Ruan Lingwen returned home and slept all day.

Woke up when it was getting late, spirit!She changed her clothes and went to the living room. She was hungry after smelling the aroma.

Yao Juan made a lot of delicious food for the big baby.

Ruan Haolin made stewed mutton with taro for the elder sister.

Ruan Lingwen was the happiest, sitting down at the dining table and eating.

Ruan Haolin held the bowl and started to eat too.

Ruan Letian looked at his mobile phone and said with emotion: "Many people speak for Chen Daoji."

Yao Juan asked coldly, "What did you say?"

Ruan Letian was afraid of his wife, so he said, "Tell him well."

Yao Juan said, "How many people did he kill?"

Pretend to be a good person while harming others, can he be a really good person?What's more, what kind of good person is nothing more than doing things for those people.Those who seek money and children, are they considered good people if they seek it?

Ruan Lingwen just ate, faster than his younger brother.

For a large table, Ruan Haolin is not afraid of running out of food.

Ruan Letian said: "These people want to talk about Wenwen. They are not as good as others."

Yao Juan said, "You want Wenwen to coax them? Dreaming!"

Ruan Haolin said: "Eldest sister wants to practice herself."

It's not to coax them to play.

Yao Juan said: "Chen Daoji doesn't practice himself, he harms others. A group of people don't care, as long as he has the ability? It's really scary."

Not afraid to teach Hao Lin badly.He should learn a little.In this world, there are many good people and many bad people.Don't be fooled by them.

Ruan Lingwen finished eating.

Yao Juan brought a plate of fruit.

Ruan Haolin went to wash the dishes.

There are many bowls, Ruan Letian is watching.

Ruan Haolin cleaned up and came out, but the eldest sister hadn't finished eating yet.

Ruan Lingwen prepared a plate of fruit for his younger brother.Sliced ​​apples, peeled grapefruits.

Ruan Haolin sat down to eat, and a classmate contacted him.

Ruan Haolin and the eldest sister said, "Is this a test?"

Ruan Lingwen glanced at it and thought it was a bird.

Yao Juan asked, "What are you doing?"

Ruan Haolin said: "Let me take my eldest sister to the class reunion. It is said that there are brothers, sisters, cousins, and cousins."

Yao Juan snorted, "I want to peach."

Ruan Haolin doesn't compare himself with others.His parents are different from others, and his grandparents are all different from others, and they cannot be compared.His eldest sister is not comparable to ordinary people.

Ruan Haolin said: "A classmate insisted that her grandparents are good and invited me to play."

Yao Juan said: "No matter how good others are, they are not mine."

Ruan Haolin understood.Your own home is fine, and you don't need to care about others.

Ruan Lingwen went to bed again.

Ruan Haolin wasn't asleep yet.

Yao Juan cleaned up the house.

Ruan Kailin called back.

Ruan Haolin answered the phone and called, "Second Sister."

Ruan Kailin asked, "What did you do at home?"

Ruan Haolin said: "Cooking, washing dishes, how is Second Sister today?"

When Ruan Kailin saw her mother, she complained: "A woman came to the crew and wanted to PUA me."

Yao Juan asked, "What did she say?"

Ruan Kailin said: "Let me perform well, win glory for everyone, and show fans."

The third aunt interrupted: "Pretend I don't exist."

Ruan Kailin said: "She wants to be my aunt, and it doesn't matter whether she is worthy or not!"

Yao Juan said, "Just ignore her."

Ruan Kailin said: "I didn't pay attention to her. She still wanted to arrange for me. She said there was a show."

The third aunt said: "As long as I don't sign it, it's useless for her to break her throat."

Ruan Kailin nodded.Holding the third aunt and acting like a baby.

Yao Juan felt relieved.

hang up the phone.Ruan Haolin said: "Some people are really bad."

Ruan Letian watched him go to sleep.When you meet a bad guy, just deal with him.

Ruan Haolin will not be soft on the bad guys.The bad guys want you to be soft.

Ruan Lingwen was in the bedroom.When I wake up, the spring breeze blows.

