattered with blood and were very frightened.

Although Chen Daoji wanted to suppress Ruan Lingwen, he was also afraid of this scene.

Ruan Lingwen is not bold, she has seen too much with her eyes.This is just for the safety of more people.

Ruan Lingwen was full of momentum and shouted: "You are the one who deceived!"

A woman next to Chen Daoji, wearing a crane cloak, was a little messy, and shouted angrily: "You were not born when the Taoist priest saved people."

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and threw it at it.

Chen Daoji hurriedly blocked it with a jade seal.

Click, scrap.

Ruan Lingwen took back the gold bricks.

The old monk feels sorry for Chen Daoji, his magic weapon is about to be used up, so it's better to keep it for others.

Chen Daoji called him: "I have no grievances with you."

Old monk: "Amitabha."

Chen Daoji couldn't bully Ruan Lingwen, so he bullied the old monk instead: "What do you want?"

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and continued to hit the woman.

Chen Daoji ignored Moji and continued to rescue.The woman hid behind Chen Daoji.

There were a few Taoists who attacked Ruan Lingwen from outside the main hall.

Jiang Lingjie turned to the Q port, one for each wooden warehouse.

Xuanmen has tricks and ghosts.

The ghost ran over, and the Xuanmen over here made a move and beat the ghost away.

Wang Lin has already grasped the cooperation mode between the police and Taoism.It's a bit like the cooperation between fighters and mages, the combination of strong is the best.Xuanmen has combat power, such as holding a mahogany sword; but it is different from the police and is suitable for cooperation.

Ruan Lingwen has fighting power, and it is enough to smash it with a gold brick.

Therefore, Jiang Lingjie can also let go of his hands and feet. Attacking is the best defense.

Chen Daoji was so gloomy that he was forced to come up with a unique move!
Around the main hall, a killing formation appeared.

Ruan Lingwen took the gold brick and threw it at it.


The old monk was startled, Amitabha did not read out, and saw that a clock was smashed out of a hole.The clock is in front of the main hall, and the surroundings are not done well.

Ruan Lingwen regarded it as a sandbag, took back the gold brick, and smashed it hard.


Shaking bursts, bursts of murderous aura!
The gold brick that Ruan Lingwen took was the sandbag, and he smashed it again.


The clock is cracked!
It exploded!
The old monk carefully kept himself, seeing that the main hall was cracked, this tofu dregs project.

Chen Daoji was so angry that he vomited blood, and came over with a flag!

This black flag, with black air on it, is eerie and eerie.

When he reached Ruan Lingwen, a head suddenly appeared out of the black air, not a dragon, but a Jiao.It's big and fierce, as if it wants to eat the soul.

Ruan Lingwen took the small yin and yang mirror and put it away.Another talisman smashed over.

There are sparks, thunder, and black flags.

Ruan Lingwen took out a sword and knocked Chen Daoji over.

A group of people who followed Chen Daoji were ready to fight; unexpectedly, it would collapse?

An old man threw his head at Ruan Lingwen.

Crooked way!Ruan Lingwen took the sword and killed him!

Wang Lin watched from the side. When the little fairy drew her sword, she had no opponent.

Jiang Lingjie stopped Ruan Wenwen, enough, hard work.

Ruan Lingwen put away his sword and turned his head.

Chen Daoji wanted to get up, but he had another move.

Ruan Lingwen threw out the immortal rope and took his soul.

Wang Lin looked at the rope, and then at Chen Daoji's strongest hole card.

Is this a puppet?Wang Lin opened his eyes and asked the little fairy for advice.

Ruan Lingwen took a look and said, "It's useful, but it's version 1.0."

Wang Lin asked, "Is there any side effect?"

Ruan Lingwen nodded.

The puppet talisman is similar to the upper body of a ghost.Neither is the right way, so side effects are inevitable.If the Tao is deeper, it can solve some of the side effects, but the other part will be restricted by the way of heaven.

Chen Daoji didn't have that ability, he just did it for a long time.

Now that Chen Daoji is finished, there are still many people on the mountain.

Some people ran in a hurry, some snatched things before running, and some fought a wave before running.Those who didn't run were very few, most likely because they were shocked by the little fairy.

That one ran to the mountains.A group of people ran to the mountains.

Ruan Lingwen smashed the gold bricks.

It's golden, it flies back when you hit it, and it comes back when you hit it.It looks like fun.

A group of people who don't know who they are ran away with their heads in their hands, and were arrested by the police.

There is also a group of people running around, what seems to be hidden behind the mountain?
Ruan Lingwen ignored it and was about to call it a day.

Jiang Lingjie came over and supported her.

Ruan Lingwen took a pill and felt pretty good.

The old monk Amitabha, he is tired, looking at the little fairy, it can't be because everyone calls Linglingling, right?
The old monk was happy.Fairy is younger, stronger and better.

Ruan Lingwen cleaned up his body, and went back to talk about the bad ones.

Jiang Lingjie took off her hat, and her hair looked fine.Take out a pair of hairpins and pin them to her.

The aunt asked curiously: "Such a cute hairpin?"

Jiang Lingjie said, "Kailin bought it."

The aunt laughed and said, "It's fun to have more brothers and sisters."

Jiang Lingjie said: "She likes to play in the orphanage."

Everyone is gone.

There are people behind to clean up.Chen Daoji's involvement is not small, or rather big.

Wang Lin didn't care.Those that need to be pulled away will be pulled away, and a result will be given after the pulling is over.

Ruan Lingwen came down from the mountain.

There are still many people in the village.

Wang Yang rushed over suddenly and shouted: "Hello Shi Lingling!"

Ruan Lingwen stopped and looked at her.

Wang Yang felt embarrassed again, and said, "I've always wanted a child."

Ruan Lingwen looked at her face and asked, "Your mother sent your nephew to you?"

Wang Yang nodded and changed color.

Her husband put his arms around her shoulders and asked the little fairy respectfully: "Excuse me, what should I do?"

Ruan Lingwen said, "Everyone knows about her necklace."

Ruan Lingwen left.

Jiang Lingjie, Wei Zhou and others were protecting her.

Wang Yang didn't have a chance to say anything more.However, when she took off the necklace, her face turned blue and pale.

A group of people gathered around to care (eat melon).

Wang Yang's husband said: "This is a gift from my mother-in-law when I got married, and it is said to be passed down from my ancestors."

Wang Yang held the old pendant and said bitterly, "Yes."

A Taoist priest came from behind.Wang Yang took it over and asked for advice: "What's the problem with this?"

The Taoist took a look and said, "Yin things affect the body."

Seeing that the Taoist priest was busy, Wang Yang's husband hurriedly asked him for a phone number and asked him for help later.

Wang Yang cried angrily.

Her husband hugged her to comfort her.

Wang Yang cried loudly, "I'm sorry for you."

Her husband kissed her and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Apart from having no children, aren't we doing well? Besides, there will be children."

Wang Yang hated it, and asked, "Still thinking about our family business?"

The husband reassured: "Forget it, don't think about it."

His mother-in-law is delusional.If she hadn't always wanted to send her nephew over, Wang Yang wouldn't insist on having her own child.

Wang Yang said firmly: "If we don't have one at the age of 40, we will adopt one."

The husband nodded and said, "Okay."

Someone asked: "Don't try surrogacy (illegal) pregnancy?"

Wang Yang said: "We don't do anything that violates the law. Even if it's abroad, that won't work."

It's like taking//drugs in foreign countries, but that's absolutely not allowed.

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