Afternoon, one twenty.

Ruan Lingwen sat in the study and started the live broadcast: "Welcome to the Shiling Shibuling live broadcast room."

[Anchor, I'm looking for you. 】

[The anchor watches. 】

Ruan Lingwen chooses people.

The first person to be hugged on the mic was a guy.

The guy is under 30 years old, fat, busy, not handsome.

Ruan Lingwen greeted: "Hello."

The young man said anxiously: "Shi Lingling is well. I am going to get married on Sunday, but my wife is gone."

Ruan Lingwen said: "She was kidnapped. You know, someone has been chasing her, and she is now illegally detained."

The boy was furious: "You said it was that one?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "Yes. That one is also watching the live broadcast, very proud? Crazy criticism? I only deal with crazy criticism."

Ruan Lingwen lowered his head to call the police, and said, "Your family has a background, so you'll be fine if you let him go? What are you dreaming about? If you're not going to be treated today, I have your last name!"

The guy is busy, talk to others.

Netizens were furious.

[I know which crazy critic it is. 】

[What are you talking about crazy criticism, but there is a background, and you are committing a crime. 】

[Abduct someone else's bride and lock her up?Are you fucking human? 】

[The whole family is not human! 】

After Ruan Lingwen called the police, draw a talisman.

[Shi Lingling stop! 】

[Call now, it's too late! 】

[Things like you just haven't been taught enough! 】

[It’s just a lesson, but it won’t kill you guys!This is for your own good! 】

[The man's grandfather is amazing. 】

[His mother is also a big official. 】

[It doesn't matter how big or small, everyone in the village can suppress the villagers. 】

Ruan Lingwen drew a good talisman and burned it.

[The bride has been released. 】

[There are photos of the bride on the Internet. 】

Ruan Lingwen was furious and continued to draw symbols.

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen burned a talisman, as if there was lightning, which startled her.

[What's wrong with baby Lingling? 】

[The crazy mansion was struck by lightning. 】

[The photos on the Internet have been cleared. 】

[Shi Lingling, you are courting death! 】

[You're looking for death! 】

[Take fruit photos and post them on the Internet, your whole family will be damned! 】

[The crazy aunt is also a crazy aunt. 】

Ruan Lingwen said angrily: "I said before that we only deal with crazy critics, and today we will punish all the crazy critics in your family."


[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[This aunt beat someone at school, and the child who was beaten didn't dare to make a sound. 】

[This aunt's man flirted with me at the beginning, but she beat me up in the end. 】

[Call the police. 】

【Call the police. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

Ruan Lingwen sent out such a big bad luck talisman.

[Hello Shi Lingling, I am the rescued lady. 】

【I'm fine now, thank you Shi Lingling. 】

[I am her mother, thank you Shi Lingling. 】

The young man was busy, facing the camera, lowered his head and did not dare to raise his head, and said, "Hello Shi Lingling, thank you. However, I may not be married anymore, I don't know if it is right or wrong?"

Ruan Lingwen said: "This is your personal matter, I will not interfere."

The boy said with shame: "I still want to thank you."

A woman came over and reasoned with everyone: "It's not that I look down on it. It's because relatives have said it's ugly. Even if it's a few years later, my son will still live. I hope everyone can understand my difficulties."

【What's the meaning? 】

[I think that woman is not clean. 】

[I'm going to fuck! 】

[This is about robbing the wife, can you still act? 】

[Other people's wives can be snatched, but this is because you don't even want your own wife? 】

[Which relative said it badly, let's talk after two big slaps! 】

【Is this because you don't treat your daughter-in-law as your own, let others say what your own? 】

[I'm going to get married soon, with the attitude of my mother-in-law, don't get married. 】

[Shi Lingling, can you turn on the microphone for me? 】

Ruan Lingwen opened the microphone.

The lady did not show up, and she spoke calmly: "Thank you very much for your support, although it may not be for me, but for women. Then I am also one of the women, and I thank you all."

[I feel that Miss Sister is very powerful. 】

[I feel that the man will regret it. 】

[If you make this decision at such a time, the crematorium will not be used, so it will be rejected directly. 】

The lady said: "Everyone doesn't know much about the situation, and I don't want to talk too much, so let's just get together and break up."

【right. 】

[There is no point in saying anything else. 】

[If you have anything, you still have to face it yourself. 】

The lady said: "I was a little scared since the crazy chase. However, he obviously played it, he could afford it, and this time he was just playing casually. No matter how I am so unlucky, things have already happened, I don't care. Something will happen, Shi Lingling can testify."

Ruan Lingwen yelled sweetly: "Pretty sister, come on!"

The lady said with a smile: "I was very lucky to meet Lingling. I will not become unlucky."

Ruan Lingwen nodded and said: "Let those who talk nonsense have sores on their mouths and go to hell with their tongues pulled out."

The lady said happily: "Shi Lingling is a girl, don't keep cursing. Instead, let those who talk nonsense have sores on their mouths and tongue-pulling hell."

[Let those who talk nonsense have sores on their mouths and pull out their tongues to hell. 】

[Linglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglinglingling! 】

[Miss is the most beautiful! 】

[How big is it? 】

[It was just bitten by a mad dog. 】

[I feel that Miss Sister will live as a queen. 】

The lady said happily: "Thank you for your support. I wish every woman the most beautiful life."

Ma'am down the wheat.

[Hahaha the groom has already regretted it. 】

[What's the use of regretting?Damn disagree. 】

[Their mother and son can go play, our queen will not accompany you. 】

Ruan Lingwen was in a good mood and said, "I will continue to choose candidates."

On the screen, a lady appeared.

She seems to be in a baby's room, her figure is not very good, she looks like she is breastfeeding, and the room is messy.

The lady cleaned up in a hurry, put on a mask herself, and said hello: "Hi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said politely, "Hello."

The lady said: "Sorry, I have something to ask for your help. I was at home after I was pregnant, and I accidentally found that my husband was outside. It seems that the property has been transferred. Can you help me find the property? I can donate it .”

The woman added: "I can earn my own money. Cheating while I'm pregnant is not something I will tolerate."

Ruan Lingwen looked at the message she sent, and returned it to her after finishing the calculation.

The lady watched and was very satisfied: "Thank you Shi Lingling."

Ruan Lingwen said softly, "Sister, come on."

The lady smiled, overflowing with maternal love, and said, "Thank you, baby Lingling."

【Shi Lingling is always so sweet. 】

[My anger was appeased. 】

[Be happy for yourself, there is no need to be angry for those who are not worthy. 】

[Cheating and transferring property while his wife was pregnant, this man is a real scumbag. 】

Ruan Lingwen said: "They have been together for many years, they can sue him for bigamy."

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