The sun is good.Very comfortable.Looking at the fountain below from the window, the renovated fountain is very beautiful.

It's the Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of flowers in the community.Some people also have flowers at home.

Ruan Lingwen only kept a few pots at home, and there was no place to put them.

Li Lingyin and Li Linghui sent some over. It's the Chinese New Year, so we should be more happy.

Ruan Lingwen looked at Sister Hui and asked, "Is someone chasing you?"

Li Linghui is basically normal now, and said: "A trash."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "He is not good enough for Sister Hui."

Li Linghui hugged Wenwen and laughed.Wenwen is a treasure.

Li Lingyin is not ordinary deaf-mute, she can hear and speak normally.

Ruan Lingwen said, "Sister Yin's biological parents are here?"

Li Lingyin said: "It was my younger brother who wanted to do a live broadcast. I said, I have the most brothers and sisters. My mother cried all the time. I have been deaf and dumb for more than 20 years and I haven't cried that much."

Li Linghui and Yao's mother said: "Lingyin asked her mother for money, so she could return Wenwen's cochlear money. Her mother said that Wenwen should help her sister with so much money. Lingyin said, so she and the orphanage have a good relationship. Honey."

Yao Juan sneered and said, "It's all shameless."

Ruan Lingwen snorted, "They want to sell Sister Yin."

Li Lingyin touched Wenwen's head and said, "Don't worry, I'll call the police if something happens."

Ruan Lingwen hugged sister Hui and rubbed against sister Yin, and said with concern: "You all need to protect yourselves."

Li Linghui smiled.It looks good when you smile.

Let's make delicious food together.

Ruan Lingwen just waited to eat.

Zhang Ying sent her a message: [Another group has been invited to drink tea. 】

Ruan Lingwen asked: 【Do you want to come to my house for dinner? 】

Zhang Ying asked: [What's delicious? 】

Ruan Lingwen looked at the kitchen: [Stewed duck with ham, chicken soup with abalone and scallops, mushroom dumplings. 】

Ruan Lingwen sent another message: [My mother cooks, sister Hui cooks delicious food, Hao Lin is a potential stock. 】

Zhang Ying replied: 【Bring me some tomorrow. 】

Ruan Lingwen replied: [Let my mother do it again. 】

Ruan Ling smelled the kitchen and it was quite crowded.

Li Lingyin smiled and said, "When we move there, the kitchen is big."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "We can have a party in the kitchen. But it doesn't seem that big."

Li Lingyin said: "No. The kitchen is big, and the back is even bigger."

Yao Juan asked: "Do I have to go around the house after eating?"

Li Lingyin blinked.Wenwen would when he was young.Compared with someone's home, the orphanage is quite big.

Ruan Haolin said to the eldest sister, "I want to learn the flute."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said, "Okay."

Yao Juan said: "Your second sister's piano can also be learned."

Ruan Haolin said, "That's not difficult."

Li Lingyin didn't think it was difficult either.She plays Ruan Qin now.Just because Ruan Qin's surname is Ruan.

Jiang Lingjie came back and looked for Ruan Wenwen.

Ruan Lingwen looked at Brother Lingjie, what's the matter?

Jiang Lingjie said: "Didn't the begging son find you? Another one wants to ask you for a son. There are four daughters, begging for a son."

Ruan Lingwen ate chicken drumsticks.

Jiang Lingjie said: "There are still those who have been infertile for many years, and I ask you to ask for a child."

Li Lingyin said, "Wenwen is a child."

Li Linghui said: "Wenwen doesn't owe them anything."

Jiang Lingjie nodded and said, "Some people think that Chen Daojin is capable, so they want to make up for it."

Ruan Haolin snorted coldly: "Nonsense."

Li Linghui said: "It's all shameless. Reading Wenwen is easy to bully."

Jiang Lingjie smiled.Who said Ruan Wenwen was easy to bully?
Even on the Internet, those are called dogs.There is no need for Ruan Wenwen to do anything, there are many people who defend her.Ruan Wenwen is so kind, there are many people with long eyes, and many people who dare to speak.

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